Stop staff members (above helper) from playing non minigame modes.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by B5M/B9M, Oct 1, 2020.

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  1. B5M/B9M

    Nov 3, 2019
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    These modes consist of kitpvp, prisons, factions, etc. From my experience (kitpvp), staff can be very lenient towards their clan members, and much less lenient against people they dislike. Whether or not you like someone shouldn't be influencing a staffs decision in any way shape or form. I've seen staff 1v1 someone in p5 and ss them midfight and make it so their loot drops on the ground - just to get a single p5 set. Some of my friends had this happen to them. Another thing, due to the fact that staff generally play the server the most, they are the richest and most powerful on the server, and a lot of times staff will team up with eachother. To be honest, I don't remember the last time ive seen two staff members have an actual 1v1 no givebacks or anything, just straight up fight. It's unfair to new players/players without a large team of people. The reason I believe helpers should be able to play is 1. for the players to be able to see that staff exist and the server isn't ruleless, 2. so that theres people on and moderating chat, and 3. because helpers don't have too many powers to abuse. Moderators+ can ban, which can lead to some of them becoming corrupted and abusing their powers. I hope you consider this, and anyone who has cases of staff being abusive/reasons mods+ shouldn't be able to play, please leave them below. (one last thing - if you do decide to do this, give the staff a choice on whether they would like to be demoted to helper or stay as higher staff)
  2. fedham

    Dec 26, 2019
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    Aight, yeah sure lets just get a ton of staff to help around the server for hours a day, without paying them **anything**, them having to deal with annoying players constantly and then on top of that, lets ban them from playing any of the gamemodes so they just sit in the spawn doing their minutes.
    LeafyTiger24, kelevin, Abar and 8 others like this.
  3. YouGetMeSoHigh

    Oct 4, 2019
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    uhh, the entire point of staff members being there is for them to interact with the server by offering assistance to players in need and catching cheaters...

    Staff have very limited duties outside of these responsibilites other than checking forum reports and discord moderating and whatnot

    To be honest, this seems like a really poorly thought-out idea. If staff members couldn't play any sub-servers at all, not only would there be far less need for staff, I don't know who would still want to be staff with this rule in effect. I myself am not staff or anything, but I can basically guarantee that there is absolutely no chance this change would ever be implemented to the server.
    BlockyBeach likes this.
  4. Elecctricc

    Mar 21, 2020
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    I disagree immensely with this post and I'll break it down for you.

    First of all your point about staff members being bias towards people is unsubstantiated currently. All the staff members are very methodical people, we don't judge a punishment duration because we like/dislike you, we see a rule broken, we punish for it - simple as that.

    If you think a staff member is abusing their power, collect data and make a staff report because stating someone is abusing, with no data to back your claim up will not hold if you want to grab the administrators attention.

    Staff members can SS anyone they believe to be suspicious, if we believe that someone is acting in a way that is non-vanilla, or setting off a reasonable amount of alerts, we have every right to freeze and carry out an SS. Not to mention a staff member won't ever tell you to drop your items/armour as you say in your post during an SS.

    Some players like to team with staff, some don't - there's nothing preventing you from making allies and having as many bodyguards as someone else. Having a staff role might encourage people to team but 9/10 times these alliances were made before most people even got their staff role.

    And finally, asking for only helpers to manage subservers (in this case KitPvP) will never happen. Who will ban those who are actually cheating? You clearly state that "helpers don't have too many powers". Mods are needed in every corner of the server, we need to ban cheaters, exploiters and when helpers are not online, even manage chat. Asking for one particular staff rank to manage the subservers of the network would send the network spiralling downwards.

    I mean no disrespect in this reply, have a nice day @B5M/B9M.
    wambam, tayhlor, kelevin and 10 others like this.
  5. BlockyBeach

    Jun 14, 2020
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    Restricting staff from playing on subservers means that there is basically nothing for them to do apart from minigames and sit in lobbies.
    Also, who is going to deal with hackers in these subservers? Helpers are not allowed to ban, and there aren't always helpers on.
    If you think a staff member is abusing their powers, you can report them.
    fedham likes this.
  6. Heya!

    There is a reward for staff completing their tasks every month (playing on server, and doing their job.) True, it isn't real-life payment, but at least it's something more than nothing.

    Helpers cannot abuse in any shape or form, because anytime a helper uses their "power" they must own proof. For example, if a helper mutes you for spam they must own pure proof (unlike the moderator.) Even if they do abuse, they would easily get punished for doing so.

    I never knew mute wasn't considered abuse while ban is? Any false actions of staff are considered abuse.

    If you are demoted as a staff member, you are fully out of the staff team, and your staff rank won't be lowered to the previous one. It's like Admin abusing their power and being demoted back to sr-mod. Staff members don't decide whether they want to be demoted or not (they can only decide to resign or not), a higher group of staff would be the one to decide whether they should demote them for abusing their power or not? Staff own their own infractions system (if you get a specific amount of infractions you are out.)

    You can't just make moderators (and above) stop playing sub-servers? Just because they are staff doesn't mean they shouldn't play. Most of the times when I played sub-servers I would usually vanish instead of pvp (since I can't.) When I was a un vanished I would get targeted non-stop (KOS), and even being a part of some team I would still be targeted. Staff cannot abuse their power as easily as you think, logs do exist (but I still understand what you mean.)
    Staff don't have this "COLOSSAL" power, instead most of us get hate for doing our jobs (by member's friends, or members themselves who got muted.)

    I am aware of staff doing SS during pvp mainly because they don't want to die to a "Cheater" but I still know what you mean. If you really think they are abusing, get some decent proof and report em!

    [Link to report bad staff members for abusing their ban powers]


  7. fedham

    Dec 26, 2019
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    I mean 10$ MCC credit. :/ really?

  8. I like how people complain about staff not knowing how many rule breakers they punish behind the sense (daily), if we had no staff members at all you would suffer with way more problems. I sometimes think people that get brings hate towards them should also take a step back and re think.

    Edit: This is possibly a hate post (since they got banned by staff for hacking on kit-pvp) ​
    #8 Deleted member 254, Oct 1, 2020
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2020
  9. tayhlor

    Jul 19, 2020
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    I disagree with this. Staff choose to help out with the server from the kindness of their hearts. It doesn't make any sense for them to put in all this hard work just to not be able to play on this server. If this happened, I could see multiple staff leaving because it wouldn't be fun anymore. The server would need to rely on the few helpers to make the reports and this would be very time consuming compared to higher ranks who can straight up issue a ban. Overall this would create a huge mess and the server would go down hill very fast.
  10. To_Ezzy

    Mar 27, 2020
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    I disagree with the one a lot. Staff should be allowed to play faction prison skyblock whatever they feel. I do think admins should not be allowed therefore they have access to a lot of commands. Mods and mod+ don’t really have much access to do things other then screenshare and ban ect. If staff aren’t allowed to play these game modes why would they be staff it will get boring for them. If a staff is playing a game mode (for example factions) and they see a cannon rule broken then they will punish for it. Or if they see someone hacking they punish for it. I know there is a lot of abusive staff on mcc I will not lie but I don’t think punishing the staff who do what they should be doing to not be able to play. For example today I was at outpost on factions and a person cheating came and started killing me I messaged Hypnotic and he came right away and banned him. As many bad staff there are there are still good ones and all staff should be allowed to play whatever game mode they want.
  11. BlockyBeach

    Jun 14, 2020
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    Admins don't normally play on subservers as they are often helping to develop and improve the server!
    Why restrict admins when there are only 4 of them?
    If they abused their power, they probably wouldn't be a Minecraft Central administrator in the first place.
  12. B5M/B9M

    Nov 3, 2019
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    Ok i see where everyones coming from but saying staff aren't corrupt (not all of them obviously) is complete BS. Play kitpvp for four years and tell me that again please. (and dont be from beta)
  13. B5M/B9M

    Nov 3, 2019
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    Also not saying all staff bans are false bans, thats obv not true. I think I only got a false punishment once, but even that was like a 30 minute mute or something. Just going off of what a lot of my friends say.
  14. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    as is might be a big pill to swallow especially from a community who likely gets lots of false hacking accusations and useless ss’s and false bans. it’s not necessarily staff member’s fault for having a title “corrupt”. if you really trace it back, it can come from one group or so but generalizing majority of staff team being “corrupt” just ain’t it.
    i completely see where you are coming from by saying that “all staff aren’t corrupt” being “bs”, but it’s not the staff members faults. like, it could’ve been the way they were “trained”, or just what they were told in certain
  15. EssentialsPlus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Yeah I would fall asleep if this was in effect, I don't understand how a helper would possibly get minutes as their duties are limited to simply just moderating chat, I would be so bored moderating chat and at that point there would be reduced amount of staff moderating the sub servers which is something you don't want lol.
  16. DutchMango

    Mar 22, 2020
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    Bruh, helpers are just players that want to help out the community, also its easier to catch cheaters and people breaking the rules if you are playing the game with them. This would never work, if you don't want to get punished, don't break the rules its as easy as that. If you try to look at a situation from the staff member's view you might be able to figure out why it seems like they are picking favorites cause they aren't.
  17. Haylos

    May 13, 2020
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    As many others have said in this thread, staff members are players too, there is no reason on why they should not be allowed to play on other sub servers, also if you believe staff members are issuing wrong punishments make sure or feel free to report them so those problems are dealt with. I will proceed to locking this thread as it is just causing controversy and drama.

    xBenz, BlockyBeach, tayhlor and 2 others like this.
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