New kit system in skywars

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by 54hrs, May 31, 2020.

  1. 54hrs

    May 26, 2020
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    A creative kit system would really do lot of good to the game.I've been playing some mainstream skywars servers and have noticed that the way developers use to keep the game relevant is,among other things,creating new exclusive kits that add interesting new abilites and ways to play the game.Don't get me wrong,I do enjoy the current kits,but they haven't changed in a while and are not exclusive,meaning they don't really force a new way to play the game and can only do so much as giving you the advantages most players already have.I just think it would be a lot more fun and dynamic if you could only choose one from a variety of kits that would give you an unique advantage over others.
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hey! so i've seen this suggestion a few times now and quite honestly i still disagree w/ add it in since, like, i think adding kits to skywars would ruin the game.also, kits would be useless since you already get full set of armor, a sword, and blocks. you can also buy other items before the game like tnt, bows, etc. an example of the kits being useless is- a Player has a kit of full iron armor and an iron sword, but inside their chest is a diamond sword and a mix of chain and iron armor. this is probably a very bad example, but what i’m trying to hint at is that what was inside the chest was just as good, if not better than the kit the player started out with. even though adding kits wouldn’t relate to donators or helping the donators, rookies and lower ranked donators tend to already complain that it’s pay to win and they’ll most likely find a new way to complain. also, adding kits would be unfair in general. you already get a good deal of items from chest, and able to to buy other items in shop. i would say that some of the things you can buy before the game could already make the skywars game unfair, and adding more items for a player to have would just make it more u fair. an example of kits would be unfair is simply that some players would have an “advantage” of winning since they would have more items, and the skywars is already some-what like this with the other items you can purchase w/ credits like bows n’ all that.
    although it can make skywars more fun for some players who have too many credits, it can also put new players n usch at more of a disadvanatage especially w/ hackers.

    anyways have a great day
    iTristan likes this.
  3. 54hrs

    May 26, 2020
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    I respect your opinion,but Im not strictly talking about item kits,but abilites,that could be represented by potions and special items such as fireballs.A good example would be a frog kit,wich would give the player jump potions,or a ghast kit,wich would give the player fireballs.Items you could not noramlly get ingame would be inside these kits.But I guess the word "kit" doesn't really mean what Im trying to say.I just would like this game to be a little more dynamic.
  4. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    as far as bonuses like the kinda things in cakewars, still -1
    but there’s a good amount of maps that have potions. like the squid one (“aquarium”) has water breathing and the map “aspiring” has jump boost pots... so...
  5. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    Alright, I see where you are coming from. We need new things added to skywars because its so boring and stuff. Honestly, I like skywars the way it is, I dont want to have to play skywars in the form of cakewars, just without a cake. People already get quite a bit of stuff in skywars, adding this on, I dont think I would have enough space to place all these new items and I would have to get rid of stuff like snowballs or a rod or something important to me before.

    Could it add a new flavour to skywars? Yes it could. Would I play skywars more often? No probably less. Cakewars players are already kind of annoying using bows and fireballs, the last thing I dream of is seeing a skywars player take these items and start being more annoying than they already are.
  6. 54hrs

    May 26, 2020
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    As I've stated before,im not talking about classical mccentral kits.As you can select every kit,it would be absurd for a player to have even more items (I kinda disagree with that feature tbh).Im talking about something that would be closer to "classes",because I think they would change,to some extent,the way people play this game,wich has been the same for a long time,if you don't consider new ramp rushing techniques.I just think skywars needs to stay relevant and dynamic,wich is quite a hard task when you don't really implement anything really game-changing.But i do understand where you guys are coming from,I just have played this game for so much time,I am craving for new stuff and ways to play.

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