Donator Role on Forums

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Xermes, Jul 31, 2020.


Add tag and color to Donators on forums?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Xermes

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello MCC Community!

    I'm writing this morning to provide some insight into the idea that I had a few weeks ago.

    We all know that Donators get this special green role on the Discord server for being a Donator and supporter of the MCC network, and I think as donators, we should have some special recognition on the forums as well! It could feature a green tag like this:


    Or a different color?

    As staff have subteams, I think a donator role on our profiles would be nice too!

    What do you think of this idea?
    27JAS, reallylazy and iZyro like this.
  2. OriAlfi

    Jan 24, 2020
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    I think it should be added, u need something special here after u paid.
    Xermes likes this.
  3. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hello! i believe this has been suggested multiple times now on the forums, and most times has been turned down seeing since its been suggested (at least) 2+ times and still not a thing..
    personally, i think i could go either way, the donator is nice since it adds a lil bit of "bling" to profiles, but also so many users are already donators so it could just end up being how it is already where people look the same and the only people that stand out are staff (can go for eitheror/both disc and forums).. i do tend to lean towards the -1 side mostly since most of users would end up looking same as the person next to 'em since majority of mcc is donators...

    overall, +0
    OriAlfi and reallylazy like this.
  4. reallylazy

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I’m pretty neutral on this, I feel like this could be a good idea if Alex or vislo is able to find a way to link ranks to the forums though in-game with something like /register but as of now I don’t know how people would receive the rank since staff members themselves get their rank manually added and removed, same for sub-teams. There would have to be a process to verify players and with thousands of donors on the server it would be pretty time consuming and much work. However, I wouldn’t mind this being added anytime in the future.
    Xermes likes this.
  5. Xermes

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I didn't realize this was already suggested. I appreciate your insight however, but still am confused by the fact that this hasn't been added yet.
  6. Xermes

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Yeah, they should be able to customize a plugin which verifies your donator status, which would be a great burden to take off of staff since they are already busy as it is. Thank you so much for your insight!
  7. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    prolly cause of what reallylazy had said
  8. 0w0 waddles

    Apr 6, 2020
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    Please add this so i can flex on the broke bois
    Lexxonist likes this.
  9. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey if your problem with this is that everyone would look the same they could make the roles the actual rank the players have. This would add a lot of variation to the forums and would be more interesting to look at :o

    On a side note this would most likely require the forum to have a new application section where players would have to provide proof that they do actually own an account with a rank and that's not really an easy addition to make, i also think it would be cool if there was a section of the forum like the staff list that showed donators by there ranks. While i think its a cool idea i don't really see staff putting so much effort into something that is purely cosmetic. (before anyone mentions the staff roles, that is a different story as it helps players identify the staff members and stops players from imitating staff)

    Great idea but kind of unnecessary in my opinion.
    Xermes likes this.
  10. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    i didn't say i'd have a problem with it, but i don't see a point in adding it. if its being suggested for donators to stand out when majority of mcc and majority of the mcc forums members are donators it just seems pointless. if its for every rank that would seem like a big pain to handle as ranks change and having to reset ranks or submit a ticket or something to change tags that don't do anything just wouldn't seem like a good use of staff time as theres already a number of em who seem to barely get by when it comes to reqs or only use forums for appeals.
    mcc has a lot of donators i think listing every donator, whether it's every player or just every forums member, would be a lot especially by rank. the difference between staff and donators is that the staff are a little bit more controlled as its a requirement for them to have a forums account to be staff and the application process is looked into a bit than some "are u donator - yes/no" then u wait a few das for a tag.. if that makes sense
    if a donator tag were to be added, i think for saving staffs time in longrun maybe it should be something more like code where theres no application, but also going through that and such can take some time especially since there are other more important things up in queue like said anticheat and some minigames revamp and subserver resets
  11. opensideflanker

    Jul 7, 2020
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    I like the idea of the donator rank but i feel like it would be very hard to add them for every single donator. However i feel like in some way when doing /link in game to get the minecraft account onto the forums in some way just some basic text that either says donator or your actual rank. I think a nice way to back this up would be to have your minigame level too underneath! I think it could possibly look similar to how the levels worked with enjin on the old website!
    Xermes likes this.
  12. 27JAS

    Jan 20, 2020
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    I really like this idea!! At first I hadnt payed much attention until now, but I've started thinking. Ingame, I can do /link to link my account ingame with my account on the website, but maybe /link could include our ranks. Maybe it could change our name under our profile pic. Maybe it could be a completely seperate command instead of /link. Maybe /rank or something like that. I like that you can add roles onto the discord for our ranks, or at least for donators the donator role. I think this should be added to the forums.

  13. TheKingOfTurtlez

    Nov 30, 2019
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    So both of you say they need a way to register what your account is and there is a very simple way to do that, its called /link in the lobbies. This provides you with something to type in/click on to link it to your forums account, and they can add a way to get your rank/role, from your account onto the forums, without having to do it manually.

    In my opinion, I personally feel like this is unnecessary because MCC's forums would be too cluttered. With everyone having Different roles and such, it could get messy, and I think that the forums should stay how it is. The forums look fine how they are and donators most of the time don't buy stuff to benefit on the forums on discord, those are just added bonuses. So it's a -1 from me! Have a great day
    Xermes and puposaurus like this.

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