Avoiding getting cleaned in minigames

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Eleung_musk, Jun 4, 2020.

  1. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    So I think this is going to be a good suggestion, just a gut feeling. Imagine you’re getting a bunch of kills, adrenaline running through your veins, waiting to encounter your next victim. Along comes a pro and he slaps you a couple of times but in the end, you are victorious. You used your gaps on him and all your skill and you are exhausted from the fight, looking for a way to get out. Along comes a noob, who comes and takes u on, and cleans you. Damn, depressed, you do /hub and uninstall minecraft. Ok it’s a bit exaggerated but uh, that’s fine. So how can we avoid getting cleaned?

    Nothing too overpowered, just maybe add strength and resistance for 8 seconds everytime you kill someone, so that people know not to clean. This way, they probably might die if they slapped you cause you don’t take as much damage and you deal more damage, considering you are average and you trade hits with them. You can still die.... you’re not invincible, you just take a little less damage than you’re supposed to, which can come down to be quite good. However, the overpowered thing is you might get double damage during this so to avoid this, players can choose to have double damage below three hearts or having strength and resistance for 8 seconds after getting a kill. If you are fighting one person, and you are below three hearts, you can still deal double damage, just during the time when you have strength, you can’t deal double damage because that is overpowered and there’s already a post about double damage already being OP XD.

    It sounds kind of confusing BUT feel free to ask questions because I’ll definitely reply to you, or at least try my best. Try to also direct your question to me if you are actually addressing me because I might not be able to understand if u are talking to me or someone else if they respond.

    Btw it would be bought with 1k credits so hackers can’t abuse this too hard and hopefully staff would ban before they get 1k. This 1k would be for one minigame only, not all.
    #1 Eleung_musk, Jun 4, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2020
  2. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Good Evening!
    Personally I can see this going one of two ways; either works perfectly and solves this issue, or makes games go on forever. It's a +1 from me however it would need to be regulated as it could be another way to account grind. I can see that players would team and let one kill the other, then fight someone in order to not be able to be hit back (if that makes sense). Essentially, if I kill someone, I have 8 seconds to fight someone without them being about to TOUCH me. This could cause a lot of problems, but I can see it working out so long as it is ineffective when you hit a player.
  3. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hey -1
    there’s some abilities that is quite similar to what you described that gives you strength if you’re below 2 hearts (aggressive mode) and one that gives you hearts if you kill another player (vampire kill). although these are not 100% like what you are suggesting, it’s a way for players to grind minigames more and earn credits to level up their abilities so the chances of them working is higher.
    i think the thing w/ the strength and resistance and under 3 hearts has some “if ands or buts” which kinda makes it seem there’s just too many parts to it for it to be understood easily by all players, and the choices, in my opinion, would just over complicate thing. as you didn’t even give an example of how players would “chose” said options.
    also, 1k credits is quite easy to obtain, if you’re really good at sw it could take, like, 4-6 games to get there. capture the flag’s “strong feet” is 8k credits, i think something like that would be a more fair price..

    but, again, as what you described really seems like abilities that already exist, i don’t see a point in adding this.
    overall, -1

    have a great day
  4. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    The problem with these abilities is that it’s luck based while this is given to players no matter what situation they are in
    Marco5py likes this.
  5. _Noxid

    Mar 30, 2020
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    I think it's part of the game to get cleaned up. The best you can do in the situation is just kite and run until you regenned enough to fight or they run. I don't think it's worth risking adding these abilities and having it ruin the entire game. -1 for me.
    puposaurus likes this.
  6. ltself

    Jul 27, 2019
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    Hey, I understand your suggestion. However, as others have said, cleaning is part minigames unfortunately especially if a player is weaker in PvP. There is already a perk which sort of combats this but not effectively, this perk is called the regeneration perk and the way this work is by a player receiving a kill and regenerating 2 hearts as a result of that, but the higher the level the perk is the more likely hood you'll receive this. Overall, there are ways to prevent being cleaned, and good players are those who can get themselves out of those situations by e.g. rod spamming and ensuring you make those hits. But in addition, some situations are unavoidable and from that just learn to make sure you are not put into a position to being cleaned.
  7. Reeme

    Mar 7, 2020
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    Hey, yeah I get it and it's 100% annoying, however, is what keeps the game fun, you improve on your skills, these situations are unavoidable.
    puposaurus likes this.

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