Most Kindest/Funniest Staff Experiences.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Ahnxious, Aug 25, 2020.


Do you appreciate staff?

  1. YEs ofC!!

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  1. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    What are you're funniest/kindest staff experiences?

    I really want to know!

    My experience:
    I forgot the username of this staff but oml this was the kindest experience I had with any staff before. I was minding my own business on Murder Mayhem and there was a fly hacker. This little kid (I'm expecting because grammar sounded pretty childish) was asking for staff. (By this time the kid and I were in the lobby) I helped get the staff's attention because he had evidence from what he was saying. It looks like they were talking and it seems that the little kid took a picture instead of a recording. So nothing could have been done about it. I remember he sounded really disappointed and sad. So the staff noticed and invited him to a party so they can look around for more hackers to ban. I remember how happy the kid seemed when writing in chat. That was so adorable and the kindest thing I have ever experienced on this server. I added him as a friend and thanked him.. I forgot his username :[
    If you recognize my username/story (Unknown staff) message me please!

    Thank you to all the staff who create such good memories on this server like this.
    You are appreciated.
  2. Alansar_trignot

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Now this is what this forum needs RN instead of UpDaTe ThE AnTiChEaT!! Thanks man!
    Ahnxious likes this.
  3. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    rev3rse bullies me for sending him random shit on snap
    Marco5py and Ahnxious like this.
  4. seretinsky

    Jul 28, 2019
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    my absolute fav moment was when my favourite person in the whole world ItsGuih was a staff member and he used to walk up to me and twerk on me in the skywars lobby. It will forever hold a place in my heart uwu
    Also cancel rev3rse
    puposaurus, Ahnxious and guih like this.
  5. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Good old times
    seretinsky and Ahnxious like this.
  6. Swaggle

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hi (: I'm a staff member myself but I've had some funny experiences in the past too WAY before I was ever staff.

    2016... Prison 2 Season 2... I was twinning skins with Zlain at the time and we were just hangin' out doing our usual thing. The former Senior Mod Encyclopedia who was Moderator at the time force teleported us to spawn out of nowhere. We look around confused as to what happened and we see her standing there in all her glory looking right at us. She then says, "now kiss"...

    2016... Prison 2 Season 2... Zlain and I noticed that QueenMikayla was online and us being the idiot children we were, we decided to start messaging each other some 'gross' things to annoy her since we assumed that she had socialspy on (literally don't ask why we did this I actually don't know why we did this at ALL). As we were doing this, she messages us in the middle of this and tells us to knock it off and we're both SHOOK (even though we started it). We run to the panic room I built underneath my plot and we go in and shut the door. We think all is safe until the door starts to spam open and closed... It was the unofficial haunting of QueenMikayla...

    I've had a lot of funny things happen before I was staff and honestly even now. I have lots of great memories with MCC and continue to make more to this day. Thank you for sharing! I look forward to other stories posted here.

    @Zlain ♡♡♡
    Semi, Encyclopedia, Marco5py and 2 others like this.
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