New chat-reporting system?

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by guitarist, Aug 2, 2020.


Do you think it's a good idea?

Poll closed Aug 3, 2020.
  1. Yes :) Make it happen!

    2 vote(s)
  2. No, but good try!

    6 vote(s)
  1. guitarist

    Dec 23, 2019
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    Hello, I'm Ryan and I want to suggest one concept I've been thinking of. I don't know if it would make the reporting system better and I don't know if this has been suggested before. So I deeply apologize if this has been suggested before.

    Okay, so I've been muted 5 times, and since ever I discovered I can appeal, I've never lost any mute appeal. The reason I get muted is because the chatlogs that the staff get sent don't include other player chats, they only include the player that got reported. That kinda makes no sense, the staff wouldn't understand what's going on and they'd understand things differently.

    For example, I've gotten muted for "spam", but I appealed because I did not really spam but the chats I've sent are actually really far spaced out from each other, it's just that they don't show in the chat logs that get sent to the staff team.

    And I also decided to make this suggestion cause I've been told to by a staff member, and I've seen some staff members talk about how the chatlogs that they get give no context. I've seen how it is and it is actually funny seeing myself talk alone.

    So here's my suggestion, either send the full chatlogs, with other players showing. But this probably wouldn't happen since they get the chatlogs in a [.txt] file and it would cause blindness and confusion to the team, I understand.

    So instead, this is my idea. They could make a Staff only discord, and the reports would be sent through a webhook or a custom coded bot. Here are some pictures:

    (Right-click and open image in new tab for better quality)
    [mobile users hold the image]

    This is a notification for a new chat-report, a new channel has been made for the user.


    Those are the chat-logs, Player1 (the reported user) has spaced out chats in between other users chats.

    This is when a staff claims the report and takes action.

    I don't really know how to explain more if those pictures aren't clear. But if you want more explanation, tell me.
    And also, if this really gets implemented and the owners need a coder for that discord bot and stuff, I'm here!
  2. Sneaky

    Dec 29, 2019
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  3. Sneaky

    Dec 29, 2019
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  4. guitarist

    Dec 23, 2019
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    Sir are you sure you're replying to the right thread?
  5. Sneaky

    Dec 29, 2019
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    and did you actually read my message...
  6. forgranted

    Mar 25, 2020
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    This is pointless and would be extremely annoying. Staff already get the @staff member in support disc and can always due /reports to see how many there are and to take care of it. Also, heard from multiple ex-staff, KierenBoal has a bot set up that already lets staff members know how many reports are open and he also lets the staff team know when there are multiple reports needing to be done. I do like your idea about showing the chat logs from all players as yes, sometimes context is needed, but more often then not, you would see one person say a blacklisted word in skyblock, and then you would see over 100 messages from that past 10 minutes making it extremely messy. This is very unnecessary and would cause more problems than solve them.
    Zonafer and puposaurus like this.
  7. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    there is akieren bot that automatically does chatreports... i'm not sure how it all works and how it is programed, as it's not for subjective things like disrespect, but it gets things like filter bypass and slurs well.
    forgranted likes this.
  8. guitarist

    Dec 23, 2019
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    The @staff ping is optional, but yeah if he has a bot like that, that is cool and similar to my idea. But yeah I started it cause of the chat logs only, and I'm more focused on the chatlogs more than how the system works.
    And for the messy chat logs, that's why I said they could space the player messages like I did in the picture above.
  9. forgranted

    Mar 25, 2020
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    If you space them out your gonna have +100 lines if there are chatreports from popular sub servers. The way they have it right now is just fine. And yes, the staff ping is optional, but i happen to know a staff who checks the support channel about every 4 hours just to help out, and each time he has over 200 pings there. If you need an ss, msg me and ill edit the thread so there is one
    guih likes this.
  10. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I go with everyone above

    that’s unnecessary, since it’d only be used in certain cases

    staff discord is a place for staff to gather opinions on hackers, deal with helper reports, etc. not for appeals (although they get notifications from there) and such stuff.

    the server is already flooded. Both with important stuff (such as announcements, etc) and chill stuff. Revamping the cr system to deal with that would just slow things down even more
    puposaurus and Zonafer like this.
  11. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Having CRs record the whole chat would be very tedious to look through, as you already mentioned, but keep in mind the forums report system is available to deal with reports requiring context and multiple players at once. Revamping the CR system just for this minority of cases is pretty pointless imo, and will only serve to make things messier and more chaotic, so I'm gonna be -1 on this idea.
    puposaurus likes this.
  12. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    The chatreport system is fine as it is - I wouldn't suggest that you try make suggestiosn for it wihout actually using the system yourself.
    Yes, it'd be nice to have more context by recording more of the chat, but as it stands, its crowded enough with just one players chat.

    Also, having the system run through discord would simply slow down the processes, especially if staff members have to claim chatreports before doing them. On busy days there are times where there are 30+ chatreports active at once, which sould just be messy dealing with that via discord.

    The current system is objectivly good at doing what it needs to do in a effecient manor.

    I do apriciate the effort you put into this post; as most suggestion posts are a wall of text with no examples; so for that, I thank you.
  13. guitarist

    Dec 23, 2019
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    I do understand it is fine. And I apologize for making a suggestion without using it. I just got told to and I proceeded to.
    But yeah, it is already good enough the way it is but sometimes I don't want to fill up my punishments with "spam" and stuff like this and I end up appealing in 5 minutes because there was no context in the chat logs.
    But it's alright!

    And you're welcome for the last part!
    KierenBoal likes this.

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