too strict rules?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Simplistiq, May 7, 2020.

  1. Simplistiq

    May 4, 2020
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    I respectfully think some of the mute rules and guidelines are too strict. I feel as if you can say something not as bad, or not intending to be mean to someone or offend someone, etc. But, you get chat reported and muted anyway. I feel like some of the rules are a little too strict for muted. For example, player disrespect, or explicit conversation. In my opinion the server should look over or review some of the mute rules punishments. But, I see how it is a kid server, and there should be respect. But, sometimes the rules are too strict.
  2. Issel

    Aug 29, 2019
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    Hey, I can see why you think some of the rules are a bit too strict however as you were saying this is a server made for everyone this includes kids all the way down to the age of 10. Meaning that the strict rules are necessary. -1

    Sahmir and Simplistiq like this.
  3. Airpxds

    Aug 25, 2019
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    I personally think the rules are ok as they are. Disrespect is there to prevent cyberbullying, toxic players (etc.). Though I do agree sometimes the punishments are a tad over the top but still, they are there to protect the community. -1

    Have A Good Day/Night!
    Simplistiq likes this.
  4. 6hb


    Mar 21, 2020
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    Hey iluvhotmoms,

    I totally see where you are coming from, however, there is a range of different age groups and ethnic backgrounds that play MCC and the rules are in place to protect everyone whether you’re 11 or 20 years old.

    I feel like the punishment times are in place so that people learn from there mistakes quicker. If all of the punishments were lowered and you only got muted for 5-10 minutes (just an example) people would just brush the punishments off and do it again because they know that the next punishment won’t be very long either. With the longer mutes players are discouraged in breaking the rules again and have a longer period of time to reflect on what they did wrong so they don’t make the same mistake again.

    Due to these reasons I’m going have to give this suggestion a -1. However, feel free to post any changes you make and it could change my mind!

    Hope you have a good day/night
    6hb (jake)
    #4 6hb, May 7, 2020
    Last edited: May 7, 2020
    Simplistiq likes this.
  5. iZyro

    Mar 22, 2020
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    I feel like the player disrespect rule is not that strict anymore, considering the recent rule change the staff team has decided on. When it comes to explicit conversation, I feel the guidelines could do a little bit of a better job defining what is considered as "explicit conversation", perhaps by providing an more in depth example, however I still think the rule is not that strict and it shouldn't be too hard for most people to figure out what will get them punished and what won't.
    Lxyne and Simplistiq like this.
  6. Rokoman99

    May 7, 2020
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    Honestly bro, I would say that the rules are just right i have been playing since 2014 and I see no reason to change the rules. They worked back then when I was younger and they still work now in my opinion. MCC has made pretty great strides since then. With that I would say the chat filter and explicit conversation or arguing still works.
    Simplistiq likes this.
  7. Simplistiq

    May 4, 2020
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    thank you, I see where you are coming from!
  8. Simplistiq

    May 4, 2020
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    I totally agree, didn’t know about the recent rule change. Thanks for informing me!
    iZyro likes this.
  9. Simplistiq

    May 4, 2020
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    I understand, thanks for you’re input. Have a wonderful day/night.
    6hb likes this.
  10. jaeuhr

    Aug 27, 2019
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    Personally, I don't think that the rules are too strict. As other's mentioned, this is a server filled with everyone and we never really know how young some of the mcc players are and we obviously want this server to be filled with positive things instead of negative. So I do think that the punishments that are provided are what's best for everyone.

    Love, Floir
    Simplistiq likes this.
  11. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I would need to say I disagree with this, I believe the chat rules are fine as-is. You shouldn't be saying hurtful or disrespectful things, even if you meant it as a joke. If they allowed joking around like that then anyone would just be able to say stuff like "Go kill yourself. Just kidding!", and it wouldn't be breaking the rules, since they claim it was a joke and not serious and you've really got no way to prove otherwise. And for things like racism or extreme excessive swearing, well that shouldn't have a place anywhere to begin with. Even if you mean it as a joke you're still saying all these explicit words and derogatory terms.

    Also forgot to mention this, but I'm remembering now that Nikki mentioned it. I think the rules for chat are fine as they are now, but they need to be made more clear, and the staff team needs to more strictly follow these rules themselves. As things are now, the line between rule-breaking or not is often very blurry. Your chance of being punished can sometimes entirely depend on which staff member sees what you said. It should not. Punishments should be the same all across the board, for every player, from all staff members. Doesn't matter if they're your childhood friend or some toxic kid who constantly harasses you. Breaking the rules should always be treated the same way.
    #11 Ankh, May 7, 2020
    Last edited: May 7, 2020
    iZyro, Simplistiq and Lxyne like this.
  12. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hey there!
    I can see where you're coming from in the sense that they can be a little strict, and since it is a family-friendly server, the staff team wants to welcome all, and I definitely think the rules should be made a little clearer. I know some punishments are a matter of who sees the report or who witnesses it, for example, some staff may punish for talking about specific explicit topics, while others may not. While this may be seen as perfectly fine by some, it just becomes a case of luck. I think people should be using common sense on the server, knowing that some people don't need to hear players talking about drugs, etc, but the issue lies in the fact of chance. If by chance you get lucky and a staff member doesn't see it as punishable, then that's great, but someone might say the same thing and get punished by a different staff. Rules like this should be changed to have a clear YES and NO if it is allowed or not, to avoid players being frustrated. If we don't see this, I suggest /msg the person whatever you want to talk about, if it is a little insensitive.

    Simplistiq likes this.
  13. Lxyne

    Apr 28, 2020
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    Hey again, iluvhotmoms.

    I agree with what iZyro has said. Disrespect to me seems way too lenient. Especially if it's witnessed by a staff member. Like they're disrespecting another user and they only get a warning and then a 30-minute mute if they do it again? I think for disrespect it should be an instant mute if it's witnessed by a staff member. Don't change the severity of the offence just remove the required warning if witnessed.

    Explicit conversation I feel is a fair punishment. For the fifth offence for a severity two mute, I do believe is a long time (two weeks) but it's the player's fault if they've been muted 4 times already for a severity two chat offence. Everything you type in chat is your responsibility. You cannot blame anyone but yourself if you are muted, especially if you're aware of the rules on the server.

    Now iZyro and Ankh have both said that the rules need more specific definitions for punishable offences. There are plenty of rules (mainly chat offences) that don't have clear examples. Most of the time it's up to the staff member to decide whether or not that would be considered punishable. So when you say the same thing in two different sub-servers with two different staff, one may punish you and one may not. You'd be quite surprised how often staff would ask for second opinions on things players would say in chat. I'm sure they still do today. If there were more clear definitions and examples for punishable offences. I think the clarity of this would both benefit players and staff members.

    Thanks, Layne.
    #13 Lxyne, May 7, 2020
    Last edited: May 7, 2020
    Simplistiq likes this.
  14. FourNut

    Jul 22, 2019
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    However to some people these rules might be really strict, but these rules have kept the server under safety from toxic players for a long time now. Everything that has been included in the rules have kept myself, and other players in the safety of a mute and a ban.

    Regarding the Disrespect rule, this is all upon the staff members perspective on if it is enough to punish for Disrespect. Also regarding the fact about how it should be an instant mute, it actually shouldn't be an instant mute. To be honest, if someone is disrespecting someone it is most likely for a reason, if someone is really disrespect someone it is not exactly right to instantly mute them for they might not realize they are disrespecting someone. In situations like this, they are most likely very angry with the person, and if the staff member would just warn them for this, it could shorten their circuits and allow them to realize what they have done. To just warn someone can do a great deal on someone and make them realize something. To be honest, I believe that there should be standards as in, if someone is really disrespecting someone in a very harsh and non subtle way you should instantly mute, but if it isn't as bad then you should warn. These are my believes.

    Regarding the definitions of the chat offenses or every offense, they should include some sort of video link to show an example of this, or show every offense in action and on point, this could really help upcoming staff members and other new players who have a disregard to the rules. As @Lxyne a lot of new staff members have different thoughts and opinions and most new staff members do ask a lot of questions and need clarification to mute or warn someone, but with this, this could really help.

    Have a nice day!

    Lxyne, Simplistiq and HeckTheThicc like this.
  15. DareMe

    Feb 18, 2020
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    I understand the rules may be stricter than some other servers but the audience there's a wave of younger children who are reaching their 13s or 12s who are getting into minecraft, its the servers job to remain safe so they attract old and new members. i would have to agree though with the rules are very understandable. just remember there are children and we as older people need to respect them to remain a safe server.
    Crosaint likes this.
  16. Xermes

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Great argument. I can see where you're coming from and I see where the rules have been bent in my case since I have experience with reports (and mutes lol.)

    I agree with you, "But, you get chat reported and muted anyway." There are many instances in my punishment history where I've said things jokingly and been muted/banned for it.

    I hope staff can re-evaluate some rules and loosen them up a bit.

    Hope this helped.
  17. bbb


    Apr 28, 2020
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    According to minecraft EULA nobody under 13 should be allowed to join the server. Goofy ***.
    YogurtHero, Crosaint and Xermes like this.
  18. mcrcus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Howdy bro. I understand what you mean by this. I myself have been muted for weird reasons in the past, but this server like everyone has said, should and is intended for everyone. But I will admit, some of the guidelines are pretty strict, and it can result in some many random mutes, but I've first joined this server when I was 10 years old, and the rules are just as strict as they were back then, we were all just too young to realize it, because most of the older and experienced players were probably being punished. So then it was just our turn to be punished, so it can set the tone for the younger folks in the future. Anyways, I hope that this made sense, and that this helped a little bit.
    Crosaint likes this.
  19. Crosaint

    Apr 4, 2020
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    I Agree With your post since many young Kids play here and they need to feel welcome and involved in the community so as you said they have to enforce more strict rules to protect the kids of the server :)

    Hope This Helps

    -Azalin :smiley:
  20. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    I honestly think the rules should be more strict. A rude player was making fun of the jews that got gassed... I find that highly disrespectful and inconsiderate and there was no punishment made. Then after he found out that I report him he told me to slit my wrist vertically because he noticed I was goth... I couldn't chat report him because someone already did, but I did report him on the forums. He justified his rude comments by saying he was joking and etc... you don't joke about peoples lives. Smh please don't be like him, keep your "jokes" that could be offensive to others to yourself.
    Crosaint likes this.

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