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Did MCC die

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Eleung_musk, Sep 29, 2020.


Has MCC become too bad to play minigames

  1. Yes my kdr is in the negatives now

    22 vote(s)
  2. No I’m a sweat and win every game

    14 vote(s)
  1. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    Welcome. To this, I say yes. I’m still waiting for the minigames revamp. ( I haven’t been keeping up with the news, if there’s any changes pls inform me).
    JoaoOssucci and Lexxonist like this.
  2. Lieger

    Jul 27, 2019
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    sorry for the self promo but I made a video briefly discussing a minigame revamp:

    if you go to the 14:47 time stamp I talk about it fairly briefly, as well as that, you can go to the comments and see stuff that people have found out about a revamp from actual staff on the server including devs.
    JoaoOssucci likes this.
  3. JoaoOssucci

    Apr 24, 2020
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    Hii Eleunguinhoooo, missing you btw...

    I don't think Minigames Revamp is coming soon, if it's really coming someday. But if you miss MC Central, I would tell you to come back even without the Revamp, better enjoy the server now than cry when it die for real, cause seems like it's what is happening, the server is getting down, unfortunately.
  4. So...

    The video was okay (overall), but it still didn't cover all of the points. Some points were not (very well) explained, while others required more explanation.

    MCC is failing mainly because there's nothing much to do. You can easily quit or get board when you enter an on-going sub-server (as a rookie), the server is really killing non-ranked users with p2w. Now Minigames on MCC isn't such a big trend (as it used to be in past.) I still don't think minigame revamp would save MCC (from losing its players.) I doubt that MCC would be able to present a brand new (amazing) game mode of theirs on to the server (like most of the other big servers do.) Originality on MCC is very low (asides from sub-servers.) Most game modes are the same as other servers but are just lacking with updates.

    MCC doesn't present anything new if it has its own original game modes (than that would be game-changing.) Since it copies other popular server game modes (not many would look up to MCC as they do to the original creators of the idea.) I left MCC because I was board as hell, there was legit nothing "fun." It would feel very dull after you play it for several months (not to mention the updates are so darn rare, and most of the time not so special.)

    Well, this was my opinion and point of view from my experience on MCC.

  5. Lieger

    Jul 27, 2019
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    that's why i said it was brief, that wasn't the focus of my video
  6. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    The blacklisted server part idk I heard it was removed.

    Honestly as far as videos go, ur video proves to be really good. Points were clear and I really enjoyed listening to it.

    Now from what I heard and what my own brain tells me, there is never going to be a minigames revamp because it just doesn’t make them money. While you do say it does, the reality is that factions makes waaaay more than just minigames and in the end, minigames is just digging their own grave because hopeful players never get a change and end up basically being disappointed.

    I once said in lobby chat that the skywars number was fake. At that time, there was a staff member there. The response they gave appalled me. They said ‘No’ and I went further trying to press them for the actual answer and they replied ‘No the number is completely real. That’s just untrue’. It’s just shocking how some either 1) Deny it or 2) Blatantly lie about it. I really wish MCC had better staff and with the direction it’s going, overnight it’ll fall.

    @JoaoOssucci I didn’t quit xD. I got a req ban so I’ll be back soon
    JoaoOssucci likes this.
  7. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    Just read another thread about how MCC might be trash. While I agree it is going to cause drama, but it is like a commentary channel on YouTube. Commentary channels help to sometimes give good criticism and help other channels receive it and use it well. Some of these forums are like commentary channels but then because of the strict guidelines, MCC staff owners may never be able to receive the criticism and instead bash the commentary channels and shut them up.

    This is in correlation with the dude @Josh who posted a thread and it got locked.
  8. legonerfboy

    Mar 25, 2020
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    MCC quite frankly is just a shit server now, and that will never change. We have owners that dont spend a $ to change the server and make it more fun to play, and that has pretty much been the same since 2013.

    Playing on other big servers just shows you how fucking bad MCC is, and it sucks because it used to be so much fun.
    iZyro and JoaoOssucci like this.
  9. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Yes it’s dead, no need for more cpr

    they’re resetting creative. no threads about that have been made in a long while, whereas the community requests for a minigame revamp are just being ignored

    The admins are adding stupid rules (I.e. no offenses in private chats) because of the only server that they care about: factions

    Mcc has the potential to become a huge server again, but the ignorance coming from the admins & Alex makes me feel like mcc is never becoming what it was in 2016ish again.
  10. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    Wait they are resetting creative? That’s something new.
  11. JoaoOssucci

    Apr 24, 2020
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    This is definitely the best definition about what I am feeling now.
    Nobody asked for Creative Reset, we are all expecting the Minigames Revamp, and it seems it's not coming and never will.
    guih likes this.
  12. Atohmic

    Jan 30, 2020
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    I don't think its fully dead exactly yet, but I do think it is going dead. They can do a lot to revive and bring people back to it like a new anti-cheat updates to minigames and focus on other sub-servers aside from facs prison and sb. There is more they can do also to help start a revive on it but at this moment it is dyeing and is not fully dead yet.
    JoaoOssucci likes this.
  13. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    I just want minigames revamp. No staff member will give me concrete evidence of it even coming and while they might not have access to Alex_markey and his gang, they should start doing something.

    There was a thread I can’t find it but Teddyz has replied saying ‘I’m working on a real minigames revamp’. Context behind was we were clickbaited and the person just wanted us to go to factions because it was resetting. So they put their title as ‘Minigames revamp’ and then talked about factions. I think it was Unadvised but I’m not entirely sure. Anyways while this may be taken as a joke, I’m still waiting for it to actually come true. I came to this server a long time ago. I’ve seen countless resets but minigames got reset once and creative got reset once or twice. So technically if creative was reset once, then it’s being reset again... then minigames would be the only ‘sub server’ if you would call it that, to have one reset and the least amount.

    Why reset? I think this would be a good question to answer. Resets happen for 2 reasons: Money and the sub server is dying. So minigames might not make the most money, but is it dying? Based on the player count(which is kinda fake), it isn’t dying. However, the people want change. They are basically screaming for it to change and showing the potential that it could bring. While it may not be dead, it is going to die. And when that time comes, there won’t be a reset, there will just be pain.
    JoaoOssucci likes this.
  14. khoztymis

    Jan 6, 2020
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    We have been patiently waiting for a mini games revamp for years but nothing has come. At this point it’s either bore yourself to death playing the exact same shit or find a new server. MCC potentially could become a massive server again if they revamp mini games because ultimately mini games are the main attraction for big servers but that’s up to the staff to keep ignoring hundreds/thousands of requests to revamp.
    pokebaby likes this.
  15. pokebaby

    Dec 24, 2019
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    couldnt have said it better myself
  16. To_Ezzy

    Mar 27, 2020
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    I do not think that McCentral is dead. I do think that the server is slowly starting to lose players, mainly because of the Anti-Cheat not being to good. I feel like if the server adds a better Anti-Cheat it will start doing better player wise again.

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