Explosive Arrows

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nikk, Sep 23, 2020.

  1. Nikk

    Sep 8, 2020
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    I feel like explosive arrows are just too overpowered.
    It P2W to win in a sense.

    I feel like that they shouldn't be a feature in the game.
    Ranks shouldn't have advantages in mini games and only should have advantages in big subservers E.G. Prison or skyblock.

    Take for example hypxiel. Ranks have no advantage on the Sky wars server. You have to get kills and win in order to unlock stuff.
    MCC is the same concept but I just feel like by having explosive arrows it defeats the whole purpose of Sky wars.

    Having an accurate piece of 'tnt' blowing up at you and spamming at your face every 2 seconds just makes the game unplayable. You can't bridge unless you speed bridge otherwise you will get explosive arrowed. Ender pearls are the only way to get to mid without briding.

    I feel like your maps need to be more compact and smaller with 2 chests and random items not have it all given to you.

    Sky wars is meant to be played and cosmetics and other features are meant to be earned. Not to be paid for.

    Who else agrees?
    ectratr likes this.
  2. hEsTRipPin

    Nov 3, 2019
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    I understand where you're coming from. Some people do abuse the power of Explosive Arrows. When they spam them that can be very annoying. BUT, they are so fun to use. I enjoy them, and I'm sure you would too. I don't think they should be taken away. Ranked users buy ranks to get upgrades and Explosive Arrows is just apart of it.
  3. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Explosive arrows are actually somewhat balanced, in my oppinion.

    Explosive arrows do not deal knockback damage, as such if someone bridges with cobblestone, you can not knock them off, whereas non-explosive arrows would easily ping them off.

    Personally, given the open, I'd toggle off explosive arrows, I prefer having the knockback from regular arrows over the ability to break blocks, to be honest.

    I'd love to see the ability to toggle on/off explosive arrows (only before the game starts, no mid-game swapping!)
    EBallan, yummies, Raqueese and 5 others like this.
  4. Lewklo

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I have seen countless amount of complaints with the explosive arrows being pay 2 win. Mini-games shouldn't be pay to win as everyone should have the same chance at the game, explosive arrows aren't exactly so much pay to win, but I do believe they are quite over powered, as they can quite easily kill someone while bridging. As Kieren said, theres no knock back with explosive arrows and most people would prefer to have their arrows non-explosive which I 100% agree that there should be the option to toggle them on and off or they should rather be earnt by levelling up. I really hope an alternative to explosive arrows is added, because most people seemingly don't enjoy playing with them in the game.
    yummies, BlockyBeach, Nikk and 2 others like this.
  5. forgranted

    Mar 25, 2020
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    I believe KierenBoal's idea is the best solution as it has the possibility of making both ranks and nonranks happy. Unfortunately, some people have bought their rank solely for explosive arrows in minigames making it so if they took it away, the community would get upset and basically complain about how it was the only reason they bought a rank. Is it pay to win? Yes. Is it OP? Sometimes. Should something be done? Absolutely. So I do appreciate you taking the time to make a thread like this with valid points and concerns.
  6. I will make an add on.

    Explosive arrows are legit op (yes they are.)

    They still can knock you off (if you aim at the player's side)

    I learned a tactic to snipe off people with cobblestones with an exploding arrow. You see exploding arrows are just a fireball (being summoned), and If I am correct you can snipe off people by shooting next to them. A perfect aim and you can possibly result in this:

    *The gif ain't working bruh, says a 2MB file is too big.*



    I had more incidents but I didn't record them, so one time I managed to shoot underneath a guy and he flew 8 blocks in the air.

    These arrows can destroy any block (asides from cobble stone and few others), which gives a huge advantage.

    These arrows are indeed pay to win, and are very powerful.

    #6 Deleted member 254, Sep 24, 2020
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2020
    Nikk and ectratr like this.
  7. Nikk

    Sep 8, 2020
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    Good point and validation. I think this is better actually rather than removing them altogether. I guess you can see where my frustration is coming from when I speed bridge as a normal player ( soon to be bedrock or immortal ) and some other immortal just shoots 1 arrow at me. Fall to my death that's free kills for them.

    I think a toggle option would be a good solution as you have said which can be toggled in the pre lobby not in the main game itself.

    True, I am soon buying a rank for the server and I will most likely greatly appreciate the explosive arrow side of it.
    It's just that my main concern is just overall the style of a game titled 'Sky Wars' where you are meant to bridge over and kill people and go to mid. This isn't possible in MCC due to an immortal rank ( I hold nothing against them ) just bow spamming you and deleting your whole floor.
    Ya see where I am coming from???

    But overall I think a toggaleable option for explosive and non would be a good feature.

    As above.
    Sticking with Kierens statement make a toggleable arrow. ( you can't swap in game only in the pre lobby )

    As above.
    There are some backsets when removing certain items and I can see the outroar of the community but I feel like a toggleable arrow would be a nice feature.

    Thanks for all the reponses and mixed opinions!

    Much Love Nick <3
    hEsTRipPin likes this.
  8. Cefr

    May 9, 2020
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    In a way I can see explosive arrows being a little op, but in a way it's still balanced. Regular arrow are exactly what you expect, but once they are explosive the kb from it is different and usually doesn't do any. I think that is the main way it's balanced is that it does nearly 0 kb. For what you are saying about you need to speed bridge to get to mid because of these arrows isn't that true. If anything it makes it easier because if it hits you directly it does 0 kb. One finally thing there are other ways to get to mid. If you are in solos which is what I mostly play you can just tnt jump. It's a little slower, but I die A LOT less from other players when I tnt jump then bridging. One thing to note, if your tnt gets hit by an explosive before you ignite it with your button it will explode in your face within a second. Just my thoughts on this.

  9. Nikk

    Sep 8, 2020
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    Nearly 0? *Ahem* Wrong, they deal tons of KB if you hit the player in the correct spot. Due to server lag and other features affecting the performance of gameplay and KB.
    Good other solutions though I might start TNT jumping.
  10. TheKingOfTurtlez

    Nov 30, 2019
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    Explosive arrows themselves deal virtually 0 knock back if you directly hit a player, if you hit the blocks a player is on top of, then it will send my mans flyin. Hope this helps!
    Deleted member 254 likes this.
  11. Heya!

    I would say you are wrong, you see the reason why these arrows deal no knock-back is due to fireball being for whatever reason summoned a block away (after the player is hit with an arrow.) You can of course hit a block (next to a player), so the fireball was summoned next to the player and dealt knockback. Lag gives you no KB instead of getting it (most of the time.)

    This is my theory (of how this exploding arrow thingy works)

    Nikk likes this.
  12. Nikk

    Sep 8, 2020
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  13. YouGetMeSoHigh

    Oct 4, 2019
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    Why would you think that it's okay for sub-servers to be pay to win, but not minigames? This makes no sense??

    Also, explosive arrows really aren't OP bc they can just be countered by building w cobble, I can't tell you how many kills I've lost by sniping someone on a bridge but they don't fall bc of my explosive arrows doing no kb, there'll be situations when I hit someone like 4 times and they don't fall off

    I think that as @KierenBoal said, a toggle option should be introduced for explosive arrows. Regardless, it's a moot point because MCC doesn't care about their minigames and does nothing to update/maintain them.
    ectratr likes this.
  14. AyeItsBeck

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Explosive arrows are really confusing as a donator perk. If you are against a new player who doesn't understand what they do, and still builds with dirt, they are extremely op, but against any player who poses a legitimate threat and builds with cobblestone, you are better off being a rookie so your arrows are guaranteed to actually deal knockback. A toggle for explosive arrows would be amazing, since then I could just turn them off. It feels like its a pay-to-lose situation where with the rank you have so much less kill pressure than if you were a rookie, unless under very specific circumstances, or if you get a really lucky explosive arrow below the enemy that hits them off. The issue is that explosive arrows are just way too inconsistent in comparison with regular arrows and are not worth the tradeoff in my opinion.
    yummies, mcrcus and Swinger like this.
  15. amandasowavy

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Super cool post man!!!1!1!1!1!1!1!!

    It would also be really super cool if you guys actually updated minigames for once in three years instead of only working on sub-servers and completely ignoring the minigame community!
  16. Josh

    Jul 22, 2019
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    everyone has wanted them gone for years so gl

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