Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Alansar_trignot, Aug 23, 2020.

  1. Alansar_trignot

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hey! Everyone!
    Please, take a moment and think, think about everyone saying shit about anticheat this and anticheat that.
    YES YES YES! WE ALL GET THE MESSAGE! But that still doesn’t mean you can barrage the staff with “hey, when can anticheat be updated, huh??” Well guess what, they have no control over anticheat, guess who DOES.
    ALEX_MARKEY the soul OWNER of the server, and this server is in a room with many fans in a console working its *** off to let us have fun together. Hackers may be all over the place, but fuck those guys, the anticheat may be outdated, but Alex is doing all he can to get one WHILE working and monitoring the server so it doesn’t crash or go down. He has a life outside this server. Go ahead and think about what asking about anticheat EVERY POST makes Alex feel, he could feel STRESSED for all we know!!
    So please, stop posting anticheat update this anticheat update thoughts that. Think about the POSITIVES like what you did on the server today, what fun you had with your friends, post it here and see what people say about you having fun just like the rest of them. Not be negative about the server and say it needs an update. Because an update takes a while for a whole server.
    Now please, stop posting about anticheat updates and positivity and fun, and anything else except anticheat. Ok?
    Thank you for reading, have a great day/night (night for me, it’s 9 pm) go, have fun ignore hackers, and enjoy your friends and build! Survive! Mine! Fight! To your hearts content!
    Thanks again
    ImaBucketBoy likes this.
  2. Ringars

    Apr 21, 2020
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    when is the anticheat being fixed @Staff Member
  3. ImaBucketBoy

    Jun 18, 2020
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    That's a nice way to go. :)
    Alansar_trignot likes this.
  4. BlockyBeach

    Jun 14, 2020
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    Just a note: Vislo_ and Alex_Markey are the two co-owners of the server.
    Yes, staying positive about the good things this server provides is the way to go.
    Alansar_trignot likes this.
  5. Alansar_trignot

    Jul 23, 2019
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    i understand what your saying man, but please take the WHOLE STAFF into consideration, especially the co-owners, they are trying there darndest to make this server as fun as possible, and yes, you have your own voice, but every post about anticheat gets more and more annoying to all the staff.
    i play on the minigames alot too, and i want to make a forum about anticheat, but there are already thousands of posts saying stuff about anticheat upgrades.
    thank you for giving me your perspective, im sorry if i came about rude, i didnt mean to. Have a good day/night
  6. 6nons

    Apr 24, 2020
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    You as a player can become the anti cheat There are channels in the discord server and categories in the forum in which you can report hackers.
    Alansar_trignot likes this.
  7. YouGetMeSoHigh

    Oct 4, 2019
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    Sorry if I came accross as rude as well, but I feel very passionately about the anti-cheat issue, even though this is one of the first, if not the first, times I am commenting on the issue within the forums.

    The anti-cheat problem is so extreme that it absolutely warrants and justifies an abundance of threads being made about it. It literally defies all logic and common sense to the point that random servers with 10 average players have a better anticheat than MC Central. Unfortunuately, you also get all these mini-mods who have no undertstanding of the issue who just post the same, almost copy-pasted responses about reporting hackers through discord and forums, which is part of what @Lieger and his sg buddies like to make fun of. However, reporting hackers doesn't really work because any hacker with a pulse can continue hacking on the server indefinitely using alt accounts and an IP changer.

    Furthermore, another commonly-discussed issue is that, while the minigames player base is substantial, it is completely outweighed by the playerbase for sub-servers such as prisons and factions. Unfortunuately, the server owners (predominantly alex markey, I'm assuming) are solely concerned with making as much monetary profit as possible, and as such only update the sub-servers while completely ignoring minigames. Sub-servers are updated quite often, while the biggest change to happen to mini-games in the past several rules is Unadvised limiting teaming in survival games to teams of 3.

    These particular issues, along with several other nuances that I'm sure would be better explained by others, compile into one big stinking mess in terms of the anti-cheat and the quality of minigames as a whole.
    Alansar_trignot likes this.
  8. Alansar_trignot

    Jul 23, 2019
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    you did not come about as rude at all, your quite alright, and i understand what your saying.
    but today as i was playing i was reporting as many hackers as i could fine, and as i reported, i literally saw a decrease with hackers, i think the amount of hackers is really only about 10, doesnt seem like alont, but it is extrordanary, so really, sometimes, the hackers caan do us favors, like for me, i am wanting to get 100 player reports accepted, nad with these hackers, i basically become, as 6nons said, an anticheat myself.
    so yes, anticheat not being updated, i understand, very annoying, but also, with the minigames not being updated, what is there to update?? these are SO much smaller compared to prison and factions, so really, the only thing to update is a new map, different/new perks, and different loot, and anticheat is for the whole server, not just the minigames, but whole would need anticheat as a player? that only makes you not cheat.
    thanks again for reading, and again, you did NOT come about as rude, you are only saying your opinions, same here. i respect your decision if you disagree with me, and im sorry about the minigames, because i feel the same, but i just go with the flow and play.
    thanks again, have a great day/night!
  9. OriAlfi

    Jan 24, 2020
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    I think you have a point there. Making 100 posts about the non existing anti cheat is really unnecessary and not gonna do anything besides add more stress on Alex and vislo. But people just don’t understand it and it’s not their fault.
    Alansar_trignot likes this.
  10. Alansar_trignot

    Jul 23, 2019
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    And to add on to you, we all can help the server and instead, become an anti cheat our self by reporting, it may take some time for everyone to respond to your reports, but give them patience and they all will be gone sooner then later.
    6nons and OriAlfi like this.

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