1.13 Swimming

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ankh, May 5, 2020.

  1. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I've brought this up multiple times already in the past, ever since 1.13 was released. And nothing has been done about it at all, so here I am again talking about this.

    Something seriously needs to be done about the new swimming mechanics on 1.13 and above versions. It's bad enough that SG is overrun with teams, and now that the server supports higher versions players can also swim 3x faster than you. Mixed with teams, you have no chance of winning.

    Now you might say, just don't go in water? Well that doesn't work either, because they move the same speed as you on land, there's no way to outrun them. And when there's multiple of them, they can boost each other while all you can do is run. Water used to be the only escape from teams, but now this isn't even possible. There is literally no escape from a group of people who have the new swimming when you're on 1.8.

    You might also say, just use 1.13+ yourself. A lot of players like using PvP clients like LabyMod. The problem is little to none of these clients support 1.13+, and even if they did, there would still be a lot of missing or changed mechanics, such as blocking.

    Why was support even put in for these versions when absolutely nothing is being done about this mechanic giving players on newer versions an absurd advantage. This problem was annoying when it first arose, now it's become extremely infuriating. Please, just do something about this already.

    Phraze, stiva, abbzyy and 4 others like this.
  2. Druze

    Nov 27, 2019
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    100% agreed The New swimming feature to 1.8 users is so tòxic. I cant tell You how many Times ive almost got muted because some random thinks hes Michael Phelps and does laps around me and kills me and says ez, The 7 year olds get 1 update and abuse The shit out of it.
  3. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I agree that something should to be done about it. I have even recently seen teams where one person is in 1.8.9 and the other in 1.13+ making both pvp on land and in water increasingly difficult.
  4. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Well I wouldn't go that far, but it is extremely annoying.
  5. centjeuh

    Sep 28, 2019
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    I totally agree with this, the experience should be the same for everyone, doesn't matter what version they are using. Most people play on version lower than that anyway so imo it's not even needed to support 1.13+ mechanics.
    I hope they fix this soon.

    -Enjoy your day-​
  6. FourNut

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I 100% agree with this. 1.13 swimming is so much easier, and so much quicker than having to deal with 1.12 and below swimming. It is quicker, easier, and overall smoother to play with. The only problem is, is the fact that Minecraft Central doesn't want to support this for 1.13+ version of minecraft are unstable minecraft versions, but incorporating just the swimming would be awesome!

    Have a nice day!

  7. kuieren

    Sep 26, 2019
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    Hey there Ankh!
    I totally agree with this, the amount of times that I've lost kills or got killed because of this is immesurable and I would certainly like to see 1.13 swimming being removed, but as far as I know since the swimming is on the clients side there's not much that can be done about it. The only real way to 'remove' the swimming would be not letting players on 1.13+ join the server, but that might reduce the amount of new players joining the server because they can't be bothered to change their game version.

    Overall a +1 for the idea, but I doubt that it'll ever be fixed :(
  8. Firebal676

    Aug 6, 2019
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    To implement something server side to detect a player's specific minecraft version and to stop something like this is actually way more difficult that you would think.

    If you want my two cents, if you think it's unfair, go to 1.13.

    This, in my opinion is not a huge deal and nothing will probably be done about it because of the scale that the developers would have to go through to make this change happen. Not that I don't agree with it. Yes, I agree that it's an issue and if there was an easily solution to it by all means, put it in. But, since the solution is far from easy, nothing will most likely be done about it and people on previous versions of Minecraft will either have to update their versions, or deal with the version differences.
  9. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I think you missed the entire point of this thread. They DO support it, that's the problem. It gives anyone using 1.13+ versions an absurd advantage.

    Not really. Spigot, the server jar that MCC uses, even has an EntityToggleSwimEvent, though only on the 1.13+ jars. There are still other ways it could be disabled. It's obviously not going to be as easy as just flipping a switch, but it is possible.

    In case you didn't actually read my original post, I've already mentioned why I won't be doing this.

    For games like SG that are based around pvp, it is a very big deal, especially since almost all the maps have at least one large body of water. With the entire game based around killing others to be the last man standing, it's extremely unfair that people on newer versions can easily catch up to you when there's absolutely nothing you can do. And vise versa, if they decide to run into water after fighting with you and losing or stealing your kills & loot, there is absolutely no way to catch them. And you can't bow them either, since they can also shift to immediately submerge so that arrows will lose velocity before hitting them.

    Also it shouldn't be up to the players to deal with the differences between versions. If the server is going to offer support for higher versions despite being 1.8, it's their responsibility to deal with the changes that come with them. They made the problem, don't ask the players to fix it.

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