Give the option of moving plots to staff builders

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by OriAlfi, Jul 25, 2020.


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  1. No

    4 vote(s)
  2. Yes

    3 vote(s)
  1. OriAlfi

    Jan 24, 2020
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    i build a lot in creative. Ive made lots of plots in my years and I always have the same problem- moving the plot to spawn. In my knowledge only admins have the perk to move plots, and to my knowledge they are realy busy. Why don’t you split work? Give perks to staff who were originally builders (like dionnysus, swinger etc...)
    Give the job to people who truely understand in the subject. If you say this is a minor problem, it’s realy not. I know a lot of builders who struggle with this (fernygrove, cloudedmemories, 3rdTime, alphaspring, hppy, iiSanik, Prelure etc..) here’s my example: I’ve been waiting 3 months for my plots to get moved, it didn’t move yet.(submitting throught forums) catching an admin is like filming a bird in mid flight, rare. I hope you fix this. thank you for reading -Ori
    NoButYes, ImaBucketBoy and SplatBerry like this.
  2. SpaceAcademy2

    Mar 17, 2020
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    Same Problem Here
    ImaBucketBoy and OriAlfi like this.
  3. OriAlfi

    Jan 24, 2020
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    Ye I wrote your name in the ppl who have this problem
    NoButYes likes this.
  4. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hi ori! as i can see your situation can be frustrating, and same goes for anyone else who wants their plot moved. however, i find it reasonable that it's only an admin perk as it's just at sr mod where they break blocks and use world edit w/o being trusted or added. with that said, technically sr mods could world edit (copy/paste) plots into dif plots closer to spawn, but then plot ownership wouldn't be transferred.. but theres not fun in that and blah blah
    as for your comment on catching admins, (for me at least) it's not too too hard and most times i just dm a senior mod and they can forward the message to an admin as most seniormods are a little more open than admins (when it comes to dms) on discord. also, for some situations, i just straight up dm admins... whether it be on discord or on forums convos it's not like getting your piece out is hard.. not every message they read is going to get a response and this (also) really applies to a lot of staff on the staff team..
    for both yours and 3rdtimes situation, I don't see why there is such a rush, even if its a couple months) for a plot to be moved to spawn, admins are busy people and both of y'all already have existing plots at spawn.
    for your suggestion to have previous builders move plots, while it sounds good in scheme of things, i don't think it can work out.. as already mentioned that srmods+ are really the only staff rank that has access to using worldedit w/o add or trust, i think it can be seen as unfair or unreasonable within the staff team (as a whole) where a mod and a helper (based off the staff you mentioned and as of now) having such perms that a srmod would have + being able to transfer/switch plot ownership even if it was just creative and by builders. these perms aren't only for moving plots theyre also for removing things that break rules/guidelines on plots while maybe it might sound like "yeah, more lowers being able to clear plots blah blah", helpers can't ban and/or could just remove an inapp thing for a friend and sweep it under the carpet to save their butt from a punishment.. while that is unlikely as any srmod could do it as well, i still don't think it could be the best idea for helepr-srmod to do. apart from some crazy scenarios that likely wouldn't happen, i still think having helpers (as swinger was a helper, like, just a few hours ago), being able to move plots is just a 'lil no bueno despite their building experience. another reason being that, the plots become less monitored on what gets moved and such, as the admins are a small group of people it's easier to see and have a little more control over what's moved and what's not. with helpers, it could honestly be a freeforall almost (again, whether or not if they are specifically chosen due to building experience).
    spawn already is very lively and any new or og player can be overwhelmed by the plots that are at spawn, having more plots is nice and more light to shine on the brilliant builds and more eyes to see 'em. admins do tend to be busy people not only w/ dealing with slightly more serious situations whatever they may be or dealing with irl things, i'm sure they do notice your requests 'specially if you're persistent enough and maybe they are just discussing them.. as something else i have noticed is that admins like to move plots in bulk meaning more than 1 at a time.. as that's how they did it in prison-s2, prison-s5, and in survival-s7 (at least from what i've noticed)
    there have been and still are are multiple staff w/ building experience apart from the list that you gave, including staff like Trapunzel, Horace_Altman, Swaggle, Muel, and that really is just a few who have been close to higher ups (admin) and/or have been/are sr mod and give great building tips and constructive criticism on builds.. ik i already touched on it, but asking staff to forward messages (moving y'alls plots)can be a can be a better way for you to reach out and get a little notice by admins w/o flooding their wall every other day (*cough*3rdtime) asking for their plot to be moved, including the staff you specifically mentioned like dionnysus & swinger.

    i think rather as a compromise than trying to go through dif staff to forward messages and such and such, maybe make the form more active/looked at more often, or a better system for admins to kinda log and keep track of plots they are considering/have been submitted or even just having a better system to request plot moves that the pre-existing google form.. but not giving such perms to non-admin nor non-sr mods.

    overall, i am not really for this idea and feel the way it is now is reasonable, despite the long wait times for community members like yourself and other builders you mentioned in your post. -1

    NoButYes, Xermes and OriAlfi like this.
  5. OriAlfi

    Jan 24, 2020
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    I don’t realy care waiting, it’s just that I have no more plots to build at. As you might know, you get a new plot every time a plot gets moved(depends on admin) I find myself trashing some builds and building in different ownerships. I’m not the only builder who has that problem, Fernygrove had to move a lot of old builds to his single player world just to have space to build. I’ll try out the way you said, I already did it once in 2018 it’s kinda inconsistent but mostly works
    #5 OriAlfi, Jul 26, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2020
    NoButYes likes this.
  6. SplatBerry

    Sep 8, 2019
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    I think this could work. I’m not sure exactly how this works currently but I think I have an idea. Maybe the staff is able to accept or decline the plot being sent?
  7. Swinger

    Jul 22, 2019
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    As much as you know I'd love to have the permissions to move creative plots to spawn, the system you suggest doesn't really seem feasible. Puposaurus did a pretty good job of explaining why this doesn't work permissions wise; only admins have the power to change around plot ownership on sub-servers. I don't think offering these same commands to people like me (a recently promoted mod) and Dion (who I love, but just recently joined the team) is a sensible move for the server either. You'd essentially be creating an entire new sub-team dedicated just to moving creative plots to spawn, which seems a little excessive. I also agree with Puposaurus's point about giving certain people those commands/powers on the creative subserver; it may feel a little alienating to other staff members who can't.

    Dion and I may be responsible, but there have also been instances of staff abuse/players joining the staff team with malicious intent in the past. Giving helpers/moderators who have only been on the team a few months the power to seriously mess up the creative spawn, on the sub-server where the spawn matters more than any other sub-server, would be an irresponsible move on the server's part. I could potentially understand giving Sr Mods those permissions, but I still see big downsides to anyone but the admins having them.

    I would love to see creative spawn plots be monitored a little closer, but with the workload that the admin team currently has it's very understandable why it has taken a back seat recently. For now just be patient, and try and get it done through Admins when they're on the server (or contact them through a Sr Mod if desperate).
    Rev3rse, puposaurus and OriAlfi like this.
  8. Dionnysus

    Mar 3, 2020
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    Hey OriAlfi! How've you been doing lately!

    Just as my fellow Staff Member Swinger I would love to move plots on creative. How often I come across the most amazing plots while building on creative is insane. I also agree on some of the builders you've listed, they are talented and have some plots that should be moved to spawn for sure.

    However giving this permission to ALL Staff Members wouldn't work out that well. This would create chaos and maybe some beef. Since art is subjective it is really hard to decide whenever something is good enough to get moved to spawn. This is why you want the responsiblity of those permissions to only be in a handfull of Staff Members. Also giving those permissions to Staff Members with more building experience would be straight up unnfair. I don't think me and Swinger and even Mu3l or Swaggle should get extra permissions since we have more experience with building because in the end it's really hard to decide what looks good and what doesn't

    I do love the fact that you're thinking with us and show appriciation for our work as builders and Staff Members so keep that attituted up Ori! and probs to you aswell puposaurus for your detailed explaination <3

    Enjoy the rest of your day!
    NoButYes, OriAlfi and puposaurus like this.

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