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Freezing the whole team during SS's in UHC

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Amvya, Sep 7, 2020.

  1. Amvya

    Oct 14, 2019
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    Hi so as a UHC player who knows a lot of people who have been frozen during the UHC game I think that if you are going to freeze someones teammate then the person or people the frozen player is with should get frozen or at least protected. I think it throws a lot people's games when their teammate gets frozen and has to fight a three team or two team alone. Especially if the frozen player is clean and their teammate dies while trying to 2v1 or 3v1 another team. It is also unfair to the player who gets frozen if their team dies while they are being ss'd.
    wambam, Departition_, ectratr and 2 others like this.
  2. ectratr

    Jun 22, 2020
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    You bring up an excellent point, it's very unfair to the team mates of the frozen player. However, there's no perfect solution as no matter what, the person being frozen has time taken out of their game to ss, hence throwing their game to at-least some degree. Some screenshares can take even longer, I have personally seen 15-20+ minute screenshares, and in a game with a limited amount of time that literally throws the person being frozen's game. Saying that, you bring up a good point that the team could have invincibility, or something to shield them from opposing teams, but that would still bring up a problem as people can exploit that, purposely getting frozen so their team mate has invincibility or whatever. So I agree with you that a better system should probably be started for people's team mates who are frozen, however I think it needs more thought so no one exploits anything. Have a good day/night - 3iz
  3. Swaatik

    Jul 29, 2019
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    TBH ss'ing during an event is really dumb especially when its an elimination based event. I feel users should be ss'ed after the event has happened (if they win) or before pvp is enabled. Or they should have something that prevents frozen players from being attacked or whatever.
    Departition_ and Amvya like this.
  4. Amvya

    Oct 14, 2019
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    Hey so when they are frozen they cant be damaged by other players which is nice ig when you are walking around surface and get frozen or in a cave etc, I just think they should freeze the whole team or protect the team so they cant give or get damage while their teammate is frozen. But I definitely agree with you saying that they should wait to freeze people till either before pvp or after the game unless they are clearly xraying or pvping cheating then ss'ing someone can wait till after the game.
  5. _Noxid

    Mar 30, 2020
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    People have been saying this literally everywhere on the forums
    Departition_ likes this.
  6. iluvu

    Oct 2, 2019
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    Frozen players are already impervious to damage, the post is talking about freezing the entire team so that the unfrozen player cannot be targeted out for example. I actually agree with this suggestion, primarily because in addition to what was mentioned in team scenarios there are also cases where one of the users hacks while clean players benefit from it (the most common example being a team member xraying but the other members will mine the ores) so in scenarios like this the other user(s) would not be able to leave the game, clear their files or etc. While I do not agree with ssing only after the event or before pvp, I do think that in team scenarios the whole team should be frozen, for multiple reasons that have been brought up in this thread.
    Amvya and Swaatik like this.
  7. _Noxid

    Mar 30, 2020
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    I disagree with a few things you said.
    1: If staff freeze the entire team, that team will be behind than all the other teams. If they are frozen and they are only in iron armor, and everyone else is getting diamonds, and they get unfrozen at deathmatch, then they will lose. Screensharing people is a long process.

    2: If staff wait until after the game to ss someone who is x-raying, and or PVP hacking, then they should be frozen immediately, or just ban them without an ss. x-raying can totally break the game, especially if they are PVP hacking as well. They would be running around in full diamond with kill aura killing the entire lobby. The hacker will probably end up winning if it's a good hacker. Everyone loses their chance at getting the gift card.

    I think it should stay the way it is, and just screen share people as the game goes on.
  8. Amvya

    Oct 14, 2019
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    Hey i think you pointed out some things that i had already stated as in saying if they are obviously cheating like for xray pvp cheats then they should freeze and ss how they normally do except i think that it puts the team at a disadvantage if they are all surface or in dm and a teammate gets frozen how some games are like especially if they arent 100% sure the person is cheating they should at least protect the team if theyre in death match otherwise the game will most likely be thrown by that especially if the player is clean.

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