Skyblock PvP Betrayal (5m lost)

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by olo_YT, Jul 7, 2020.

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  1. olo_YT

    Apr 16, 2020
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    Hey everyone,

    Today I lost 4 sets of myth/ancient armour valued over
    5mil, two of which had strength 2, a s6 sword and 40 god apples in skyblock pvp. How did I lose it? Because XxHyperxX, a player who I admired and respected betrayed and 3v1ed me.

    Ever since I rejoined skyblock late last season, I had wanted to get good pvp gear. I was unable to though, because I was a broke lad. This season I have grinded really hard (1.4m+ crops) and with that money I have bought myself very good pvp gear.

    I was very careful with it and had not used it yet, though i wanted to start using it on envoys and boss battles. However, I would not go in if there were other people with good pvp gear around. XxHyperxX was a guy who had op pvp stuff. I had been friends with him last season, and I asked him to truce in pvp. He said yes and was very friendly.

    I went into pvp with him with my good gear, as I feel safe being protected by him. We and another players, MadGains, mucked around with rods for a while, when suddenly Blocboy_ jumps into pvp and starts attacking me. And then Madgains started. At first I thought XxHyperxX was defending me, but my stomach dropped when I realised he was attacking.

    It was at this moment that I knew all the work I had put into my gear was for nothing. After two minutes of being
    3v1ed my first set was breaking, so I just took all my gear off and died, knowing I had no chance to survive but still not wanting my gear to be irretrievable.

    XxHyperxX then told me that he had become scummy this season (screeny proof btw) and had planned with these other two guys to split my loot. I was so crushed. I was on the verge of tears. I thought he was my friend, but really he borderline stole from me.

    What have I learnt from this experience?

    a) dont pvp in skyblock! (You will get teamed on and slammed)
    b) dont trust people (especially XxHyperxX)

    I am making this thread to spread awareness about the toxicity of skyblock pvp.
    I lost 5mil worth of stuff, but you dont have to.

    olo YT
    #1 olo_YT, Jul 7, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2020
    Snnovern and Sparky like this.
  2. Sparky

    Mar 15, 2020
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    Hey olo!
    I have been on Skyblock PvP before but personally I think that Prison PvP is the most dangerous, although I never get very good armor. But ngl, this story was kinda awesome! Although it made me feel bad for you, because of the way you explained it, this could be a short moral story! I am super glad you posted this! Hope you can make it up!
    Thanks for taking the time to read this!
    - Sparky
  3. Haylos

    May 13, 2020
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    Hello there, as someone who has been through many seasons of skyblock, factions, kitpvp, etc, the best thing I can recommend you is not to jump with so many p5 sets or p4 sets in a pvp arena in where you can not run, trust me for the longest time on KitPvP I was scared to jump in P5 some seasons ago because I just didnt stop getting ddosed or getting jumped by bhoppers or 5v1ers, still you shouldve seen it coming, I just had this person take some boots I dropped by accident and he didnt want to give them back, the best thing you can do is make your stuff back and be more careful about it. I hope you can make it back.
  4. olo_YT

    Apr 16, 2020
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    I see what your saying but what i am saying is that there is no way I would have gone into pvp it not for the protection / truce of XxhyperxX, and there were no other people with god gear in pvp at the time. Yes i should have been more careful, and i guess that’s the moral of the story here, which i have learnt from. Also you neee to understand that i fully trusted this guy, as he had been kind to me last season.
  5. TheKingOfTurtlez

    Nov 30, 2019
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    Hey dude, I can tell that this really sucks, but at the same time, skyblock isn't just about PvP, and PvP in skyblock is kinda overratted, but still, you probably spent time and money getting those sets, so I do feel for you, I hope you can get revenge on the dude!
    olo_YT likes this.
  6. XxHyperxX

    Aug 5, 2019
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    I barely knew u, we've only talked abit last szn but that didn't mean we where friends or teamed in pvp. And plus even if I didn't kill u that day, u still would've gotten killed by other pvpers such as Scifa or YouMute either way.
    #6 XxHyperxX, Jul 8, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2020
  7. olo_YT

    Apr 16, 2020
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    I was under your protection so I felt safe. And plus, I had worked out the timezones and you were the only strong player active at that time. Last season when I got scammed you stood up for me. It’s so sad to see you become scummy like this. Any regrets?
  8. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    If you go into PvP expect to loose items.
    If you die, you die. Its not scamming, its PvP.
    It sucks, but it is what it is.

    This thread is going nowhere productive.

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