About staff and the server

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by CheeseBoi27, Sep 3, 2020.

  1. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I asked what the person said, i didn't ask for your whole life story. I'll ask you again, what did your friend get muted for saying?
    Ahnxious likes this.
  2. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    My friend got muted because he was saying no to this one person to send nudes, basically, someone told them to send nudes to them and the other person said no, then got muted because of saying no to him, the person who said, give me nudes did not get mtued but the person who said no
  3. Alansar_trignot

    Jul 23, 2019
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    What on earth was this war zone that happened here??
    Also,CheeseBoi27, think about it, your not fit for being staff with HOW MUCH COMPLAINING IS HERE.
    If you would like to help the server, then stop complaining, play mini games, use a video recorder and just record until you get a hacker on it, and then cut out a lot until you get 3 minutes or less of footage with the hacker in it at least once hacking. You have to try, not complain, that’s how it all works, saying I can’t do this will get you NO WHERE, if you were to see how many reports I can get in a whole day depending on how many hackers there are, that would HOPEFULLY give you enough courage to do even ONE report.
    Yes, it “takes forever” and forever is a few moments of your precious time for complaining. I’m planning on applying for staff, as soon as I find out what I have to do in order to apply, I will, it’s an easy task, ok??
    Now if a staff member could PLEASE lock this thread, that would be wonderful.
    abbs likes this.
  4. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    If people really really really really really really tried to improve this server they can, they are just not taking the chance, you are all not seeing the picture here
  5. Lxvely

    Jul 25, 2020
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    As someone who has been playing on this server since 2016, I can see where some of your frustrations may come from; however, I greatly disagree with the ways that you have voiced your frustration. I don't think you fully realize the amount of behind-the-scenes work that goes on with maintaining and staffing a server like this. While I have had my own personal problems with staff members, I recognize that there are proper ways of going about voicing your frustrations.

    On a second note, a better way to go about suggesting ideas/improvements is to create a forum post outlining your ideas instead of creating a thread simply bashing the staff and owners.

    Have a lovely day :)
    #25 Lxvely, Sep 3, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2020
    JoaoOssucci, abbs and Xermes like this.
  6. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    Jesus this was a Long conversation and I didn’t wanna read the whole thing especially since I had to squint my eyes at all the dark words.

    So uh just wanted to put out that you seem to have a humongous ego. I mean helping people out of depression is cool and all, maybe you should be a counsellor? Like your very own downfall is when you think you’re the best and you can be the best person ever, you’re like freaking God and every staff member be peasants or something. Just step down from your thrown. 100 player reports doesn’t take that Long, I mean I took a very Long time but that’s because I played like 1 or 2 hours and I still could get a decent amount maybe up to like 15.

    Also, if you think the staff are dumb or they didn’t do the right thing, you can always report them. I like staff and I think they’re really chill(most of em), also they take time out of their day to help you ban hackers. If 98%( I think that’s the number) of the staff team are Super dumb dumb and can’t do their job, I think MCC would’ve been destroyed a Long time ago, like utterly just annihilated off the planet, never to be seen again.

    As for your message about MM, I mean you think Alex Markey has that much time to read through every single post that someone has to make? You make it seem like it’s so easy to do what you asked, I mean it still takes time and effort, they can’t just do it out of thin air. However, I’m sure you know this since you’ve talked people out of suicide and depression. It takes time and effort to make a server, code, and entice your players.

    Really do something about your ego. Words he used: ‘Perfect friend’ ‘An awesome staff’ ‘Perfect friendship and relationship’. Jeez this dude might be the proudest person I’ve ever met.

    ‘Every shot you don’t take you miss’, ok well sometimes some shots you take make you end up with debt. For example, if I gamble away all my money, I have a chance to make a ‘shot’. If I don’t gamble away all my money, I can keep it but then I’ll never know if I was truly doing the right thing... Good logic there. Same goes for MCC. They don’t want to make hundreds of changes because ultimately it could make the situation worse. For some things, yes they should add. However, MINOR details or dumb details like ‘AdD 2 MuRdErs’ I don’t think it’s really necessary.

    Hopefully this adds insight and hope you don’t end up stroking your own ego even further.
  7. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    I'm going to be real honest here, I was like this a few months ago. Something that I learned is don't talk about change if you are not committed to being the one to make the change. Want this server to change? You need to change yourself and help contribute to that idea you have. If not there is really no use about talking about it. I don't know a lot of staff but I can guarantee you that some of them are really trying their best. Imagine having to fill out 50-100 reports just to get staff. That seems like a commitment to me ngl.
    JoaoOssucci and Alansar_trignot like this.
  8. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    When I read that I mean it does honestly really make sense, but you know what, I might try, but I mean it might take a pretty long time though
  9. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    Trying is all that really counts. I've been trying to apply on the server for like 3+ years. I just personally been busy and distracted recently so it's going to take time and patience when applying. I hope the best for you and the years to come.

  10. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    Thanks :D
    Ahnxious likes this.

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