MCC Chat Reports

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zguy2000, Aug 12, 2019.

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  1. Zguy2000

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey guys!

    So this has happened a LOT to me recently, but today was just kind of my last straw and I'm finally driven to make a thread about it...

    To start off, I would like to say that I can't even BEGIN to talk about how many times I've had a denied chat report, talked to the staff about it, and then they realized they were wrong and fixed the chat report. The player is punished, but one annoying thing still stands... My chat report remains denied.

    For anybody going for staff, this is INCREDIBLY frustrating. We are applying for the sole reason of handling/moderating the chat, but our stats look bad even when the player was still punished. My suggestion here is that Chat Reports should be able to be flipped if they are falsely denied. I don't see why this would be a problem, as it is already possible with forum reports. If the excuse is that it makes staff's job harder, then that would only be one more reason to actually ADD this into the system. Maybe the staff would look a little harder into the report and stop falsely denying...

    I am extremely upset at how amazing my chat report stats could look right now, but I am told every time that a Chat Report verdict cannot be reversed. I would really like to bring this to staff's attention, but also hear why people think this would not work. Because personally, I'm really tired of getting my stats hurt just for trying to make the server a better place and report people who feel like breaking the rules in chat.
  2. Darenn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I agree with this because I too, report many players a day with the /chatreport command. Some do get denied and it is frustrating. Before chatreporting, I always take a screenshot of the offense the player has commited incase it gets denied with the chatreport command, I can therefore proceed into reporting on the forums or to a staff directly in discord. In the report I explain that the chatreport got denied and it should be fine afterwards. Though, I do agree that staff should sometimes take a double check at chatreports before accepting/denying them. Plus, indeed as you've said, a denied chatreport should be able to get flipped around, it would be so much better for falsely denied chatreports. If you are going for staff like I might be... just report the player to a staff member or report on the forums if you have proof, when applying, they check your forum reports aswell therefore denied chatreports and accepted forum reports kind of makes up for the denied chatreports.

    Hope this helped and thanks for sharing :)

    - Pringles
    puposaurus likes this.
  3. Zguy2000

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Right, and I do take a screenshot of the offense every time I chat report. That's the only reason so many of these have been flipped and the player has been punished. I understand they have PAGES and PAGES of chatreports to do, so I know why they hammer them out very quickly. However, I still think the ability to flip the chat report should be instituted because staff is destined to make mistakes with how quickly they have to process the reports in order to get through all of them.
  4. Darenn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Agreed, they should take more time looking at them and either accepting or denying properly, than falsely accepting or denying. The time that they take to check a chatreport doesn't matter too much as it's a chat offense and not for example, a gameplay offense. If they'd take more time looking at chatreports, less incidents would happen.

    +1 :)
  5. MasterChheda

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey zguy!

    First I want to say that I think this idea would be great. When I was going for staff again, I experienced the same issue.

    In the end, though, if you get a staff member to check the CR or you show a screenshot of the player breaking a rule, the player gets dealt with; that's the main goal with chat reporting players. It's not really about stats, but I can still understand where you're coming from. I wouldn't mind this being added, but if it's not added that's fine as well. If you feel your stats are very important in your application, you could comment stating what happened, but chat reports aren't a requirement. In the end, I don't mind if this is added, but stats shouldn't be the main concern behind chat reports, it's the player getting dealt with.

    As you mentioned as well, we do make mistakes. I'm positive that the same staff member isn't falsely denying every single one of your chat reports; it's multiple of us because we all might not see the offense. We deal with TONS of chat reports, and if one is mishandled, it's not because we don't care.
    puposaurus, EssentialsPlus and Darenn like this.
  6. Zguy2000

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Of course, I know you guys are SLAMMED with reports on a daily. I play with multiple staff members in calls every day, I hear all about the pages and pages of reports you guys go through haha. I respect it and feel bad that you guys have to do that much work because of some of the players on the server.
    However, I agree with your statement that it's not about the stats. I don't report for a bragging right or showcase stat. I'm just trying to show staff that I have a very in-depth knowledge of the rules and can handle a staff position with minimal error, but falsely denied chatreports make that kind of tough :/ That's the main reason I was hoping this would get added. It makes the process easier for those going for staff to show that they're learning, growing, and working hard to become a great future staff member. My goal was to stay below 10 denied chat reports for the month, which would have still been a possible goal if it were not for unfortunate false denies on chat reports. Like I said, loads of understanding coming from my end and I respect everything you guys do, just a little tough on my end to watch my chatreports get denied whilst I'm trying so hard to further my knowledge of the rules and gain respect of the staff for my number of reports :)
    MasterChheda likes this.
  7. ImConcerned

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I have also had Many incidents like this and they are admittedly extremely annoying.
    I would like to see this added. Thank you for bringing this up as it is a very controversial topic.
  8. xXPuffleXx

    Aug 13, 2019
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    I disagree with this, I've never gotten a denied chatreport ever, staff know what they are doing and yes they do get spamed, your report must have not been valid
  9. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hOi Chris. i can see where you’re coming from, and i really like your idea. i’ve been in multiple situations like that where i get a denied chatreport and then i screenshot and then message a staff on discord. but as chheda said, chatreports ain’t necessarily all about stats.. anywayss......
    overall, it’s a +1 from me!

    that’s not always the case, i’ve been in multiple situations where i’ve chatreported someone for counting down from 10, and the chatreport doesnt get accepted, then i screenshot the chatflood and the chatreport ID, and message a staff about it, and they say that they were wrong.. if that makes sense. I’m not saying false denies are common, but the happen, and it’s frustrating to a lot of players.
    I have also learned that depending on which staff member sees the report it can get denied/accepted... mostly depending on their views n’ such. im not gonna go in much detail ‘cause 1 i don’t know too much about that kinda’ matter and 2 forums prolly isn’t the right place for it :)

    okie. have a grrrreAT Day
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