Disrespect in /msgf

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by guih, Aug 11, 2020.

  1. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    A recent rule change made, as of the 19th of July, disrespect in private messages (i.e. /msgf) is no longer punishable.
    This may lead to uncomfortable situations, such as the one with Maxiles - https://gyazo.com/ae3143d928e005e8892c28998e50593f.
    i was told by multiple staff members that this has something to do with the faction rule in which messages in faction chat aren’t punishable. I do see a point on that being applied to factions, since 99% of the people are toxic. However, I don’t see a reason behind that new rule being a global rule. Although it is easy to remove someone from your friends list, they may do the same thing again and again, to multiple people. Therefore, multiple uncomfortable situations would be caused.
    I come through this post to suggest the removal of such rule. Keep it like it was. Factions can be toxic on its way.
    - guih
  2. httpmeme

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hiya Gooey!

    I 100% agree. You can always remove the person but you can always /ignore someone who's being toxic but if you chatreport it still counts and you will muted for disrespect or whatever the person told you. If they do change it for /msgf, then they should change it for /msg (in my opinion neither should change since saying kys or other disrespectful words that similar should still be punished in both forms of msging.) Like yes, you can remove that person, but you can also /ignore disrespectful players which again still wouldn't sit right with me if both got away with that because removing players off your friends list after being disrespected isn't that good of a punishment.
    +1 100%

    Have a good day/night ! <3
    Zonafer, MasterChheda and guih like this.
  3. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    This is horrible and completely outrageous. This has reminded me about how unfairly a friend of mine got punished (She did appeal... message for more information). I truly do believe these chat reports must change. And this "private message isn't punishable" shouldn't even be a thing. These messages are happening on this server and can be a form of harassment. By having this rule effective on the whole server or even a part of it makes harassment seem okay. In most cases, innocent players who dedicate their time and maybe even their own money do not deserve to be harassed in any part of this server/community. (Includes Ingame, discord, and website forums) I find this very upsetting that harassment of any kind is ok in this server. Thank you for the information.. the next time somebody tells me to kill myself I need to remember that is okay to say in this server.
    guih likes this.

    Dec 15, 2019
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    Ahnxious likes this.
  5. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I feel like this could be still a thing when it comes to staff witnessing the offense. I myself would have a way longer punishment history if that was a thing. However, I feel like chatreporting all sorts of private chats should lead to a punishment. Thank you for ur input tho
    Ahnxious likes this.
  6. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    I don’t wanna be scummy and I’m 100 percent for this idea. However, I Guess you should keep in mind that you took the action of friend adding this person. I’m not saying that you’re at fault completely for adding this person but then you did click accept friend request(assuming they sent you a friend request). I think it’s a great idea but then at the same time, you are still partially at fault for adding the person.
  7. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    If you are referring to me its was on public chat on prison, discord dm, discord call, and in /msg in prison.

    This dude tried everything who could just to make my friend like she was nothing.
  8. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    Look I’m not just referring to you. I’m referring to everyone and if that really does happen, I Guess you could just block them because it isn’t really that hard. I don’t know what your friend was going through but I know it’s easy to block someone and ignore them and just not care about what they have to say.
  9. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    I agree that you can block them but that only goes so far especially when its a certain group that is harassing you. They can always choose to make/go on alt accounts. (People go that far these days smh) It's not that I care too much about what people say, it's just that the fact that this server now allows kids to be racist (from what @YouGetMeSoHigh is saying) and be even more toxic than this server already is. People paid money on this server thinking this would be a fun community to spend time in. The more I'm playing the more I'm seeing this server going on a bad path. I feel like this is teaching kids a bad example. Kids already are corrupted with what this generation has taught them (eating tide pods and just being a snob), I feel like by letting them have this opportunity to harass others will mold them to an even bigger snob. Plus imagine trying to hire staff that has harassed people on the server that they are applying to because "it wasn't against the rules". If staff are not allowed to cuss and be all toxic, I feel like players shouldn't be able to do so as well.

    ( I'll still continue to play on this server though, I just don't like how now this is a thing.)
    JoaoOssucci likes this.
  10. Rev3rse

    Aug 14, 2019
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    I definitely understand what you're saying about this update in the rules, but I think there is some merit to the reasoning behind not muting for these offenses in /msgf. One of the major components is the differentiation between /msg and /msgf. With /msg, ANY player can message you and be disrespectful/use slurs/etc without you allowing them to do so. Of course you can /ignore them afterwards, but they have the power to message you first, which is why these types of chat offenses are punishable in /msg. However, with /msgf, you make the fully conscious decision of accepting a player's friend request and thus opening the door for them to message you. Even though it is the other player who is messaging you, you still have control over your own friends list and chose to add them as a friend (and again, you can choose to remove them as well).

    In this way, /msgf is closer to Factions chat than /msg. I don't think this update was made exclusively on the basis that Factions chat is "more toxic," but rather for the reasoning that for Factions/clans/guilds/gangs/etc, you consciously choose to join these groups. Thus, you are basically subjecting yourself to the messages you may witness/receive as a result of becoming a part of a certain group of players. Basically, the overall point that I am trying to highlight is that you take the first step in deciding to add someone as a friend, join a certain Faction, join a guild, etc. and thus this is not the same as public chat or /msg. Once you give these players an avenue to message you, you are doing so with the knowledge that you are subject to these types of offenses, that are no longer punishable.
    Eleung_musk and MasterChheda like this.
  11. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    not to be gay or look like anything of sorts
    but as someone who has pages of friends where some people i dont even talk to anymore but also cba to remove toxic things can happen... and not only that
    But there are also times where you're playing minigames and someone friend adds you to shit tlak and say things like "kys youre shit at game" or whatever it may be..
    also friends dont last forever some friends can turn on you within a snap and start saying no no things to you in msgf thinking theyre immune because of this rule.. while ofc you could just /remove friend but they could also come on alts and start harassing you. but also due to the harassment rule only being "per cr" the alt couldnt even get muted either.
    from my personal experience (before this rule change) there was this kid from discord who said no no htings and got banned from mass mute evade and blah blah then he comes back and starts saying disresepctfull things in msgf who i didnt even know i had in my friends list. then the cr was accepted.

    anyways like what guih said i think the rule should at leats be changed to where it is punishable... this might sound a little shocker ish, but maybe staff should get some common sense to know when someones joking or not.. and like make the appeals super lenient if its in msgf if someone says theyre joking or whatever.. but in my own opinion, telling someone to kill themselves shouldn't ever be a joke :flushed:
    what mr dj had said about something (" with /msgf, you make the fully conscious decision of accepting a player's friend request and thus opening the door for them to message you") while i get what is said, there are also some cases where you have people you accepted just to be nice and dont even know who they are and like a month later they start saying things like this..

    as in beginging i said i wouldnt be gay so... seeing how mcc is and what thyeve done in past it might take a while for something like this to happen but i sure hope it does happen +1
    okays gn
    guih, Ahnxious and OriAlfi like this.
  12. Raqueese

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Simple fix: only add friends to your friend list.
  13. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    This has nothing to do with facitons. If you are getting unfriendly messages in msgf, why have them added as a friend. Just remove them from your friends list. The reason its not allowed in /msg is anyone can come on the server and you cant prevent that. You can prevent who types to you in /msgf.
    This applies across the network.

    This has nothing to do with factions and this will not be changed back.
    BlockyBeach and Raqueese like this.
  14. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    I agree but please read @puposaurus post. It's not always the fault of someone who adds them as a friend, things can change fast while messaging a person.

  15. Raqueese

    Aug 4, 2019
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    I do understand that. However, I don't think anybody should get muted for what they say in /msgf just because somebody else (not the friend messaging them) decides to chatreport them. Maybe it would make sense that you could only get muted for stuff said in /msgf if the person you are messaging is the one who chatreports you?
  16. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    I'm assuming you mean this: John is getting harassed by his old friend Timmy. John tells Jessica about what happened. So Jessica decides to chat report Timmy for that conversation.

    I just wanted to let you know that is rarely the case because that wouldn't be possible. If someone is harassing you, you would have to chat report them so it can log the chat between you and the person harassing you. So what you're saying is already basically a rule.
  17. 27JAS

    Jan 20, 2020
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    Personally, I havent had much disrespect in /msgf, however I completely understand what your saying. I think that since disrespect is mutable in normal chat, which it says in the rules, disrespect should be mutable everywhere. Also, if someone is disrespecting you in /msgf, you can always just /friend remove the player, and im not sure if /ignore works, but if it does, just do that.

    Thanks for reading!
  18. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    "It's not always the fault of someone who adds them as a friend, things can change fast while messaging a person."

    Ok. It may not have anything to do with factions (which I highly doubt since everyone knows it's the most toxic part of the network). But I don't see why that shouldn't be modified. I have come across multiple situations such as the mentioned in my post, prior to my staff term, during it and after it. And knowing that anyone can just simply hit you up with stupid stuff and nothing is gonna be done about it even if you're offended is kinda dumb huh? It's not always that we have control over our friends list. From day to night your best friend can become your enemy. Think about the first quote, cause that pretty much explains the point.
    JoaoOssucci, Ahnxious and puposaurus like this.
  19. Raqueese

    Aug 4, 2019
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    really? I thought it logged everything you typed regardless of who chatreported you?
  20. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    It wouldn’t. The server has a maximum capacity and it can’t hold that much data. On top of that, staff might not have access to that data and may only access like 10 to maybe 20 minutes of it, when you chatreport.

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