so like, im just tired of this, staff do you exist??

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BennettParkar, Jul 8, 2020.

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  1. BennettParkar

    Jul 8, 2020
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    so like, I just was recording for a YT video for ctf, and I caught at least 3 hackers while playing the game. I thought it would be funny to see how many caps they had, and lets just say its over 10 for all of them. It's almost like the hackers are allowed to play on the server for multiple hours, which makes the game un fun. And this isn't including 10+ hackers I've seen since last week, so like, I don't know what to do anymore. I don't even feel like reporting these guys since it'll most likely take a while for the private video of them to go up, AND they probs wont be banned until a few hours/days later, so like, there is basically no point in doing it. I know a lot of us don't give credit to the staff, even though they do do a few good things, its still painful to have to wait till these ppl are gone to ACTUALLY play the game, and not just hope to win. Many staff will tell you stuff like "you shouldn't party with a hacker" or "if they are hacking report them instead of teaming with them". I would agree with them if the hackers where only there for a little while, but since that's not the case, most people playing the minigames are gonna do it. Why? Because most people aren't playing the minigames for fun, they are playing them for either levels or for ranking on the leaderboard, and with that in mind, they are more likely gonna try and win the easiest way without hacking themselves. Plus, it's almost ironic how the staff will mute you for "trolling" or "spamming" when its just dumb stuff that helps helpers get their stupid rank. Why can't they put that same effort into banning people? I would rather have a game of people saying "3, 2, 1, GO!" or "press alt +f4 to win" then having them fly through the air and win the game in 5 seconds. Someone said this in chat, which was funny at the time, but its so true: "Welcome to MCC guys, the place where you are more likely to get muted than banned". so like, what do y'all think about this? I just wanted to see y'all takes on this, and if you are a staff reading this, I'm not trying to come at y'all, but I'm coming at y'all. If you have a problem with it, then fix our minigames so we can actually have fun.
    #1 BennettParkar, Jul 8, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2020
    GorDen_, olo_YT and seretinsky like this.
  2. seretinsky

    Jul 28, 2019
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    The only problem I have with this post is the fact that you used Yall. Everything else I agree with. I see where you’re coming from and yes it’s incredibly frustrating to see hackers get away with stuff for the longest amount of time. The sad truth is that staff members just aren’t patrolling minigames as much anymore.
    olo_YT likes this.
  3. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    1. Report the hackers on the forums.
    2. Drop their IGN and @staffmembers in #support on discord.
    3. I'd love to see a staff sub-team dedicated primarily towards minigames. That is where the majority of hackers are and the games tend to get over run with hackers fast. That being said, they get cleaned just as fast.

    Unfortunately, hackers in minigames has always been a huge issue on MCC and all we can do is hope for either a better anti-cheat or more staff patrolling minigames at all times. With the recent promotions the majority of the new helpers come from and mostly play on minigames so hopefully that will help too.
  4. gingerbread2005

    Jun 23, 2020
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    Hey BennettParkar
    Firstly I would like to start off by saying that all the staff do try their best, I'm not sure if you were intentionally trying to go at them but as said, they always try. While we await a new anti cheat, which is currently in the works by the developers, the best you can do is try help out the staff by reporting hackers. Either report them on the forums here or on the #support channel on the discord server. We hope your experience improves, and the MCC staff will always try to remove hackers from your games, however you must understand that it is not always possible for them to be banned immediately.
    Have a good day
    TheKingOfTurtlez likes this.
  5. seretinsky

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I understand where he is coming from with this post. It’s very easy to say “Just record and report hackers” however some people may not be as fortunate as you to have a laptop that can run a recording software. There’s a process to these things and they can at times seem long winded. If you had actually read his post you can see he mentions how it takes a while to upload a video to YouTube. Instead of telling the guy to report the hackers. How about give them tips. Like how they can use streamable to upload the videos a lot quicker.
    Pxrge likes this.
  6. Sparky

    Mar 15, 2020
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    Hey Bennet!
    I agree with you here, hackers are incredibly annoying, they aren't too bad especially after 9 O'clock most time zones, just saying. But as Reeme said, you can report them in the discord, and you can report them on the forums. But I do hear you the staff team can be slow at some times, I feel there might be a better way for them to handle it, maybe like in shifts, but they have to have fun too. They can't be a slave to accepting reports and not being able to play. Also if you don't like the amount of hackers in CTF don't even think of going to skywars!
    Thanks for taking the time to read this!
    - Sparky
  7. fedham

    Dec 26, 2019
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    You are very much not the first person to say this. If you an active player this is basically everything you hear everywhere you go. This post was basically a waste of time, but if you want to make a difference, you can report the hackers here
  8. seretinsky

    Jul 28, 2019
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    This comment is a waste of time aswell. You clearly haven’t read the post. And by telling him to report someone on the forums doesn’t help anyone. Idiot
    forgranted likes this.
  9. Kane

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I understand what makes you think like that. However, you have no idea what staff members do behind the scenes. If you were an ex staff member, you'd know how hard we try to keep the game fair for everyone and how much we care for our players. Try to think from a different perspective instead of having a narrow way of thinking. We moderate the server, deal with forum reports (reports team), deal with chat reports, appeals, middleman on IRL deals, etc. There is only a limit to what we can do at once. If you're talking about minigames, then players can hop on alts and VPNs and hack, no matter how many times we punish them. Just because it seems like we care too much about chat-related offenses doesn't mean that we ignore the rest. There just happens to be many hackers that even if we clean skywars, for example, you'd see it flooded with hackers after 30 minutes, which makes it seem like we do not care as much about minigames because players would almost only see the part where it's flooded with hackers. We try divide our time, so we could moderate the chat, spectate players, middleman, deal with forum reports (reports team), deal with chatreports, and much more. We are aware of the hacker situation on minigames, which is why we made it fine for players to report hacker names for staff members on #support discord instead of limiting it to forum reports only, and which is why we focus a lot on minigames. There is only a limit to what we can do at once. Hence, why an anti cheat is going to be extremely helpful. We've been told that an anti cheat is currently being developed. We're unfamiliar with how much time it will take before it's up, but we do know it's being developed.
    #9 Kane, Jul 8, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2020
    ThorKingOfAsgard and kuieren like this.
  10. fedham

    Dec 26, 2019
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    it does if you're sick of the hackers, also like Kane said, there is so much that you guys dont see that staff do, so it's decent if you if you help out by reporting. also dont get why ya had to add that comment at the end but oki
  11. Hc0DoesForums

    Apr 30, 2020
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    I disagree with you on some parts because I feel like the staff are a massive help to the community because they help with all 3 stations Discord, in games and finally forums and most players don’t see it that way, [rookies] because they only see the gameplay not reports ext… To be honest I feel like all hackers should be IP banned after the 1st time ban because I believe it is the 2nd time? A lot of hackers have been using alt accounts once I was playing skywars and this same kid came like 4 times. I feel like McCentral needs to find a better way to record players instead posting it on youtube which takes like 30 minutes to upload because by the time I post a thread I say that this player has already been banned. Probably 50% of forums are based on the anti-cheat. Good news a new anti-cheat is getting made. Hackers probably make 10% of players leave.

    From Hc0 [Reply]

    - Remember to say hi to me ig-
    Screen Shot 2020-06-17 at 9.06.52 AM.png Screen Shot 2020-06-17 at 9.06.52 AM.png
  12. fedham

    Dec 26, 2019
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    oh im sorry is the fact that they genuinely want to help the community and are putting down time without getting paid to help around the forums making you feel bad?
  13. CatBoyFable

    Dec 28, 2019
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