Why the Anti-Cheat hasn't been upgraded.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ctrs, Aug 15, 2020.

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  1. ctrs

    May 4, 2020
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    Hey everyone, I'm going to try to keep this thread relatively short because I'm tired, but I still have quite a bit to explain. Since the anti-cheat (I'm going to be referring to it as AC) has been an increasingly popular topic among the forums, I would like to give my opinion and also some factual reasons why it's not upgraded.
    I will go over two main topics today, as well as some tips to use the weak AC to your advantage when possible.

    The first thing I wanted to talk about is that ACs on every single server is bypassed so fast by hacked clients, and it requires a lot of effort to code an AC. They can take up to 4 months to code, just to be bypassed in one week, so for that reason making a new AC is a pointless effort with little success. Recently on Hypixel there was a Map Captcha (Maptcha), which was designed to prevent bots from farming on Skyblock. Basically you would as type in weird looking numbers and letters like every other captcha. So much effort was put into this but literally a week later, a bypass was created which now means that players can bot their farms again. You may be asking, well Hypixel, Minemen club, and a bunch of other servers have a perfect AC. That's because those servers have teams dedicated to AC development, who are constantly upgrading their AC to defend against modern cheating clients. The problem is on MCC, we don't have that, and Alex spends up to 40+ hours a week working on other stuff dedicated to MCC that he wouldn't have time to find someone to code the AC or code the AC himself. Yes, we do have a few developers around MCC, but it still takes so much time just to be bypassed in a few days.

    My second point is that ACs take up a massive amount of CPU power. Notice how servers with a great AC usually have fewer players then MCC (Minemen Club), or the server is pretty laggy compared to MCC (Hypixel). MCC is a really fast server for the number of players it has, and although it has a relatively small player count, the server isn't powerful enough to have a good AC. You might say, why can't we just upgrade CPU on the servers? That is a logical thought but it is really expensive to do that and also the server already has very powerful hardware, and it would be hard to upgrade it and could take a really long time as well. Personally, I would rather have a fast server then a slow server like Hypixel (that's the main reason why I don't personally play on Hypixel much), and if the AC is being sacrificed to do so, so be it.

    Lastly, I'd like to give some tips on how to use the AC to your advantage. Hackers are most commonly seen on the minigame sub servers, such as Skywars, Cakewars, and CTF (most commonly seen on Solo Skywars). Most of the time you won't have much time before a hacker ends up flying to your island, and starts to kill you. But if you do end up having time, box yourself in a 1x1x2 room just enough to fit 1 player inside. Most of the time a hacker doesn't have the upgrades such as a pickaxe or ax, so Cobblestone should do. It's most effective when a hacker is flying over to you, or scaffolding or whatever (scaffolding has become very uncommon). So as they are approaching, they might have a hack to hit through blocks which is very easily detected by the AC, so just by blocking yourself in just wait a few seconds, as the player is trying to hit you through a block and sometimes they will be kicked from your game. Also, if you're a donator above Gold rank, I suggest making a very high tower while the player isn't looking, and as they build up to you, (probably really fast), just start bow spamming, it is effective, and if they are building up with dirt, the arrows can get them stuck in a block, and they might get kicked. This has nothing to do with the AC, but there is also the classic "Hey can I win this game, I have a <number> streak". and if the hacker reads the chat, they might spare you. (it's worked a few times with me).

    It is quite sad that the AC won't be updated in the foreseeable future, but hopefully, this forum enlightens why and hopefully you all understand.
    You can always report a cheating player in the #support channel of the MCC Community Discord, as well as recording cheaters and posting them to the forums. The Reports Team usually gets to the reports pretty dang fast, but reporting through the #support channel on the discord is way more effective in my opinion. (just simply say <name of cheating player> <minigame>.)

    Link to MCC Community Discord
    Link to Report A Player

    It is quite sad that the AC won't be updated in the foreseeable future, but hopefully, this forum enlightens why and hopefully you all understand. (damn this wasn't that short sorry haha)
    #1 ctrs, Aug 15, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2020
    wambam, Xermes, NoButYes and 4 others like this.
  2. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    Then they should add like a WDR system. It’s not an anti cheat it’s just a code so I don’t think it’ll take a lot of cpu power? I’m not entirely sure about that. However, I do know in hypixel, whenever someone gets WDRed, the mods can spectate them and just click on the player and the player gets banned. That would be a great addition and since MCC has less players and therefore less hackers, it would be really good and a very efficient way to ban.
    ctrs likes this.
  3. BlockyBeach

    Jun 14, 2020
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    A /wdr system would be quite helpful.
    Of course, quite a few mods would have to be on /wdr control, and minigames would have to be able to accessed by mods midgame.
    It would save a few hours flicking between discord and minecraft, however...
    Also, what if someone just spams /wdr?
    TheKingOfTurtlez likes this.
  4. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    They can get banned for abuse of WDR. Such a thing exists for CRing it is called abuse of chatreport
    Xermes and TheKingOfTurtlez like this.
  5. Xermes

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Helpful post, ctrs!

    While we've been informed that a minigame revamp is in the works which will feature an update anti-cheat, we currently don't have a timeline or any information regarding when that will roll out. that's why, in the meantime, we need to play with the cards we've been dealt and do our best as a community & staff team to work together to spectate, record, report, and punish hackers. The staff team is so appreciative of the players who give us a heads up of hacker IGNs here as well as those who report on the forums, so while we could complain about the anti-cheat (or lack thereof) all day, these tangible actions are what actually keep rule breakers off our server for the time being.

    I hope my post helped.
    #5 Xermes, Aug 22, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2020
  6. Alansar_trignot

    Jul 23, 2019
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    *sigh* this is the billionth one I’ve seen...
    Let me just begin with, I asked the same thing, and yes, many people are saying that the server needs anew anticheat but listen, it’s not easy to get an anticheat system that’s safe for the server, because many people would want to steal personal data from the server and destroy reputations of THOUSANDS.
    You don’t want that to happen I bet, and Alex: the wonderful creator of MCC is doing all he can to get one, but he has a life outside this server, he is putting his heart and soul into this server, but is getting stressed with all these messages...
    Let’s calm down a minute and think, yes, this server is due an update, but, have you run a server? No, neither have I, but I know that the internet contains a ton of fake stuff and viruses and more then anything you could think of. So finding a trusting website may be hard.
    Just, enjoy the server, ignore the hackers, play something calming on the server, like skyblock. Stay safe here in the server and you will be good.
  7. ctrs

    May 4, 2020
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    In a conversation I had with Kieran Boal, there will not be a new anti-cheat or minigame revamp coming to his knowledge, and he is one of the MCC Developers or has done some work on MCC. Also there are literally reasons why the anticheat can't be upgraded, so please read the entire post :)
  8. ctrs

    May 4, 2020
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    This is exactly the point surrounding my forum, it's to stop people from making anti-cheat forum posts and I was clearing up why there actually isn't an anti-cheat. (please read the entire post :) )
    Alansar_trignot likes this.
  9. Xermes

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Thanks for your response.

    While you and Kieren may be correct, the final decision goes to Alex and Jeremy. I did read the post and according to other staff members there will be a minigame revamp and anti-cheat plugin added in the future. MCC is at the capacity to use more CPU power in their backend to suffice for an anti-cheat. The reason there isn't an anti-cheat doesn't fall under a monetary issue either.

    Nobody but Alex and Jeremy can call the shots on that.
    ctrs, Ahnxious and Alansar_trignot like this.
  10. XulWasTaken

    Aug 17, 2020
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    I remember someone saying "we are the anticheat" and another thing they said, the owners work very hard to make the game fun for us! I really do agree with the person saying "we are the anticheat" we report and mods ban them.
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