AFK Kick Message Color

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Ankh, May 28, 2020.

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  1. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    It is honestly beyond me why this hasn't been changed yet. Why on earth is the AFK kick message the exact same color as the player join messages. From just taking a quick glance at your screen it is almost impossible to tell apart. And also, just why is it green in general? I think we can all agree that red is a pretty standard warning color. Also /whereami messages are the same color, and in a bug report I even had the owner himself make a statement on how he missed me doing /whereami because it blended in with the join messages. Seriously how hard can it be to turn an &a into an &c.

    EDIT: Someone also mentioned there should be a sound played when you're about to be kicked, which I can also see as a good idea.
    #1 Ankh, May 28, 2020
    Last edited: May 29, 2020
    Skin_ and Pxrge like this.
  2. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    Honestly dude that is not going to be their top priority, people are complaining about anti-cheat and so forth.
  3. To be fair I prefer color change and sound to it, honestly theirs never sound in the game (not for player joining, afk, or when game is about to start) for MCC skywars to start it takes like 90 seconds and no one wants to sit, and stare at the screen, they would slide to discord or some other places, and quickly slide back to see if anything new changed, and indeed all of the changes are same color (blend in), player joined, game starting, time to get afk kicked. If you played MCC long enough you would find this extremely annoying to deal with.

    Some new stuff to both messages / sound should be done and added, of-course like 0_m00n_child_0 said "Its not their top priority" so I kinda don't think this would change any time soon, I also made this post like 8 month ago or something? Though would be nice to see this change!

  4. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Priority shouldn't matter. It's literally just changing an "a" to a "c". Or if we're using spigot code, changing "ChatColor.GREEN" to "ChatColor.RED". It's in no way a difficult task. Would take like 30 seconds. There is no valid excuse they can possibly have for not updating this in the 3+ years the latest minigames backend has existed.
    Pxrge likes this.
  5. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    You should apply for staff if you feel that way.
  6. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Oh so now helpers get access to the source code of the server? Shit I should apply for Helper.
    Pxrge likes this.
  7. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    Honestly dude if you want a change to be made, you need to be respectful to players and staff.
  8. mmmmm

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I don't see anything wrong with what Ankh said. There are many things that need to be priorities right now which is a fair point but there's really no excuse for updating things that literally take a few seconds to do, such as the change to the colour of the AFK kick message. I've only been playing on MCC for 2 years and only one major change has occurred; the anti-cheat change which in turn, ruined the server. Oh and I also don't think what Ankh said was 'disrespectful' and I don't think being respectful or not helps changes come about since they don't happen anyways.

    Anyways I agree with this post and it's a +1 from me. No excuse for it to not be changed as it can literally take a matter of seconds to do and the green really does blend in and make it annoying, causing me to get kicked from games as I can't tell the difference between the AFK kick message and join message.
  9. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    "wah you called me a mean name so I'm not going to update the server anymore! :cry:"
    What, is alex 3 years old??? That's the kind of behavior I would expect from a spoiled child when you tell them no, not a fully-grown adult.

    No offence, but that's one of the worst arguments you could have ever made. It doesn't matter if the players are respectful or not, the staff team, but more importantly the owners, still need to do their job. They had my respect back before minigames were ruined, they've neglected them for far too long for me to have even a shred left.
    #9 Ankh, May 29, 2020
    Last edited: May 29, 2020
    EssentialsPlus and Pxrge like this.
  10. YouGetMeSoHigh

    Oct 4, 2019
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    Honestly dude you are the one being rude, not Ankh. He is literally just making a server suggestion and you are going after his neck. From what I have read, you have been patronizing to him, dismissive, and flat-out obnoxious. I don't know if you have some sort of personal vendetta against him or you are simply upset because he disagreed with you?

    "You should apply to staff if you feel that way"

    First of all, if you read Ankh's signature, you would see that he actually was a former mod on the server. Also, wtf?!?

    you don't need to be staff to make a server suggestion, that's literally the entire point of this forum (which is called "Server Suggestions").
  11. Firebal676

    Aug 6, 2019
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    No offense to @0_m00n_child_0, but a lot of what you said is kind of nonsense.

    A Minecraft community will always have more than one concern, whether this be updating there rules, fixing bugs, and overall improving the server. A big thing about innovating a project, in this case, Minecraft Central, is that there isn't one "core" problem that should be solved.

    Also, it is totally inappropriate of you to come at @Ankh like that. Total disrespect. All Ankh did was suggest something that actually makes sense when being implemented. Yes, it's not as big of a problem as implementing an anti-cheat - NO ONE is saying that, it's not a counter-argument. The only thing that you can argue against in this case that would not be considered nonsense is arguing why the color should NOT change.

    My two cents: Red is an alarming color, it's always been like that. Changing the color to red would be a perfect solution and would take no time. +1
  12. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    First I want to apologize Ankh if I came out as rude, and obnoxious. There is a reason why I said what I said (past conversations). If you would like to further on with this conversation please feel free to msg me. Individually I agree on this AFK thing, but as you can tell this whole anti-cheat, is a hot topic right now. I'm just saying I'm not sure people would want to make small changes and avoid the bigger ones (anti-cheat, etc..). +0.5
  13. YouGetMeSoHigh

    Oct 4, 2019
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    Like Ankh said earlier, it is a simple change, so it doesn’t matter whether it’s a priority or not because it’s so easy to fix. All you have to say is whether you agree or disagree with it.

    Also, Ankh started this thread (which I am again pointing out is on a forum called “Server Suggestions”) to discuss a server suggestion of his. Why would he have to msg you to discuss a public issue that he specifically created a public thread to discuss?
  14. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I love this idea; hopefully something like a pop-up on your screen can also be implemented to make it very clear the AFK timer is ticking. Again, love this idea! +1
  15. Simplistiq

    May 4, 2020
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    I love this idea! I always get kicked for being afk, I dont know how long it takes before you get kicked for afk, but I know it isn't too long before you get kicked. I love this idea, or if it popped up in big letters on you're screen. Or, I wouldn't mind if they got rid of getting kicked for afk or even expanding the time. But, I love you're idea, sometimes I dont pay attention and I get kicked, even happens to me friends. Or my friend goes afk, comes back a few minutes later and gets kicked. It can be annoying. I hope this gets added soon! +1

  16. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    I don't want to get a warning point for a useless post. Plus if we have disagreements I rather do it on personal message, to explain my feelings on the topic without intentionally embarrassing the other player. Btw
    +1 = agreed
    +0.5= somewhat agreed
    -1= disagree
  17. Timppali

    Jun 29, 2019
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    This is something that will be looked into, as there are a few other messages (such as /whereami) which have been noted down for a possible colour change in the future. :)

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