Keep Appeals Private

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Pullover, Jun 22, 2020.

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  1. Pullover

    Jan 30, 2020
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    All I'm going to say is, like, why do I have 20+ views when I appeal to one person, like thanks einstein i didn't bloody realise i was appealing to the entire staff team?

    Sorry, but it should have a couple views not bloody 10x that? The person that muted the person is the only person that can respond to the appeal unless requested by the mod, and therefore I don't see the need why other staff have to see it?

    Am i right or am i right?? or should i explain my situation to all the staff members next time but let the staff team call me out for harassment once again when I DM them? Jokes lad.

    or are u too indecisive to make your own decision? like u wasn't too indecisive when u first punished us but all of a sudden you need a second opinion? jog on.

    Conclusion, make only the admins and the bloody person that I appealed to see it.

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    #1 Pullover, Jun 22, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2020
    forgranted, Daniel and peed like this.
  2. peed

    Jul 24, 2019
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    forgranted and Pullover like this.
  3. Daniel

    Jul 23, 2019
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  4. Invader

    Jul 22, 2019
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    As a Former Staff Member, I'll put some of my input on this. Firstly, this would be a waste of time to make it so only Admins and whoever punished you to view the appeal. Of course, we're going to have other staff members over time view them.

    There are reasons other staff members view your appeals, let alone other peoples. And I'd like to mention that it could just be you viewing the page over and over again. Some of the views are just you looking at your own appeal and sometimes it's other staff members. When we receive an appeal, it must be assigned to a Staff Member and sometimes a player puts the wrong staff member which means a staff needs to fix it. If not that, we view the appeal and lock it if the staff member who did your appeal hasn't already done so.

    Another main factor is for viewing your previous appeals and seeing if you're repeating the same things over and over again like "I will never do this again" or just for quality sakes. Some staff want to give you another opportunity but if they see denied appeals, they want to know why you've been denied and if it's for past appeals, etc. This is what I did while I was on the Staff Team and I'm confident other staff have done the same.

    Now, I like the idea, it's just more than likely never going to happen as there isn't a full on reason unless your appeals are being leaked by another staff member to the community. If so, report the staff member (that being, if you have evidence/leads on the case). Hope this was enough to explain why staff are able to view your appeals + previous appeals.

    - Fox
    89p, abbzyy, forgranted and 4 others like this.
  5. Pullover

    Jan 30, 2020
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    I don't view my appeals 20+ times, I view it once and that is when I have posted it. There is no need to view it again as there is a denied and approved label clearly visible without even clicking the appeal / viewing it.

    The matter of the fact that is, even if you are a correct by saying "sometimes some people put the wrong ign" - well, i don't and there's literally no need to do it and i'm sure the vast majority put the correct igns at least the ones i spoke to.

    Considering the fact that most of the appeals that were accepted are the ones with the most views, it's not wrong to assume the staff are just being 'nosey' and looking into the accepted ones because even if we're putting the same stuff. It doesn't really suffice the fact that I've been told by an administrator that if you put detail into your application then they won't read it.

    It's quite contradicting to see an administrator and the staff team to say that quality = less chance of being read when you tell us not to put the same thing so if this is the case we're literally better off copying our other appeals?

    I don't see how we can possibly repeat the exact same thing as every situation is different and subjective to the staff member? So I don't see how a staff member looking over another past appeal will help them come to a decision as, i said, everything is apparently subjective to MCC and it is their own opinion?

    I don't see how it is a "waste" of time. It takes a couple minutes to set up permissions
    #5 Pullover, Jun 22, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2020
  6. Centrally

    Jul 24, 2019
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    +1 ilysm lewis
  7. Devon

    Sep 4, 2019
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    -1. I feel that this shouldn't be implemented. I would like to say that having more people on something always helps whether its an investigation, or a school party, it's always better with more people. If I have to take a guess they have multiple people view reports to converse about the right decision. If you got accepted I'm pretty sure this post wouldn't even be a thing. Anyway, I believe that having any amount of views on your report/appeal/post is alright because in the end, it's the person who punished you that decides in the end.
    forgranted and Invader like this.
  8. peed

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I don't think it takes 20+ staff to make a decision whether to deny or accept an appeal. This leads players to think different things, like if the staff is talking shit about the certain person. <3
    forgranted likes this.
  9. Devon

    Sep 4, 2019
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    The thing about that is it's wrong to assume that someone is doing something, even if it's minor. For example, lets say someone says something stupid in chat like "I liek pizza everyday" you would assume that they are young, or are not mature. In the case of the 20+ people looking at 1 report, it could be them investigating whether he has been on a good behavior over the time that he was muted or banned for. It's kind of like a group discussion between good friends. Anyway, if you look at it was different people "talking shit" you might want to rethink and brainstorm a positive alternative.
  10. Fracis

    Sep 21, 2019
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    agreed + cat gang on top
    peed likes this.
  11. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Pullover,

    Looks like a lot of people have weighed in comments on this post. Fox has done a pretty good job at explaining some of the various reasons too.

    I'll give some definiative answeres to solve your question, and to deny your request for hiding appeals to just who punished you.

    Firstly, Xenforo (this forums provider), doesn't have anything setup to hide posts to a particular user. It can hide by type of user (IE: Reports team can only see reports), but it can't hide a singular report to a singular user, especially considering we have technical reports that are for ex-staff, so we need to be able to see those.

    Secondly, the counts you are seeing are highly inflated. You create views every time you look at it, the staff member creates a view when they look at it (even if they don't respond straight away) and our appeal notification system uses the Xenforo API to create a notification and to check if a user has responded, which also increases the view count every time the appeal is updated (be it a reply from you, staff or a status change, etc).

    Personally, I have a habit of opening all my appeals to see what they are for when I get a notification.
    Then a bit later re-open them all and completing the easy ones first. Then re-opening them all again to complete the more involved ones.
    Just that would create ~3-5 views, just from me dealing with my appeals in the way I do it.

    So no, its not always a case of 'nosey staff' looking at your appeals.
    We do often have cases where we share appeals for second oppinions; as we like to ensure, as a staff team, we are all on the same decision.
    As such, hiding it from other staff would be silly, and simply just make it harder to get second oppinions.
    #11 KierenBoal, Jun 22, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2020
  12. Pullover

    Jan 30, 2020
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    Thanks for responding.

    If XenForo is set up like that then I guess we cant do anything directly to fix it... but...

    I just have one question directed to you or the staff team. No one else.

    So you go on to say about you need a second opinion but then you also sort of contradict yourself when it comes to players asking about their punishment and they say "its subjective to the staff member, it's their opinion".

    I dont understand how you can make that decision, your opinion, when you punish that person but when you go to look at their appeal you need more than your own opinion to accept or deny it?

    I personally find it quite odd, if what I said makes sense. And nevertheless, it is without a doubt some of the views are staff being nosey and that's inevitable but the fact of the matter is, should punishments really be subjective to the staff member if it's not subjective to the staff member when they go to look at that same persons appeal?

    Am I wrong?

    If you all wanted to be on the 'same decision' you would properly make a punishment guide on what to mute for and not let half the rules be your opinion.
  13. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    There are a lot of different situations our staff members deal with on a day to day basic. Not just dealing with mutes but also bans and ip bans. The staff members don't just get to make up what to mute for. There is no issue with how our appeals system works right now. If you don't want staff members seeing your appeals, don't break the rules. This wont be changing anytime soon.

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