New website or Old website?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Cornjoe2, May 6, 2020.


Do you prefer the new MCC website or the old MCC Enjin website?

Poll closed May 20, 2020.
  1. MCC enjin

    15 vote(s)

    12 vote(s)
  1. Cornjoe2

    Jul 27, 2019
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    This is going to be a poll to see if you guys like the new and improved Minecraft Central website or if you prefer the old Enjin Minecraft Central website.

    For me personally
    I enjoyed the old website. I am picking sides only because of how long I was apart of the website. I put time and effort into my forum posts/friends list/profile views just as much as everyone else did. It was time for an update and new fresh beginnings and that's okay.

    !DISCLAIMER! this is just my opinion and I just want to see everyone else's opinion, I am enjoying the new website and beginning to learn it.
    Marco5py and FourNut like this.
  2. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    If I'm being honest, I think the new forums are way better in a number of ways. I lost about 1 100 posts and 600 player reports in the reset, but I've more or less recovered my decent stats, so that's not a concern for me.

    The biggest benefit to the new forums is staff members having full control over posts and the users on the site. It's not like Enjin where players can still make wall posts and the community can access them; those players are essentially shut out.

    The new forums are also much cleaner on desktop and mobile than before, and match the trend of other Minecraft servers ditching Enjin and moving to Xenforo or similar software. There is also the benefit of being able to count your own reports and change post titles without needing to run code, as used to be the case.

    So overall, Xenforo is the clear winner here. Losing my stats was definitely worth the new site, and I think a lot of people would agree. In fact, I just deactivated my Enjin account a few days ago.
  3. creeper7777777

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Personally, I'm a fan of the new website. It looks a lot more clean and modern, and they also removed unused forums from the new one. The old one was good, although too competitive. For example, your would be judged based on how many views your profile page had. Here, it's just likes. The new website also has all of the good things the old one did, plus some more. For example, you still have a list of people you follow (like a friends list). When they changed websites, it's true that everyone lost everything, like player reports and posts on the forums, however most people have recovered and made new posts and reports. This website is also more organized.

    I went to the old mcc website once, just for nostalgia, and I could find my profile, however the forums was closed since no one has paid for it in months. It was kind of sad, actually, because those forums were a part of the server for years. Still, though, if you don't upgrade, innovate, and do new things as an organization, you lose followers. People will notice if your website looks old. Also, xenforo has much better moderation tools, and you can do more with it than enjin.
    FourNut, Cornjoe2 and Zonafer like this.
  4. abbzyy

    Aug 13, 2019
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    I’m a fan of the new website, but enjin will always be my #1. As dumb as it sounds, I made SO many memories on that website. Whether it was me and @fouffy talking about stuff we knew no one cared about, or all of my old DMs, enjin holds so much to it and I was extremely sad to find out that we had switched this summer. I understand the change is easier for staff members and it definitely is a cleaner website, though.
    fouffy, puposaurus, Zonafer and 2 others like this.
  5. FourNut

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I am a big fan of the new website for the new website looks so much cleaner and smoother. This website is more organised and it looks modern and fresh.

    I actually did go back to enjin, and I tried to find my old profile and I actually managed to find ItsGuih's forum page, Zonafers and a few others but since it hasn't been paid in months I couldn't find any of the past of the old forums.

    I enjoy the new forums for not only it's fresh look but it also has many advantages. More tools, more selections for new forums, signatures, etc etc. I love Xenforo and I really enjoy it.

    It brings back many memories, but with the new forums we can make much more :D

    Have a nice day!

    Zonafer likes this.
  6. EssentialsPlus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I can tell you one thing for sure, and that's the Xenforo was definitely the step in the right direction. With Xenforo, a popular site used by the biggest minecraft servers such as Hypixel has lots of features for moderation and overall has a cleaner look. I remember when Enjin was the biggest website hosting platform for Minecraft servers, but times have changed and it's only right that MCC switched to Xenforo.
    iiSean, HeckTheThicc and Zonafer like this.
  7. Cornjoe2

    Jul 27, 2019
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    Thank you for your info! I'm liking everyone's statements.
  8. 6hb


    Mar 21, 2020
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    Hey CornJoe2,

    With the old website running on Enjin and the new website using Xenforo I've definitely got to pick the new website. It's just so much cleaner, everything just looks so well put together and theres nothing visually that I don't like. Xenforo is also so much smoother with the way that menu's pop up, comments on threads get posted and even the way it saves your drafts if you haven't finished writing. All of the smooth little features just makes it so much better!

    I also love the way that the tags look on this server for staff ranks and subteams. I'm not sure what it is but I think its the way that the glow, it's just so visually pleasing. I also really like that customisability of your threads here, there is so many colours to choose from when selecting your text colour and there is so many other formatting options that enjin just diddnt have.

    Because of these features I'm definitely going to have to say I prefer the new website!

    Hope everyones having a good day/night,
    6hb (jake)
    Elecctricc likes this.
  9. Elecctricc

    Mar 21, 2020
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    Personally Enjin is incredibly nostalgic for me, I remember this tiny survival server back in like 2010 being my first ever server and having the little Enjin website as their homepage. However, Enjin is outdated- I don't reckon Enjin will survive into the future where as Xenforo will. Xenforo is much more advanced and can handle more stress when it comes to guests to the website - not to mention that aesthetically it is easy to wrap your head around and navigate.

    It feels like the entire time I have spent on forum sites, I have been on Xenforo. And therefore will choose the new website is certainly my goto! c:
    - Elecctricc
  10. fouffy

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Agreed!! Xenforno is for sure a more professional approach, however for a social aspect & bringing community together, enjin will always win (:
  11. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I'd say I definitely prefer the new website over Enjin, it was a dying company and they offered little to no support or updates. Xenforo offers a lot more freedom and the ability to customize anything. Now if the Owners just took advantage of this, we'd be set.

    I'd have to say I disagree. Xenforo has an endless amount of social-related add-ons, with new ones being released and updated all the time, considering anyone with a license can create and submit their own add-ons. If the owners were to actually implement some of these, then we could have a social system on-par, or even better than Enjin. One good idea to start would be to have full BBcode support on wall posts and the ability to pin your posts.
  12. abbzyy

    Aug 13, 2019
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    I could not agree more with this. I'm insanely disappointed that Xenforo doesn't have the pin feature and I've been rooting for it to come back. For the BBcode support on wall posts, even though most people know the codes for the features, having the "rich text editor" would be very helpful. Features that grow the social system and make posts easier should always be added, especially for those that did not come from enjin.
  13. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Those features both already exist as add-ons for Xenforo, they just need to actually take them time to add & set them up. Or if the owners want to go even farther, they could make their own add-ons.
    abbzyy likes this.
  14. Klarissa

    Aug 9, 2019
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    Cornjoe2, i personally liked the old website more than the new. The old website felt like it was a bit easier to use and i did not struggle as much to navigate through the website. But then again the new website is better organized. The old website had so many memories that i would love to reminisce. It was a lot better because you could post images on your wall and i felt like it was a lot more interactive with peoples pages. Not to mention the tags looked a lot better on the old website.

    Have a great day. :D
  15. Blue

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I miss Enjin because people in my friend list were from an old server. Even though some of them logged in once a year, and others not for years, it was still great to see their names, and seeing their posts brought memories. I really miss my old community where I was actually social, nowadays I am not. But with this new website, I really like how you can make your profile more private. And, I was never active on forums and still not, but as others have said the layout is more clean.
  16. Xermes

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I loved the new update only because Xenforo is more stable and is less gaming based, bringing new opportunities. I also really like it because I was issued a warning point right before the switch and with the new forum server, the warning points were released lol
  17. jaeuhr

    Aug 27, 2019
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    Hey Corn,

    In my opinion, I enjoyed the old mcc website better as I was very used to it and I've lost all my forum posts and all the effort I put into them but honestly I'm starting to like this new mcc website as well as it can be a "fresh start" for everyone.

    Love, Floir
  18. Spud

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I honestly don't know why they bothered moving to a new website. People complained that the old one was old and blah blah blah..But some of the people had been on that shit for years and worked hard for their stats.

    Another thing I DID NOT like about moving to this new site was that player reports did not carry over. Like bruh I had over 300 reports on the old site and now those don't count if I ever wanted to apply.

    On top of that a lot of the super active forums either didn't bother making a new account or straight up don't try on this new forums because they lost ALL of their stats.

    Old site 1000000% better frfr.
    Marco5py likes this.
  19. Doina

    Apr 27, 2020
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    Personally I miss the old site because I was so used with it, but tbh the new site is much easier to use and more 'modern looking' (if you know what I mean).. :))
  20. Cessie2u

    Apr 20, 2020
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    Like many others have said, I enjoyed the old website.

    Enjin was great because of a few things-
    1) The across the board integration
    2) Ingame integration
    3) Simplicity

    I understand that they attempted to recreate the ingame integration with the /link command. But truthfully, I liked how people's minecraft accounts were the basis of their profile.

    Also with some personal biases-

    I had much more forum activity on the old one, but that doesn't have any bearing on the web-pages performance. I haven't had any issues per say with the new website. Just little minute details.

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