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I want to make a Survival games map but i also want to ask the community for ideas / help !

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by WildDogPizza, Aug 22, 2020.


This is going good so far !

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  1. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    You're like actually annoying.
    WildDogPizza likes this.
  2. Huppo10

    Aug 26, 2020
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    Have some human respect. Also, I don't care.
    WildDogPizza likes this.
  3. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I'm just going to stop responding to you after this. If you want people to show you respect then you got to do the same. And from my very first post, you've been twisting my words to make me sound bad. You're delusional mate.
    WildDogPizza likes this.
  4. Huppo10

    Aug 26, 2020
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    That's what you think, I never made anyone sound bad no such thing as a good or bad human being. I was only explaining to you what you were doing wrong so you could learn, nothing delusional. What you said is a very manipulative move. It's also hypocritical of you to say that after calling me names and rude content despite the fact I wasn't calling you anything.
    #44 Huppo10, Sep 4, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2020
    WildDogPizza likes this.
  5. Interressta

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Actually Huppo10 I think your the one manipulating right now. You still can’t even admit you are wrong, I don’t want to keep replying to
    this but Ank never said anything wrong so calm down.
    WildDogPizza likes this.
  6. Huppo10

    Aug 26, 2020
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    That's something an evil robot would say planted in the ground for years ready to destroy the human race. Also, no one said you could join in and have fun. "Actually Huppo10" - Your opinions have no effect on people what so ever so it's best for evil robots like you to not involve themselves in the situation and mind your own business and keep to themselves. I also never said anything wrong either, all I'm doing is replying to him. What do you expect from a ball hitting a wall, the ball is going to bounce back. Also if I wasn't calm I wouldn't be replying back I would be walking away if that was the case. I'm just telling him what he was doing wrong. We didn't ask if it was going to get in we just wanted to know what people thought of the map structure we didn't care if it got in or not and I told him this so many times and he continued to carry on adding more stuff on the table that none of us didn't ask for.
    WildDogPizza likes this.
  7. Huppo10

    Aug 26, 2020
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    See with that attitude you're just making people upset, there's no need for that and it doesn't give any positive effects to either of us. When people look back their going to think of us as clowns, we're just making ourselves look worse than we actually are. Anyone can say they have common sense if it makes fine sense to them. The common sense that I'm talking about is treating each other with human respect, so if you would stop being so immature we can both sort this out like adults by apologising.

    "I apologise for arguing and carrying on and I'm sorry for making you feel so bad." -Huppo10
    WildDogPizza likes this.
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