Kit PvP Hackers

Discussion in 'KitPvP General Discussion' started by Nikki_, May 14, 2020.

  1. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Despite the title, this thread is not me complaining about hackers in Kit PvP.

    I'm generally not online when its "peak" Kit PvP hacker time, so I don't really know what it's like, but occasionally I'll be online and someone says "oh this dudes Bhopping! someone get staff!" Saying things like this will either go two ways, the hacker will log, or stop fighting and just stand still at spawn.

    If you DO encounter a hacker, the best thing to do is try to record them and forum report, message a staff member who is online, or use #support in the community discord and say "Player12 bhop on kit, if someone's able to take a look <3" At least, that's how I'd say it.

    If you are going directly to staff, you must be nice to them, if they are busy, unfortunately you're going to have to wait. At certain times, there are only 3-5 staff online, which is due to timezones. Spamming them with messages, telling them to hurry up and complaining about the hacker will not make them want to help you.
    Just remember to be nice, be patient and stay calm.
    Darenn, _Noxid and PistolPet like this.
  2. Departition_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    lmao imagine forum reporting in 2020, i'd only do it if it was a notable player not a dumbas account hopper that's most likely farming p5 sets and giving to their main
  3. Tcay

    Jul 23, 2019
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    yeah i cant agree more with this , the majority of hackers are just peoples alts getting shit so they can give it back to their main , there arent any actual hackers who just wanna kill everyone. yall need to ip trace more
  4. EssentialsPlus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Who doesn't use a VPN nowadays, practically all hackers I've seen on the server use a VPN of some sort, and yeah, I've seen so many lvl 100 players who are randomly trading p5 with a lvl 1 rookie which leads me with suspicion. I don't know how we're supposed to really fix this other than implementing an anti cheat that can stop clients like liquid bounce.
    Prismane and HeckTheThicc like this.

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