More Youtube Videos

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Simplistiq, May 23, 2020.

  1. Simplistiq

    May 4, 2020
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    I have some new youtube video ideas for the media. I find the mccentral youtube videos super entertaining and I click right on them as they are uploaded. But, I see a good amount of the same videos. Like staff irls, I feel like these videos are cool so we see what the people look like that are apart of the staff team. But, I feel like most of these videos take up the channel. I also see a ton of staff interviews, I find these really fun to watch. I love to see the staffs personalities and different hobbies and learn more about them. I feel like you guys should upload these more often! Those are the two kinda videos I see taking up the youtube channel. I know the media team is super busy with snapchat, instagram, etc. But, I feel like a little more content can be produced. Here are some video suggestions.
    -Staff tournaments
    I saw a staff cakewars competition on one of the staff members channel and I found it super entertaining! I love seeing staff compete and have a lot of fun in a certain gamemode! Another cool competition idea is to do a survival games tournament! A full lobby of staff members in a survival games and they all compete! I feel like this would be a great idea! Or in general staff members competing in different game modes.

    -Day in life of a staff member
    I feel like these would be entertaining, different staff members showing what they do on a daily. I am always curious to what staff members do, and I would like to see it in a video! Not a terrible idea.

    -Staff UHC tournament
    This would be similar to a event, but this would be a full game of staff members competing in ultra hardcore, spectators would be allowed to watch. This would be cool, and I would for sure watch. There would be different rounds a month or week or every so often. Staff teams of 1, 2, 3.

    -Staff build competition
    I feel like this would be cool! All the staff members compete and try to build the best looking build in a hour! The count on staff is 58 right now and split it into teams of of 2, or 4. You upload photos of the builds and the community has a week to vote which one is the best.

    Those are just some ideas, I love the mccentral videos, but I see a lot of the same. Dont get me wrong they are entertaining but I would love to see some new video Ideas. Ad a big thank you to media team for working hard!

    *edit* I will submit community ticket :D

    forgranted likes this.
  2. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    I rlly like day in life of a staff member cuz Im kinda curious as to what its like. I think it could also give people a general idea of what staff is being like so more people feel motivated to become staff and those who do not really like how it is do not have to apply for it. Overall, watching the very people who look after the server compete against each other does seem like a very entertaining theme. I too would enjoy it if they were to add this, and maybe they could play against like players as well to showcase their skill or something, that would be kinda fun too.
  3. Sarrrcasm

    Jan 28, 2020
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    I totally agree with this. These are videos that would be very funny to watch. Maybe other videos too with regular players. I always feel like staff members are very separated from other players. It could be me just feeling that way, but if they made some videos with other players .. like in a call and everything. Because I feel like the YouTube is very based on the staff team.
    Simplistiq likes this.
  4. Simplistiq

    May 4, 2020
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    I see what you are saying. I do see a disconnect with staff members and non staff members.
    Sarrrcasm likes this.

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