Report System

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by notaspleen, Jun 10, 2020.

  1. notaspleen

    Apr 21, 2020
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    This post is not a plea for a better anticheat or for staff to have the ability to spectate games already in progress. While these measures are certainly necessary, I hope by now they are a top priority and we will see them in the (hopefully not-too-distant) future with the minigame revamp. In the meantime, however, I would like to share my grievances with the current report system and how its effectiveness could be improved.

    • Firstly, forum reports often take a very long time to be seen by a staff member. I recognize that staff members have lives outside of looking at forum reports and MCC in general, and I don't know how often reports are submitted, but I have a report which has been sitting for nearly 12 hours with no staff views. This is not an outlier; it is common at least for me for reports to sit this long or much longer. If the backlog of reports is too much for the current 18-member report sub-team to handle, I suggest bolstering this team or increasing time spent reviewing reports so that players are not discouraged from coming back a couple hours later to play with the same person flying around the game.
    • Secondly, I notice sometimes reports I submit later are accepted before the earlier ones. I'm not sure how reports are prioritized, but this seems strange to say the least, especially when I am playing with a hacker whom I've reported when someone else has been punished. Again, I don't know in what order staff looks at punishments, but I think it would be helpful if reports of players who are currently in game are prioritized by the reports team. This would help repair the temporal disconnect of banning a hacker who is no longer ruining the game and improve the experience of everyone trying to enjoy their MCC experience in the present.
    This is in no way meant to be a diss at staff, I appreciate the work you do to keep MCC fun for everyone. If either of these are already done or in the works, I apologize. Anyways, if anyone has any thoughts on these or another suggestion I'd love to hear it.
    #1 notaspleen, Jun 10, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2020
  2. olo_YT

    Apr 16, 2020
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    I 110% agree with you.
    My reports usually pens for 24 hours. Minimum. I have had reports pending for over 60 hours!
    And before you say staff are probably reviewing it still, no, these are reports on very obvious fly hackers in skywars, and still have no views from staff. Apparently staff are overworked at the moment, and many of them have stuff going on irl, which is why they take a while to respond. My response to this? Exactly what you said, increase the amount staff on reports team!!! I have over 200 reports and of the 18 staff on the reports team, I have only ever seen 5-6 respond to my reports.
    Shoutout to Vervain and DeathStrokeDevil (reports team lads).
    I also find it wierd how reports are prioritised, what happened to you also happens to me. perhaps they do need to change the reports priority system. I also find it wierd how chat reports are accepted so quickly, and yet they forum reports are neglected??

    In terms of why chatreports are given so much more priority, my idea goes as follows:
    - Chatreports are easier and take less time to review
    - They stop the offender faster then a staff member as often staff aren’t online
    - Hackers, which you report on the forums are often dealt with via staff member spectating players who have been reported by the MCC discord. This means the hacker will usually be banned by staff sooner than from your report. This can give some understanding s go why forum reports are not a priority, as they are usually pointless reports on people who have already been dealt with!

    I hope this gave you some insight on the situation and my ideas on it, this is definitely at a fat +1 from me.
    - olo YT
    notaspleen likes this.
  3. notaspleen

    Apr 21, 2020
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    This makes sense as an explanation, thank you. So to more effectively get a hacker punished should I reach out on Discord before reporting the player on the forums?
    olo_YT likes this.
  4. TeddyOreo

    Aug 2, 2019
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    Hey notaspleen,

    Sometimes its best to go to the Discord for a quick response. If you're looking for forum report numbers then you can do both.
    notaspleen likes this.
  5. Hey!

    I completely understand your frustration towards the hacker issue that we have been facing for a while now. On behalf of the reports team, I can tell you that we try our hardest to get through all the reports as soon as possible. It's not as easy as it seems, and we often face large amounts of reports. You can report hackers that are currently in game in our #support channel on the MCCentral main discord and a staff member will try to find them and punish them accordingly. I hope you understand.

    Recrement - MCC Reports Moderator
    notaspleen and MasterChheda like this.
  6. MasterChheda

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Reports are prioritized from the earliest sent-in report to the latest. The reasoning behind this is that the players who reported earlier have waited the longest for their reports to be dealt with, and as you mentioned, the hacker reported ages ago could still be playing, which would get the oldest hackers dealt with. In many cases, though, this is ineffective since most hackers by then are already dealt with. Sometimes, multiple reports team members will do reports where they work from opposite pages and eventually finish the reports coming from the outside in (so the latest & earliest reports get dealt with first), but as mentioned previously, the main priority they are told to handle is the oldest reports. Your reasoning seems completely fair and logical. The only way I see this changing is if Teddzy agrees and feels a need to change the system, otherwise it will continue to be this way.

    More members are brought onto the team if reports are flooded. Some were added specifically to deal with reports only during quarantine, and when reports subside, some members will be let go. They are trying to deal with reports as effectively as possible, but the reasoning behind not adding too many members is that members on the team are meant to be able to best detect hacks through videos. If members that aren't the best with detecting hacks, then that could complicate certain reports and lead to false punishing; this was the reasoning given to me when I suggested that all Mods should be able to do reports, and I think that fits this situation as well with expanding past a certain threshold. In addition, not every staff member wants to join the reports team. It is a lot of work, and there are many other things that staff do that players may not realize. I noticed that, when I used to do reports, most of the older reports were dealt with by non-reports team staff that just played mini-games to help out. Staff may not be doing reports 24/7, but when they aren't, you'll most likely find them simply playing mini-games to help lower the hacker count at that present time. I know I went off on a tangent. The only way the team will increase is if reports are flooding (from the reports team perspective) to the extent that more temporary members are needed. There isn't much from a community perspective that can change the system. As mentioned earlier, Teddzy is the only one who can make main changes such as adding members or shifting the works of the system since she's the leader, so if she does view the thread, we'll see if changes are made.

    Overall I think you bring up some great points. I don't see the team expanding in members unless reports stack up to an absurd amount of pages everyday and it's difficult for the team members to manage. I agree that the way reports are dealt with should change in priority. In most cases when reports are done, two or more members do them together, which means the earliest and latest reports are dealt with equally as fast, but in the few scenarios where only one member does all the reports, it makes complete sense to handle the latest reports since those hackers are more likely to be scouring games at that time rather than logging or being banned already. This is my opinion, so I understand if anyone may disagree. I also didn't read over this, so if there are errors, apologies.

    Many people send messages of hacker names and locations in #support in the Community Discord when they do not want to take time to report. If you do gather video evidence, it's more efficient and effective for staff to deal with through player reports, but if you do not gather evidence, plopping a name in #support is your best bet if you still want something to be done.
    notaspleen and DaQuack_ like this.

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