Chatreport Notification

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Rev3rse, Apr 19, 2020.

  1. Rev3rse

    Aug 14, 2019
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    My suggestion is for players to receive a notification when someone /chatreports them. ie: If someone were to chatreport me then I would get a short message that says "You have been chatreported." This could stop players from their rule-breaking behavior in the moment, so that they do not continue to annoy others. For example, if a user is spamming and they receive a notice of being chatreported, that may give them an incentive to then stop spamming. Especially since staff cannot respond to the report right away, this makes the chat experience better for others.
    Emmx, Mxats, puposaurus and 1 other person like this.
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    HEY! in theory, i like this idea, but for some players who purposely trying to get muted can possibly grow more toxic and be like "bih who tf reported me, you gon get" and whatever comes after.
    i think this idea would be helpful for this who are not aware they are being chatreported, but also encourage them breaking rules more if they know that someone is "watching" them break rules.
    i feel that players also "false" chatreport players since rules are a little vague, which can some-what defeat the purpose of how staff do not "leak"/say who reported another player, unless it is from a forum rpeort and the reporter checked the "yes" box... like, in "private" chats like "/msg" or party chat or even guild chat...

    overall, i'm neither against nor for this suggestion.. so +0

    have a good day
  3. Rev3rse

    Aug 14, 2019
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    Could you explain what you mean by this? I don't understand why players would want to break rules more if they realize that they are being watched - isn't this an incentive to STOP breaking the rules?

    I also don't understand what you mean by this. How would the notification interfere with staff members protecting the identity of the reporter? I purposely wrote this suggestions as to *not* include the name of who reported you when you receive the notification of being chatreported. If a player is falsely reported, they won't be receiving punishment anyways. If their report is valid, when they are muted, the staff member will write "CR" or "Chat Report" in the mute message so the player will know that they were chatreported once they receive their punishment.

    Overall, I don't feel that the concerns you bring up are valid and would like to hear further explanation of these two specific areas. Thanks!
  4. creeper7777777

    Jul 23, 2019
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    As far as I know, after you chatreport someone, their further chat messages are not recorded. This means that once someone sees that they have been chatreported, since you can only chatreport a player every 10 minutes, it gives them immunity to chat related punishments for a little while.
    For example, someone could spam a message 3 times, wait for the chatreport message to come, and then advertise a server (or say racial slurs, or some serious chat offense) after they know they've been chatreported. I doubt that anyone would remember to chatreport them again when the 10 minute timer finishes, which means they can get away with doing serious chat offenses but only be punished for the ones they did before the chatreport.
    Not to say this wasn't already possible, although it would make it extremely easy to do if they added a message whenever a player gets chatreported.

    As far as learning that what they were doing was wrong, they learn from the mute that they receive. As for false chatreports, players might receive a chatreport message and think something they said was against the rules when it really wasn't. For spambot owners, or other people who want to cause grief in the chat, a chatreport message would mean nothing to them, and they would continue.
    Rev3rse, FourNut and Montilou like this.

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