Creative blocks/items

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by luvrose, Jul 26, 2020.

  1. luvrose

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Though I think this has been mentioned before, somethings on creative are not-useable and such blocks you cannot place. Things like armour stands, book and quills, fishing rods and bows. There might be several reasons behind all of these and why they cannot be used on creative though some builds rely on some of these as a main factor and without them it can be hard to do certain things. Such as when doing redstone work and you figure out that the block you need for it to all work out cant be used, it can be frustrating and you have to start over. I’m not quite sure why book and quills were banned, as not long ago they were used a lot. offensive things were written in them and a lot of rules were broken by using them, I think you could probably find a way to prevent players from breaking rules while using a book and quill because I always found them to be useful and quite essential o~o
    OriAlfi likes this.
  2. OriAlfi

    Jan 24, 2020
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    Everything to stop lag/ inap writing lol
    NoButYes, Xermes and luvrose like this.
  3. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    book and quills were disabled as there are clients and such that can use book and quills to kick/disconnect players and that was no bueno for mcc. i don't see book and quills coming back as it kinda happened a lot and playesr still find ways to disconnect/obstruct players with books.
    as for armor stands, as ori already mentioned, it was to prevent lag. as armor stands are an entity (like chests and item frames) and blah blah. im not sure on the exact reason why they are not useable as entities like chests and item frames can be used, but also there is a limit to them (per plot).

    have a great day
    NoButYes, Dionnysus, Xermes and 2 others like this.
  4. luvrose

    Mar 27, 2020
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    sounds about right haha, knew there was some reasoning behind them being banned but thank you for telling me!
    NoButYes likes this.

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