Remove reaction spam rule on discord

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by seretinsky, Jul 19, 2020.

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  1. seretinsky

    Jul 28, 2019
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    personally I don’t see why this has been added. Reacting to messages is completely harmless. It's completely different to spam which blocks the flow of the chat. Adding a reaction to 3+ messages just makes it look like there is an extra line of chat in that particular box which I don't see as a problem. As long as the reactions aren't inappropriate then what's wrong with adding them to a few messages. I also think that if you're going to add a reaction revoke to 3+ messages. Why not add a reaction revoke to a message that has 3+ reactions in. How is that any different to reacting separate messages. I am genuinely struggling to see why this rule has now been added I have barely seen anyone complain about it ( when it actually happens) in the general chat and I look at it often.

    Lmk what you think, or don't.
    forgranted, iluvu, Zonafer and 2 others like this.
  2. peed

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Agreed good job !! hi
    seretinsky likes this.
  3. Rev3rse

    Aug 14, 2019
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    I don't see why there would be a need for someone to react to 3+ messages in a row on Discord aside from being annoying/creating a disturbance. It's not necessary in any situation and can make the chat channel difficult to read especially when certain types of reactions are used.

    As you mentioned, adding a reaction makes the overall text message box larger by creating a new line, so spam reacting to multiple messages in succession starts spacing out the messages, once again making them more difficult to read. This is a key difference to why we wouldn't punish for simply reacting 3 times to a single message, because each reaction on one message doesn't start adding more lines and spacing out the channel more. These additional reactions simply stack on the same line created by the first reaction and thus do not pose additional issues to readability.
    ThorKingOfAsgard, 89p and iiSean like this.
  4. seretinsky

    Jul 28, 2019
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    So if I were to react to a post with 20+ emojis. Adding 3 more lines of chat. That would be fine
  5. Rev3rse

    Aug 14, 2019
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    You're only able to react with a total of 20 emojis on a single message:

    Which adds 2 lines of reactions as shown:

    This has a similar effect as sending a reaction on two messages in a row, which is not punishable under our new rule.
    ThorKingOfAsgard and iiSean like this.
  6. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hey george! i agree as stupid as this rule is, it must have been implemented for a reason.. whether that reason may be to. lowkey kinda piss off people (either) since they were unaware with the rule or because it takes away the little bit of fun and color general can get since there is an emote limit per message for normal users.... anywyas, whatever silly reason it may be it's already here and knowing mcc and how rules work and such i dont see it being removed, but possibly compromised/altered..
    i think rather than 3 reactions in a row, it should be increased to something like 5 or 6 since they really arent that harmful unless abused or whatever like yesterday when it was first implemented but before that (that being before the announcement) chat was p peaceful w/ not so many, if any, reactions.
    in the announcement, the example was of teddzy speaking and really this "reaction spam" occurred either when an admin was speaking or was present to grasp their attention or whatnot. when its just normal players it wasnt that common with exception of maybe one or two people. once reactions were removed from support the occurrence of this "reaction spam" (before rule was announced yesterday) occurred much less.. and when it did happen when there wasnt staff or whatever present it was to be funny either because users were in a call just having a good time or trying to showcase their favorite emote. mine is the : flushed : emote

    as for reverses's response, i dont think it creates a disturbance unless if it becomes super excessive, and i do not see 3 as excessive it's barely nothing..
    not on mobile, as it creates 4 lines.. which correct me if i'm wrong but 4 > 3? not quite sure, im a bad asian since im no good with math

    now kinda merging both of reverses messages together about the lines being created, yes lines are created, but also, on mobile, new lines are created for me every time even if same person sends messages in a row, new lines are created as shown below.. and this was in pms not.. and wasnt some cat gang thing where it was same pfp.. i have covered the anme and portion of the pfp to keep this persons privacy, but left the ends shown to showcase how it was the same person. i dont think lines is the issue at all since there are some features that dont even follow the normal merging messages together.. creating an extra 3 lines seems silly to mute over when you cant even get muted for saying 3 messages in a row (exception if theyre all the same message which even that has exceptions since i did it on an alt twice in an hour and never got muted for that, instead got muted for something different a week later.i digress)
    image of one user multiple messages creating new lines, not merging, via mobile ss (name and pfp covered to protect privacy):
    image of one user sending multiple messages and it all merging via computer ss(messages covered to protect privacy :clown:):

    kinda tagging on to above about lines and such, there also are cases where people have same pfps and staff think its spam/chat flood when it wasnt.. this screenshot doesnt do any justice since (1) silent isnt staff anymore and (2) the deleted user doesnt have the right pfp it has default discord now, but at that time it was the same pfp as Fracis's:
    here is a better ss that may explain this a little better, im sure there are (def) more and better examples, but i cba to be scrolling for days so this will have to settle:

    all in all, unfortunately, i don't see this rule being removed as mcc has rarely done that (like it took a while for excessive unicode to be booted out the winddow), but rather just altered them (an example being status rule and disrespect n such).. so i think a way to alter the rule (if not remove) is to just increase it to 5 or 6 reactions in a row, since 3 is so little its kinda stupid.. even 5 or 6 is a bit low imo cause reactions are just so fun, restricting to such number like 5 or 6 can just cut off the fun... I dont think lines is as big of an issue since not every version of discord acknowledges that and can really mess up how messages can be read and such and such.especially since 20 emotes can create more than 2 lines if youre on a mobile version or minimized window of discord on desktop.

    seretinsky likes this.
  7. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    There is no reason to spam the same reaction. This will not be changed.

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