To boost our happiness and reduce our Boredom, I thought that the MCC staff should hold a MC Central drawing competition, for a new Logo post. This would be a terrific idea, as it get us to use our imagination and makes us Wanna get crafty and do some hands on work. It would be truly amazing to see this occurring. We could increase engagement through adding buycraft or a special keys!!
I personally would not do this idea as I am not a drawer, however the general idea is not bad as it can give people something to do and have a say in the server. You can also post your suggestion here:, as well. Another idea that they could remake the logo with something like playdough or pixel art in minecraft.
I would love to do an artist competition! I'm gosh awful at drawing but hopefully I can spruce that up in photoshop!:) Is a great idea to get people involved and see what creative artists are hiding at the moment!
Hey there, I really love this idea since the MCC logo is already pretty old so I'd say it's a great idea to get a new logo. And how is the best way to get one, well either by a professional or by your own community of course. I would absolutely participate in this even though my cat can probably draw better than me. But I'm sure there are some great artists on MCC and I'd love to see what for art the community can make. If they would do this I also think they should make it kind of a competition by picking out the best ones and let the community vote. And I'd also love to see if they would give the winner an actual price like a giftcard for example. Anyways a very awesome idea and definitely a +1 if you ask me! Best regards, -Mats :)
Hello, @Konst_ ! In my opinion, I think your suggestion would be a good idea, as it was a way to encourage our players and test their skills with their knowledge in the area of drawing. Greetings, badSilva
That sounds like a great idea. Although some people my not have great artistic skills i believe this can encourage people to use their imagination and have some thoughts away from Covid.