About staff and the server

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by CheeseBoi27, Sep 3, 2020.

  1. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    Ok you might deny this just because thats how you people are, but I hope the owner of this server sees this because he needs to. You need to get rid of like 98% of the staff on here cause they suck literally, they deny hacker reports and all and mute people for literally unmuteable reasons and are just stupid seriously. And this server can improve but it seems like you all dont want that, like in the past 3 months you could have improved this server a ton, you are just not taking it, which is stupid. I know this might be harsh but its the fricken truth, most of the staff on here are really stupid and should not deserve to be staff and too, for the server, you all could have added some more stuff. See I remember saying about adding a Murder Mayhem but where theres 2 murder's and 2 detective but you all said theres not much people to do that, you know why, because you are not adding in more stuff to attract more people into the server and all, its the same thing over and over and over again, you need to add in more stuff to the server if you really really want it to grow which you all seem to not understand that. And staff reports should not be handled by the staff because if its a report about a staff, the staff that could be looking at the report can possibly deny it because the staff could possibly be his friend and all you know. I just think that this server can really be improved but yall are not doing it at all. I want to see this server improve, not like what is going on now, you all are really not trying on this server I can tell
  2. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    As a former moderator I can assure you a lot goes on behind the scenes. Staff are not robots. They have their personal lives, and they do have other (more) important things to be done, thus they cannot put all of their time into mcc.
    Rarely any false mutes for personal vendetta are issued. And yes, many false mutes do happen but most of the times they’re dealt with accordingly (cleared from the user’s history).
    Staff reports are not dealt with by any staff members. Only a few people (Mentor team members and Administrators) get to deal with them. And no decisions are made without the consent of the whole team.
    In terms of new additions to the server, Alex and Jeremy do work hard in order to keep up with new plugins, etc. Hosting a server with mcc’s playerbase is not easy, I’m sure. Moreover, MCC is the owners’ side hustle, this means they have jobs, and mcc is more of an employment they take in addition to them.
    If you feel like staff are bad, why not shooting your shot at an application, perhaps you’ll help make the server better!
  3. Xermes

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi CheeseBoi27

    With any Minecraft server, there are undoubtedly going to be haters. From your thread, I can sense you're one.

    The MCCentral staff team is put through rigorous testing, training, and experience to do their job which is, recognize hackers, assist the community, and represent the network. It is no small feat to become a staff member on MC-Central, so you must be top of the line to become one. Just like you and I, the staff team and administrators have lives to tend to outside of Minecraft. We should all recognize that, and appreciate all the hard work that they all put in daily to keep the server great, and up and running.

    You touched on the reports, which are handled by human beings, which happen to make mistakes sometimes. Because of an uptick of reports due to everyone being home, it is hard for the reports team to go through those reports daily and with the utmost quality, we hold them to. So while we can argue about the quality of the team all day, tangible actions such as reporting them on the forums, or on the MCC Discord server keep hackers off the network so we can all enjoy seamless gameplay.

    As for the staff members dealing with staff reports who may happen to be their "friends," staff reports are taken extremely seriously and handled by the tip-top staff members on the network, and they are equipped with the experience and training necessary to move forward in a positive manner.

    I hope that my reply helped you to understand the culture of MCC a little bit better. Have a great day/night.
    Ahnxious likes this.
  4. YouGetMeSoHigh

    Oct 4, 2019
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    Uhhh... you can report hackers to the staff members since they are actually insane at taking care of all of the hackers on the server!!! They are really busy, so banning hackers may not be there first priority, but when they do, they do an excellent job. You can report players right here -------------> https://mccentral.org/community/forms/report-players.2/respond to make sure they get banned or go to the MCC discord and go to the support channel! Have a good day/night!
    Ahnxious and Xermes like this.
  5. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    I would apply but first off I cant because I fricken suck at reporting and you need fricken 100 reports, so no, I cannot apply. Well I mean I can, but I know for sure it will get denied. And trust me, I would be a awesome staff because I have perfect friendship and relationship and helping thing in me where I wanna help with just stuff, not just on the server but other people, I've been able to actually help other people from depression, and even convinced some people to not kill themselfs. I know I would be a great staff but I fricken cant be one because I fricken cant report, and not only that you need 100 reports, but accepted one, do you know how fricken hard that is, like jeez, its just not worth it
  6. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hate to be the bearer of bad news but from your entire attitude on this situation i can confidently say you are in no way fit to be staff. Your post reads as someone frustrated with the staff for not implementing your ideas into the server, you claim you would be great at being staff but you also make your own conclusions about the staff team with no proof. If you knew anything about being staff you'd know the reports are only handled by the highest staff on the server and false mutes can be appealed so they are rarely an issue. I disagree with you about reports as well, the amount of reports needed is entirely do-able and could be achieved in under a week if you where truly dedicated to being staff as you claim. Also you come off as if trying to brag about helping people out of there though times, If you really helped people out of the kindness in your heart you would not feel the need to brag about it.

    Also a side note about your idea for MM, It literally makes no sense? what exactly would be the point of 2 murders and detectives? The staff are also correct about there not being a large enough MM player base for this to be implemented, it would just be dead as this idea in no way adds anything new to the current MM. In short, you idea was terrible and so was this thread. But hey that's just my opinion.

    Thanks for reading ~
    CatBoyFable and forgranted like this.
  7. Tiaagoo_

    Mar 28, 2020
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    Explaining my opinion, I honestly thought his expression was a bit exaggerated, not least because the team is not made up of robots but human beings, like you. I'm sure that MCCentral has a lot to improve yet, but honestly I think the team is very good and that provides a great service. I do not see any problems.
  8. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    You dont know me bro, if you really get to know me, I'm a perfect friend, I'm just frustrated of how staff on this fricken server do not do their job, so not my fault. For the MM thing, I'm talking about making a lot of interesting, you know why theres not enough people, cause MM is the same thing over and over again, there needs to be more new stuff, like maps, which every single fricken map gets denied, and too, with 2 murders and 2 detectives, it makes it just a bit more interesting, and will bring people into it because its new, and they wanna try it, dont you understand
  9. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    Then you dont know them, I've seen tons of my friends report a hacker or something and it gets denied, and even sometimes get muted for very stupid reasons, I just think that the staff needs to all be checked or like you know, looked at, and too, some staff over make the mute, like I got muted for 4 days and for what, for a small spam where I said 4 things in a row, like WOW, 4 fricken days for that, and I only had 2 mutes at the time, so, yea
  10. Tiaagoo_

    Mar 28, 2020
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    I still persist with my opinion, but I respect your point of view.
  11. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Not their fault if you didn't read the rules.

    It shouldn't take you 5 days to get 100 accepted reports if you play minigames actively. Instead of just arguing and complaining about the staff team you should try and report people, and maybe even apply for staff.
    Alansar_trignot and abbs like this.
  12. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    I just think that this server can improve and they are not, they just do the same stuff over and over again, I have perfect ideas of how and well, they just dont do it, so yea
  13. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Yes, i can tell from the way you tell everyone, that you certainly are a great friend!

    On a side note, the staff do there job. You just look like an idiot. Also staff only deny reports if the evidence is insufficient or the offence is not punishable :/

    Thanks for reading ~
    DavidWilkins and forgranted like this.
  14. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    As I said, first off its not that simple, I've seen some people take a really long time to get that much because some staff dont even accept the report even if it has proof, you just do not get it, its not just report accept report accept because even though its a good report, it can be denied because of staff not really caring
  15. Pxrge

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Uhhh... you can report hackers to the staff members since they are actually insane at taking care of all of the hackers on the server!!! They are really busy, so banning hackers may not be there first priority, but when they do, they do an excellent job. You can report players right here -------------> https://mccentral.org/community/forms/report-players.2/respond to make sure they get banned or go to the MCC discord and go to the support channel! Have a good day/night!
  16. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    Oh no I know they read it, and too this one staff literally muted this one person for some false stupid reason, and so the person did a thign to get unmuted and the staff waited until the mute was over to then say this.....Oh sorry, the mute is over so. You all are not paying attention enough to stuff
  17. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    Bro I know, but that really does not work sometimes, you know why, because of staff not accepting for not caring. And I have proof from a lot of my friends
  18. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    Basically my point in all this that yall are not trying enough that you all could be, this server can be improved a lot but you are not taking the shot, I remember seeing this quote: "every shot you dont take you miss", and honestly that just a bit seems like whats happening here
  19. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This may be unheard of to you, but staff actually have a life outside of minecraft. They have 3 days to respond to your appeals and if that happens to be outside of the time left on the offence then so be it. Also what did they do that was apparently "False"? i highly doubt it was.

    Thanks for reading ~
  20. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    You really dont know then, I know them and how they act and all, and yes, sometimes, it is false, I remember a staff muting this one person for 5 days because they said no to sending nudes to someone, like bro, thats is stupid

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