IP ban for Fly hackers

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tennente, May 13, 2020.

  1. Tennente

    Aug 17, 2019
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    As everyone knows, there are always a lot of hackers playing on MCC and most of them are in a specific minigame (Sky Wars). Recently (like the past few days), the numbers of hackers have been growing a lot and Sky Wars has been sort of unplayable.
    So this is one of the reasons that makes me think Fly (and maybe also Scaffold) hackers should be IP banned in their first punishment.
    The current rules say you need to get banned on 2 different accounts at the same moment to get IP banned. However, it is needed a SrMod+ to verify your IP and punish you, which I think is fair when it comes to "regular" players, because they can do something wrong, be punished but keep playing on the server (and hopefully they will stop cheating or making another infractions). But those fly hackers who are always in your sky wars games, won't do anything but ruin your games until they get banned.

    Please let me know your opinion about this idea and thanks everyone!
  2. Sparky

    Mar 15, 2020
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    Hey Tennente!
    I agree that the number of hackers on Skywars recently has made it quite unplayable because there is no way to win a fight against a skilled fly hacker. I agree that an IP ban should be set to those who use fly and scaffold as a first punishment. I think that if we check the players level and they are below level 10, this most likely means that they are a player that is just hacking on random server just for fun expecting to be banned. I agree with you 100% and believe that this should be fixed but also hopefully the new anti-cheat should help with this.
    Thanks for taking the time to read this!
    - Cxltic_Warrior
    Tennente likes this.
  3. iZyro

    Mar 22, 2020
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    Hey, I don't agree with this, in my opinion an IP ban is too severe of a punishment for someones first offence, even if they are hacking and ruining the fun for other people, what if they are not the only one in their house who plays on mcc? IP banning them would result in all the other people in there house being punished for something they didn't even do.
    Zonafer, Lxyne, Sparky and 1 other person like this.
  4. DaQuack_

    Aug 12, 2019
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    I also don't agree with this. I like what iZyro said. Other people in their house could play on the server and its not a good reason to ip-ban after getting banned once for fly hacking.
    Tennente likes this.
  5. Elecctricc

    Mar 21, 2020
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    This has been brought up a few times now and my favorite scenario is making first offence a 1 month ban (already got it) and the making the next permanent. It adds incentive not to cheat and to follow the rules. Downright permanently banning people for hacks would be a bit harsh in my opinion.
    Zonafer and Tennente like this.
  6. Fracis

    Sep 21, 2019
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    Just accept the facts. MCC will always have hackers, however try other servers such as Hypixel which have a way better anticheat and an easier way to report people. Trust me, quitting MCC is worth it x 100
  7. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    But here’s the thing... Most hackers are the ones who get dodgy alts of websites, play until they get banned and then just get a new alt. Then if that account gets reused by somebody else after a month there not banned anymore.

    I personally think they shouldn’t IP Ban but maybe do something like Insiding on Factions where you get perm banned but can appeal after 1 month because I don’t think many people are going to appeal alts but the legit people who just hacked on their main for fun get a second chance.

    Just my thoughts.
    #7 iiSean, May 13, 2020
    Last edited: May 14, 2020
  8. Tennente

    Aug 17, 2019
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    After what @iZyro said, I changed my mind... IP ban may not be as fair as I was thinking. I completaly agree with your idea, that way you could reduce the numbers of hackers and also not be unfair to those who have the same IP as other person or that will eventually be a "normal" player.
    Thanks everyone for letting me know ya thoughts ;)
    HeckTheThicc and iiSean like this.
  9. Rev3rse

    Aug 14, 2019
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    I feel that attempting to enforce this will be extremely difficult and pretty unfeasible. For example, if someone wanted to report a fly hacker with video evidence on the Forums, they would need to get evidence of the player saying something in the chat in order to verify what level they are. This means that if the hacker doesn't send any messages, there's no way to know what punishment to issue them under this suggestion. I also believe it's discriminatory to punish users based on what level they are on the server.

    As for the overall idea, I also disagree and feel that such a drastic measure should not be instated for flying or scaffold in-game. While you bring up a good point that minigames see a good amount of these hackers, adding this severe punishment would mean that players on every subserver are affected. It also opens up a conversation about hacks that make other gamemodes "unplayable" - ie: BHop on KitPvP, reach on ArenaPvP. Should these hacks also lead to an IP ban on their first offense? These are just my thoughts as I think it's a bit too harsh to immediately issue an IP ban for these hacks. Have a great day!
    Lxyne and Tennente like this.
  10. Sparky

    Mar 15, 2020
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    Hey Rev3rse!
    I see what you mean 100% and actually agree with you it could be quite hard to enforce and getting the level could be tougher, but it is not discriminatory. Because if you see a player on skywars that maybe was a bit too good at pvp and they are below level 10 you would think they may be hacking considering you would not see a level 1000 hacking very often. And as for the level part of it, I am pretty sure staff are able to look up the level of players, so that would not be a big issue other than the time consumption for staff. Also your idea about the other game IP actually is not a bad idea. This idea that Tennente has would also eliminate some hackers that keep coming back, for example it would be a lot more fun to evade ip ban on a server where you are able to get banned twice before ip ban for certain hacks.
    Thanks for taking the time to read this!
    - Cxltic_Warrior
    Tennente likes this.
  11. HeckTheThicc

    Sep 1, 2019
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    I don't think an IP ban for flying is worth all the effort. It should be a perm ban instead. You can severely punish one type of hack that is equally as bad as the rest. It should be all or nothing. But if it was a perm ban, I would 100% agree with you.
    Sparky and Tennente like this.
  12. Lxyne

    Apr 28, 2020
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    Hey, Tennente_.

    I'm with the majority of players on this thread that have disagreed with this being implemented. There are a lot of factors that would have to be considered before IP banning someone, especially if it's their first offence. Not all hackers are hackers if you get what I'm saying. From my time as staff I've seen countless times that blatant hackers have appealed after they've been banned. If they appeal, it usually means it's their first time hacking on MCC and in their appeal, they apologise deeply and say they weren't thinking about the consequences. Then you have blatant hackers that are genuinely just on the server to hack repetitively on multiple accounts and IPs. They won't ever appeal, they'll continuously rejoin the server to hack and ruin other players experiences.

    IP Banning is practically useless to the truly blatant hackers anyways. They'd get IP banned and five minutes later they're back on with a different account and different IP. IP banning from a staff's POV is time-consuming as there aren't Senior Moderators on 24/7 to IP ban hackers. So, for this to be effective Moderators would have to be given the ability to IP ban which is something that won't ever happen.

    Going back to my first paragraph. I like what ___Sean___ has said and suggested.
    This I feel would be a far more effective strategy to combat hackers. I think this would have to be introduced as a server-wide thing though not just minigames. This would only be viable for fly & scaffold hackers though not any other cheats.

    After all that has been suggested in this thread, I think the current system is the best. Yes, it's painful as it gives blatant hackers a total of 3 chances to hack on the server. If IP bans or permanent bans were added in for hackers this would certainly make the process a lot faster but for the one time hackers that weren't thinking, there's no second chance for them.

    Cheers, Layne.
    #12 Lxyne, May 16, 2020
    Last edited: May 16, 2020
  13. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Personally I think scaffold is almost as bad as fly, it does the same purpose. I understand maybe not doing this for Kill Aura and such but I think there are a few other hacks we should consider.
  14. Lxyne

    Apr 28, 2020
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    I've got nothing wrong with adding Scaffold into that. I've just seen staff members false ban players for scaffold in the past. It's rare but it has happened. I don't know how the staff members thought they were scaffolding but... Yeah, +1 for adding Scaffold onto that.
  15. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hey There!
    As some others have explained why they disagree, I thought my reason may still bring some light into the situation. My timezone is AU, so when its about 10pm, there's only one or two moderators online. This means that any hackers I run into pretty much have to be reported for them to get banned, as the few staff are online are generally busy. Here come's the rainbow amongst the grey clouds. When I bump into a fly hacker on skywars, or any mini games for that matter, it can literally be a 5 second video. It's the easiest type of hack to blatantly see. This means uploading it to YouTube takes about 30 seconds, and is pretty easy. While the report may take a little while to get attended to, when it does, it doesn't need a second opinion. Fly hackers are so easily spotted, that when the report is looked at, the player can be instantly punished, without and other staff needing to have a look.
    It is for this reason, that I think the punishment lengths should stay the same way they are :)
  16. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    Honestly because of this whole alternate account problem, I feel like they should Ip mute or Ip ban for a period of time. Yeah there are other people in the household but there is a very high chance that they have been cheating too. Its just a big headache and I feel like this would solve a lot of problems. +1

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