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Regarding IP-Bans

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Fasilisnt, May 24, 2020.

  1. Fasilisnt

    Dec 9, 2019
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    Alright so after seeing the latest post from Timppali (https://mccentral.org/community/threads/public-alts-and-sharing-accounts.16178/), I wanna address a few things I think that are kinda wrong.

    From what I understand, if a player logs in an ip banned account, any account under the same ip gets banned for ip ban evading (which isn't even a rule by the way). Problem with that is that you can't see in punishment history if an account is ipbanned or not, since after issuing an ip-ban you don't permaban the account as well.

    So here's my question. If you don't want those accounts who are ip-banned to ever login again, why not permaban them (meaning banning the IGN and not JUST the IP) ?

    We as players have no way to possibly know which acc is ip banned or not, something that can be and is currently used maliciously by staff to snipe players they don't like and ip ban them (I won't name names, that's not my job here.)

    My suggestion: When you IP ban an account, show it on their punishments and DON'T ALLOW IT TO LOGIN AGAIN (similar to a permaban).

    P.S: I don't need responses from tryhard helpers below, just made this post for higher ups to possibly see and do something about.
  2. Hmm...

    Why would someone have this "Stolen Account" in the first place? Why would they need to use it instead of their main on MCC?

    ALTS are an issue, if a user is using a stolen AC then its most likely they have many other AC.

    Perm-banning the AC may seem like a good reason, but at the same time using IP-ban actually stops the future hacker with alts.
    Even in Tim said
    "The accounts get banned (refers to alt) very easily, and this can result in Ban Evading very easily. We won't take into account who actually used the account when it got banned."

    So theirs no reason at all for one to keep alt asides from no good, giving excuse of having alt to "test" or "auto mine" is worthless, as all of these alts won't even last a week. (Thats how ALT shops earn money, re-selling these alts to new users)

    Even a warning was issued at the very bottom of timp thread.

    Either way, I hope you understand that people with these accounts are gonna do something bad, no one uses alts to start progress from 0 as they always change hosts.

    This all was viewed from my point of view (aka my opinion)

  3. Fasilisnt

    Dec 9, 2019
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    My bad I didn't clarify that I wasn't directly referring to Timppali's post, but more in general.
  4. Michel7829

    May 24, 2020
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    Ok so im just going to point out the elephant in the room.
    Its not the account that gets banned its their IP ok. Making it quite obvious to people who attempt to logon on another account because theres kinda a message when u try to log on Saying YOUR ACCOUNT IS NOT BANNED.. BUT UR IP IS!

    Hope this makes sense.
    If not well not my problem aye
  5. Fasilisnt

    Dec 9, 2019
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    ^ That message doesnt even exist, and IP banned accounts can login normally on any other IP. Banning for IP ban evading is done manually by staff after they /ipcheck. What I'm suggesting is to make it way clearer when an account is IP banned, aka showing a message and/or having it display on the acc's punishment history.
  6. Michel7829

    May 24, 2020
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    Yeah the message does exist.. its on the ban screen saying this account isnt banned but ur ip is... IF u log in on a banned IP

    But i kinda get what ur trying to say now.. ur first post caused abit of confusion but i think i get u sorta
    Fasilisnt likes this.
  7. yungjunior

    Jul 29, 2019
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    I'm only gonna talk about the message shown when you're IP banned here. Since I'm not too sure what their deal is with IP bans and alts and such. Guess I'll have a better idea when I get a reply to my appeal for my IP ban.

    I think the message they show when you're IP banned is misleading. It does not inform you that you can't let other people on your accounts, or that they will also be punished. There's probably some sort of post on the forums from ages ago but I'm not gonna lie a lot of people don't even read the forum rules or other sticky threads, never mind an old thread. I think the message should have more details or an instruction (ex: Please do NOT allow other users to access this account, it will result in an IP ban for them too!). One sentence, simple and understandable. Would stop half of these people getting themselves into sticky situations because they logged onto their IP banned friend's account.
  8. HH_Captain

    Dec 6, 2019
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    Hi Fasilisnt,

    I really like the way you have summarised this as this is word to word explanation of how I am ip banned.
    I ban check an account, I use the account, then later I am ip banned for ip ban evading. As I have said before and what teddzy was not happy with me saying is that the IP system on mcc is messed up and it needs to be cleaned up, I may be totally wrong but I was unfairly IP banned and I believe part of it is, of course, my fault but I am not aware this account has been IP banned before on a different IP.

  9. yungjunior

    Jul 29, 2019
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    I get your frustration, I'm IP banned because I allowed a friend my alt while he's banned (I thought he was false banned, turns out he really wasn't). I already had another alt banned which was controversial because I'm pretty damn sure that it was someone else who had access to that alt who was hacking, since I don't even hack. Long story short my friend got this alt that i allowed him banned too and as the rules say, Ban Evasion is Having two (or more) accounts simultaneously banned under the same ip for Severity 3 bans and some top end Severity 2 bans. So I got IP banned. I got banned on the first alt 2 weeks ago for Reach. Even if it was actually me hacking on the first alt, I've proved to be no trouble after. So I don't get why my appeal shouldn't be accepted, I know I made a mistake and I take responsibility for my mistake and have apologised and explained how I've learned from the situation. What damage have I done to the server in this instance? Why should I (a player who's been loyal to MCC since 2014) be revoked access to the server for 6 months because of a tiny mistake and someone else screwing up?

    But back to your point about IP systems being dumb. I fully agree with you. I think it should be the next thing addressed AFTER they deal with the hacker problem.
  10. HH_Captain

    Dec 6, 2019
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    I see but the twist is that you actually used hacks in order to get banned and you would have been banned for ban evasion because you were banned on an alt, whereas I did not hack and did not get banned on any accounts.
  11. yungjunior

    Jul 29, 2019
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    I think you missed the point. Firstly, I wasn't really centering the message on my story, I was simply adding an anecdote to show I agree with you. Secondly, description of Ban Evading is as follows: Having two (or more) accounts banned on the server simultaneously under the same IP, for any of the following offences

    * Severity 3 Gameplay Offences

    * Severity 2 Client Modification Offences

    * Severity 3 Client Modification Offences

    * Insiding on Factions

    You are punished for ban evading when you have TWO OR MORE accounts banned for any of those reasons. I only got myself banned on one account on my own accord. Therefore I really shouldn't have been banned.
  12. reseed

    Jul 29, 2019
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    just don't use the altening and you'll be fine, if you get banned don't evade.
  13. 4151

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hi there
    i got falsely ip banned before and i never went on these shady websites i just played normaly, never got banned, never evaded but then whilst i was on holiday over-seas i got falsely ip banned so yeah the ip system is bad and people are getting falsely banned. I have never downloaded hacks or used any on any of my 2 accounts and have never been banned on both my accounts.

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