This server is toxic.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by KSteck, Jun 1, 2020.

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  1. KSteck

    Jun 1, 2020
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    This will probably get deleted very soon but I just need someone to see it. I really do love this server, has been one of my favorites for years, but the toxicity of it is getting to me and many others that I have seen recently. This server is trash. The anti cheat is non existent, hackers are everywhere, making games no longer fun to play. Users are constantly being mean to one another and using slurs. And why isn't the r-slur blacklisted? That's incredibly messed up. Incredibly. A moderator even told me they wanted to add it to the blacklist but that owners refused. You guys suck for that. The n-word is blacklisted and so is the f-slur and many others but people still are able to bypass the filters and say it. Excuse my language, but I am so absolutely done with this server, and for the server to act like this in such a terrible political/social climate is to be complicit with white supremacy. So FUCK THIS SERVER! Reporting, muting, and banning users including me trying to advocate for change and Black Lives Matter and not doing so to other users who bully others and call others slurs is to be complicit in white supremacy. You are silencing voices that are already so often silenced. I know most of the owners/Mods or whatever won't care cause most of the people on this sever have no moral compass whatsoever but I really hope this reaches the right people and that change is made on the server/in our world. Also hope karma reaches anyone on this server who has done any wrong like I have spoken of. Sorry for my anger but you must understand that at some point in time we all reach a breaking point. I really hope that owners and mods will take RESPONSIBILITY, change the rules on this server, and hold racists, homophobes, sexists, etc. ACCOUNTABLE.

    P.S. yeah I do know political disputes are against the rules or whatever. But it is my job as a white person to use my voice and privilege to educate others (other white people especially) on the injustices in this world and maybe lead them on a better path. Also I was arguing that BLACK LIVES MATTER and that the US president is a CRIMINAL. It should not be arguable that black lives matter and y'all acknowledging that by reporting me was messed up by eye opening. Also there is SOLID proof of the US president being a criminal? Silencing my voice is allowing more and more people to not be aware of the violence and injustice in the world. You are complicit.

    Glad to see this server's truly racist colors. I already kind of suspected it but...

    Probably missed something I wanted to say but whatever. Just know that you have lost a user. But you're losing them on the daily so I mean... seriously this server has never been so dead lol. Sigh.

    Black lives matter and power to the people.
  2. It is very sad to see one of MCC member being lost, but you can always use /chatreport system or report system.

    Also if you hate being muted, and banned (like other people you said), then stop breaking rules, if there is a rule you follow it. Don't like the rule? Well don't follow it and you get punished, thats how simple it is.

    Owners made rules, and these rules we MUST follow because they said so, people like you that wish to dis-obey them are gonna get punished, and of course, make these posts.
    To keep this all simple, lets just not break rules, and stay cool.
    Zonafer and Simplistiq like this.
  3. KSteck

    Jun 1, 2020
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    Figured I'd get a response like this. Yup sounds just like something one of yall would say. Cute. Sorry but I'm not gonna sit around unlike you and staff when others are saying incredibly offensive things and facing no repercussions. And this is actually my first time being muted but okay <3 I always follow the rules just not ones that involve me being complicit in the face of discrimination!

    If there is a rule you follow it... wow. Nazis were just following the rules I guess, huh. Very different, I know, but rules and laws are not always just.
  4. iTristan

    Sep 22, 2019
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    I understand you're upset but this is not the right way to go about achieving change for the server, if anything it is counterproductive. You are always able to make server suggestions but do so in a professional way that will be taken more seriously. When you let your emotions take over, you may end up saying things you don't mean. While you 100% have every reason to be upset try expressing that in a more civil way. I personally agree with you in that MCC should be extending their punishment rules for people trying to cause arguments with the black lives matter movement. Lots of players have been saying some very controversial things without being punished because it's just enough not to be punished. While this does make me sad, some moderators may be able to help if you explain the situation more with evidence. I'm also always available to talk so feel free to PM me or hit me on discord (in my signature).
    Zonafer, HeckTheThicc and forgranted like this.
  5. Devon

    Sep 4, 2019
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    When I read this I could imagine you typing very fast and your ears with steam coming out of them. This approach just seems that you hate the people on the server and not the server itself. I do agree that there are a vast amount of hackers and toxic people, but reporting them through the forums is the only thing us players can do. Staff try their hardest to manually ban the hackers/exploiters and they do a great job imo. When it comes down to not blocking some words, who really cares? It's just a word, get over it man. If you have a problem with something report it. And finally with the anti-cheat section of your post. If they added a better anti-cheat the hackers and exploiters would just come up with new methods to bypass it. The clear answer to fixing that would just be to have it how it is now and have active staff (which they are already doing.) I hope you are fine and understand my viewpoint and come back to the server and understand us players and staff are trying our best out here to improve the server and eliminate all guilty. Thank you :)
    Zonafer and HeckTheThicc like this.
  6. Devon

    Sep 4, 2019
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    sorry ^
    #6 Devon, Jun 1, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2020
  7. Pxrge

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Just a heads up that Flarinbeast isn't talking to you. There is a reply button to every single message on the forums and you can click that and it quotes everything the person they reply to says. He was talking to RegentAgent and not you.
    Hope this solves your concerns and that you have a good one. Also, I can relate to you big time, but complaining really won't help just an FYI.
    - Pxrge
    Flarinbeast likes this.
  8. 4151

    Jul 22, 2019
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    rip thats sad.
    Prison and Factions are the most toxic tbh so if you played those move to a different sub server
    sb is dead survival is the most dead and minigames is full of hackers so yeah.
    i dont blame you tbh.
    -FireyGast, Immortal
  9. Nemu

    Jun 1, 2020
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    hehe gitrigphy.gif
    #9 Nemu, Jun 1, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2020
  10. Mutant_Chicken

    May 2, 2020
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    i think the admins should ban the word f*** and a few other bad ones. The list of blacklisted words isn't as long as some on other servers like hypixel or something like that.
  11. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    We blacklist a lot of words. Sadly its not just mcc that players use very inappropriate language, Its the internet as a whole. We will never be blacklisting the word "fuck" as to many players it does not affect them, If you do not like the word or any other words you can simply /eignore the player. It is crazy how you are calling this server specificity racist, Like i said above there will always be disgusting people that are racist on the internet. We do our job to mute them. There is no bullet proof system that will 100% keep racist people off the server sadly.
    HeckTheThicc likes this.
  12. HeckTheThicc

    Sep 1, 2019
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    Well, I mean its the internet. People are going to be toxic and there is nothing you can do about it. Most racial/sexual terms are Blacklisted anyway. When people say words like fuck or R***** (Probs gonna get a warning if I say that of forums XD) they don't normally mean it. Also, if you bypass the filters you get muted and you can also get muted for player disrespect, or as Unadvised said, you can just do /ignore. Also thank you MCC staff team for not making Thicc a blacklisted word. It's so annoying when I get muted on other servers for saying my own name.
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