Stop complaining (Rookie Guide for success)

Discussion in 'KitPvP General Discussion' started by PumahKITPVP, Jun 27, 2020.

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  1. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    so I see alot of new players complaining about the unbalance kits. Here is a guide (I feel i am wualified to make this as i was #4 player a few seasons back, i am currently #1, was #1 last season and have played for 6 years lol #nolifegang)


    when you first come to kitpvp, you will soawn with weekly kit. Do not use this. First thing to do is vote for a few days befre beggining to play (5 days is perfect, you will get 20 god apples, $500, tons of exp and 20 vote keys. On e you have done that, store half the god apples in your ender chest. After that, open your vote keys. Go to /shop and purchase 30 levels. First, look at /Ah and purchase a punch 2 bow with infinity. It goes for 120-140. Next, use your /kit weekly armor and a set of regular prot 3 with no other enchants. Also get 2 sharp 4 swords. Use an an anvil and combine these items for p4 s5. Then, hold the items in your hand and do /shop and buy unbreaking 3 for each of the pieces. Once done, go to /ah and pruchase 64 regular golden apples, for 20 or so money. Next, run rookie kit until you get a full inventory of health potions. Keep 1 arrow, 5-10 god apples, stack of crapples and an inventory of health potions. Dont forget to use /kit potions, and always keep using the pots every 8 minutes. Remember to take $150+ to pvp for /fix all. This repairs your armor, but costs $50 as a rookie. You can also repair gear piece by peice for $5 per. Now, enjoy pvping snd grinding. Once you begin collecting more items, trade them with people on IRL deals with staff middleman for rankups. Kf you vote every day, you also have a chance at winning $25 giftcard. Have fun
    Swaggle, iluvu, forgranted and 2 others like this.
  2. Devon

    Sep 4, 2019
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    Hello! I find this guide to be quite intriguing since I was a rookie back in 2015-2016 when it didn't really matter what you did. This guide should be passed around to people who genuinely want to know "how to get good at the game as a rookie", and this looks like a perfect method too. I appreciate you taking the time to write this out so others can see this and it hopefully helps them with their journeys. Being a rookie is hard, and it's nice to share methods of getting around in an environment I'd consider "pay to win".
  3. Condescendence

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Great guide. This is probably the best guide and advice a rookie could receive. However, I doubt the complaining will ever stop tbh. As helpful as this guide may be, I feel as though rookies will be seen as mere stepping stones for a very long time. Even the rookies that manage to obtain p4 and a punch 2 bow get ganked 9 times out of 10.
    Departition_ and Zonafer like this.
  4. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    That's simply a matter of skill, imo. No amount of gear can suddenly transform you into a star player.

    Another thing I would add is the sheer amount of gear being thrown around on the Kit maps and spawn; take advantage of it! It may not be the best armour you can get, but it certainly is a great way to get some stuff for free. If you find anything you don't like, you can also sell it on /ah and get cash that way, too.
  5. EssentialsPlus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    "stop complaining" if you're a rookie in p5 I'm just going to get a team and just gang up on you and drain your money, being a rookie and actually popping up on the leaderboards is nearly impossible due to the expensive fix all costs.
    Departition_ likes this.
  6. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    @EssentialsPlus your toxicity and sheer negativity is why you will always be my least favorite ex-staff.

    All of that asside, you clearly didnt play much last season. Everybody below bedrock+ had to pay $50 for fix all, and there were quite a few good players. Hf2 also goes for much less this season. If you gank rookies, your a scum, so just becasue your a shitter doesnt mean everybody is.
  7. EssentialsPlus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Toxicity? I can see negativity but I'm only stating the truth, rookies will always be vulnerable and Rookies will remain to only be in p4, Alex has to actually allow fix all for everyone in order to make it fair for Rookies to wear p5 without a kid with a punch 5 bow and clan to gank you. I know this by experience because I'm an emerald, I would always have to be in call with someone in a top clan to even manage to survive due to me being ganked by the "top players", I played enough of the season to understand that everything is still the same and that wearing p5 and s6 just wasn't possible. Not sure why you had to attack me but cool.
    #7 EssentialsPlus, Jun 28, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2020
  8. MediaManager

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I feel like rookies shouldn’t complain you could easily get gold gear if you vote you get the 100 bucks and you can buy p4. And if you get mills keep selling the p4 for money and you can fix them buy p5 see if you can get a set and maybe someone will rank upgrade you. Note I was a rookie last season with p5 Hf 2 and I got a few p5 kills.
  9. Departition_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Most of yall obviously have never played kitpvp before since you think the average player uses kits when they pvp, no they usually use p4 or p5 but it’s almost inpossible if you’re a rookie cuz u get 20v1ed by a team of donators that can just fix there gear while they laugh at you cuz u aint got a rank
  10. Idekbruv

    Nov 22, 2019
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    Exactly this fucking no life random poison potions or whatever his name is this month doesn’t even know how kit works he started like season 5 when all the real players stopped then he nolifes for months and acts like he is #1. #1 most kills is determined by how much of a nerd loser you are. Which fits this 12 year olds description. Personally being a rookie god is hard and is hard to get kills, but it is possible. If you’re amazing at pvp you should be fine, or if you’re a scum like media manager you will be perfect. Cuz poison potions is the most *** mcc kitpvp player
    Departition_ likes this.
  11. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Lol you guys realise i have played since the start right? I was a rookie until season 4 but i was a god rookie in season 3. I got my first p4 set in season 2 and had a couple logins in season 1
  12. MediaManager

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I didn’t ask if you were a god
  13. Idekbruv

    Nov 22, 2019
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    You realise logging in once doesn’t mean you’re an og I was a rookie season 1 and I had plenty of p4. Clearly you joined when kit died around season 4
    Departition_ likes this.
  14. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I played alot season 3 lol
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