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New Website or Old?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Cessie2u, May 19, 2020.



  1. Enjin

    8 vote(s)
  2. Xenforo

    8 vote(s)
  3. Neither

    2 vote(s)
  1. Cessie2u

    Apr 20, 2020
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    Hi all!

    Just writing to see whether you like the new or old webpage better. Personally, Enjin>Xenforo. But this is definitely an interesting debate.
  2. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    So when we moved to Xenforo in July I was like. Ewww No No No Why!! Look at all my posts, my wall, my friends who use Enjin but not in the MCCentral Community and there’s character limits, I don’t get notifications for my friends profile, I can’t attach screenshots on my wall and I have to link it, just no. But now, to be honest I have gotten so used to it and here are why the change was such a good idea.
    First of all, Enjin was the first forums site MCCentral used, leaving tonnes of outdated threads and suggestions, but this was like a reset and all important threads that were still relevant were kept. Secondly, Enjin was buggy, I think that is one of the main reasons why the MCCentral admins decided to move here instead. I remember some days, I would try and log onto the forums, and it wouldn’t work, I would ask staff and they were like “Oh yeah the whole platform is down.” and this happened more then once! And looking back on the Enjin forums (you know, when someone decides to pay $15 a fortnight for it to re-open) you find that Xenforo looks so much cleaner and more forum appropriate then Enjin. So yeah, there just my thoughts, I used to check Enjin regularly when we moved but now, I see no point, I really don’t.

    Have a Nice Day
    -Me :D
    Lxyne, Simplistiq and Cessie2u like this.
  3. PistolPet

    Jul 22, 2019
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    From old times, I still prefer Enjin. Just the convenience of it was better in my opinion but just like Sean said, Xenforo is much more modern and better suited to be a forum. However, the old vibes of Enjin won't be lost :)
    Cessie2u and iiSean like this.
  4. Sarrrcasm

    Jan 28, 2020
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    I have always liked Enjin more. It was very hard to go from using enjin to this. I used to post a lot on enjin and my profile would have about 4k views if not more, I don’t remember. I also had a lot of forum posts because I remember it was easier to do them there.
  5. s0cial_

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Hey, gamer!

    I prefer this new forum because it's much better than the old one, I have some experience in working with xenforo, since other servers, I know that xenforo has more moderation/administration tools than the forum itself, so in the middle of all this, I see only one problem, with this new change, all players who had a certain amount of posting in the forum have gone without them and now it has to start from scratch or at least if some of them are already "advanced".

  6. Lxyne

    Apr 28, 2020
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    Hey, Cessie2u.

    I've always thought Enjin was more of a "social media" type of platform rather than a forums platform. The forums on Enjin were okay but if you compare Enjin to Xenforo forum wise. Xenforo is doing a better job. It's got a nice refreshing look, threads are easily accessible and the overall layout of the website is a lot better than Enjin's.

    I'm in agreeance with ___Sean___. He makes some very good points.
    The only thing I'm disliking about the Xenforo website is the lack of creativity that users profiles have. On Enjin, there were a few things that you could customise on your profile to make it represent you. Such as, having a favourite friends list, listing other games that you play, having small descriptions/biographies, creating longer more meaningful status updates and posting statuses with videos and photos attached. Unfortunately, on Xenforo there are no longer such things as mutual friends. Xenforo makes it so you either follow a user or they follow you. The mutual friendship with an Enjin user was good and something that I miss. On Xenforo you don't receive notifications for when someone you're following posts a status which I think is silly. I feel like the social media differences between Enjin and Xenforo are like comparing Facebook or Instagram to Twitter. They're two different platforms.

    Overall, I feel like both websites have their pros and cons. They both do a better job at different things with Xenforo being a better website for forums and Enjin being a better website for socialising. I don't miss Enjin that much but I do miss some of the customisation features for your profile as I remember that was a really big thing that everyone enjoyed showing off back in the day.

    Thanks, Layne.
    #6 Lxyne, May 23, 2020
    Last edited: May 23, 2020
  7. Prismane

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I would say the Old website does bring back memories, but I would have to go with Xenforo. I feel that Xenforo is more cleaner to use and simple, while Enjin was a bit difficult
  8. yungjunior

    Jul 29, 2019
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    Enjin gave a classic MCC vibe and when I go back to check if people are still forking out money to keep it running it gives me a lot of nostalgia. But I prefer the new website in every way. It's easy to figure out so you're not looking for things for ages. Plus, you can now find links in the server via Google search! You used to have to manually navigate the website but now you can just search, for example: 'mccentral punishment search' and it will come up as the top link. This was never a thing with enjin.

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