Why MCC > Hypixel using FACTS and LOGIC

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mcrcus, May 18, 2020.

  1. mcrcus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    ===> Howdy! This is just a joke, but it can be taken seriously. I do send out apologies if this did offend anybody, I did not try to get anybody upset. Thank you. <====

    Hypixel. The biggest server in Minecraft history. On average, they reach over 50,000 players a day. And then you got Minecraft Central, otherwise known as MCC, and they get average 2500 players a day. There is clearly a big difference in players when it comes to these quality servers, and they are both very different servers. For instance: Hypixel has Bedwars, MCC has Cake Wars, both have the same rules, but different concepts. Many people would argue and say Hypixel is the better server, but I am going to prove that MCC is a much better server then Hypixel. So let us get started shall we:

    The most obvious reason would be the costs. I checked, and it has been said that Hypixel spends $100,000 a month, just to keep there server running, and that might make sense because of the amount of players to join, but it is still a lot of money. As for MCC, they spend 200 to 300 dollars for every machine, and as a good estimate, there are 3 to 5 of them to run a decent size server like this. That means, if you do simple math, the max amount of money they pay is $1500. And I know that there will be some people saying "Hypixel gets way more people," which I understand, but let me explain. If MCC is able to run a decently size server, while only paying 0.015% of Hypixel's salary, then they are clearly a better server. MCC is able to maintain in the top 15 servers, on minecraftservers org, while only spending that much money, then you can tell they are a great server, and Hypixel, believe it or not, is no longer in the top 30.

    Now, I am not going to be fully biased about this next one, because I have to tell you: both communities are toxic. Hypixel, just cause of the amount of player they get, always have spam, racist comments, etc. in there chat. As for MCC, we also have those things as well. But, if we calculate the averages of the servers, 50,000/1500, Hypixel gets 33.333333333% more players than MCC. Therefore, by science of reasoning, the community on Hypixel is way more toxic the MCC, just simply by math and numbers

    Now normally, I don't complain about players being crazy good, because that is just how people play, and I respect it, but the way Hypixel handles it is way differently. Some sweats on Skywars or Bedwars are so good, that they end up becoming banned on the server for just being good, because the staff cannot tell if he is hacking or not. However, when it comes to this server, I tip my hat to staff for being able to tell who is hacking or not. And we get hackers a lot on this server, especially lately. But my point is, there isn't that many sweats on the server for to become banned

    And that is why I personally believe that MCC is 3000000x better than Hypixel. Its high cost, community, and amount of sweats just makes MCC > Hypixel, and I actually did my research for this thread, I know I'm a tryhard. But seriously, this was a pure joke, so I hope no one takes it for real. This was a lot of fun to type, and I hope some of you guys get a good laugh about this, and not start beef in the replies.

    Lxyne likes this.
  2. seretinsky

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Sorry. I’m going to have to completely disagree with you. Hypixel is 1000x better because it has Turbo Kart Racers
    I rest my case. Have a good day.
  3. FourNut

    Jul 22, 2019
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    These are straight facts, I agree with everything. In my opinion I have 10,000x more fun on MCC than on Hypixel. Although Hypixel has these crazy and interesting gamemodes, if you are not there in the beginning you basically can not catch up. Like in Skyblock, in Hypixel you need to be there in the beginning to get crazyily stacked and starting from a brand new account on hypixel skyblock and getting amazing gear and such can take months. With MCC once you spawn in, you can basically catch up very quickly and that is why I love MCC. I played this server from the moment I got my account and ever since I haven't left this server (other than a few breaks).

    Have a nice day!

    Ianto likes this.
  4. Venzel

    Dec 19, 2019
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    I personally disagree, at least temporarily.

    My opinion might change in the near future since I get my hopes up on the new "anti-cheat" being worked on. Since honestly the mini-games are actually good, but the huge downside is the hackers that bypass the server easily, which sets it apart to Hypixel. The community is also great for me (personal experience) since I have a lot of friends inside the server.
  5. mcrcus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Let's not bring up the anti-cheat, cause everyone already knows that
  6. TheKingOfTurtlez

    Nov 30, 2019
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    Hey @TorontoCanada ! I COMPLETELY agree with you on this thread. MCC is one of the better servers in my opinion. The skyblock is way better here, the mini-games here are actually decent compared to Hypickles TRASH mini-games (Opinion) and I also do agree with the part about sweats and community. The community here is very kind and polite (Most of the times) and I know a lot of players on the server! I love playing MCC as a twitch streamer and love building my stream upon the MCC community!
    mcrcus likes this.

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