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MCC has become Pathetic (Please Read and Vote)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by xXShadowMenacexX, Apr 11, 2020.


Has MCC gotten worse over the past year?

Poll closed Apr 25, 2020.
  1. Yes

    31 vote(s)
  2. No

    29 vote(s)
  1. xXShadowMenacexX

    Apr 11, 2020
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    So I haven't been that active on Minecraft for a few months. I was busy with other things and just took a break. I and my buddy used to play MCC every day for hours. So long story short I log back on today and the first three games I play I had a hacker (Flying), Teamers (In Skywars), and another hacker all in Skywars. Mods need to do a better job. I've been hearing complaints but I didn't know it was this bad.
  2. HowToFaction

    Jan 19, 2020
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    There is currently an anti-cheat being developed and probably will be release in the summer with all the mini game revamp. Staff members on MCC are also trying their best with the cheating problem. I myself can relate to how bad it currently is but whenever I ask for a staff to come 90% of the time they’ll come especially in discord.

    There’s another way to get cheaters banned on MCC and it would 100% be extremely helpful for you to also do it. That is to report them here.

    Thanks for reading and have a beautiful day/night!

    - Jen/HowToFaction
    mxbel likes this.
  3. babynoots

    Jan 17, 2020
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    Hey, your frustration is completely understandable as hackers in Skywars make it almost unplayable at times. Like @HowToFaction said, discord is the quickest way to reach out to staff as they come almost immediately to spectate the players breaking the rules. If you haven’t already, here is the invite link. All you need to do is @ staff member and provide the ign, and the sub-server the offence is taking place c:
    Stolsiee and mxbel like this.
  4. Stolsiee

    Feb 28, 2020
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    Hi there, I don't agree at all, MCC is not pathetic, the staff team are amazing, the minigames are great fun and the sub servers are amazing.

    Our job as members are to help the staff team and help other players have a more enjoyable time playing MCC

    Much love
    - Stolsie <3
  5. Elecctricc

    Mar 21, 2020
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    Credit needs to be given to staff as their doing their best to make the server better than the previous day. As more people make how apparent the hacker problem is, the development of a new and improved anti-cheat will be put at a higher priority. All we can do is notify staff what rules are being broken and where and if you or anyone else reading this wants to be a superstar; record them and report them!:)
    - Elecctricc
  6. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    This is my first time back here since last year, and this was in the most recent posts. Glad to see MCCentral still hasn't fixed their shit.
    Source? Cause they've been promising minigame revamps for literal years.
    Sorry to burst your bubble, but if people are still able to fly hack now, when the update which allowed that was made back on the 27th of June, 2019, that is absolutely, 110% pathetic.

    Don't believe me? Here's my old thread on that issue.
    seretinsky likes this.
  7. Departition_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    this server is legit garbage now, all the idiots that keep saying "an anticheat is being worked" there's no fukking evidence at all! I've been hearing about the "anticheat" being worked on since 2017 and it never came so shut up!
  8. Saphiya

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Every server has it's flaws for sure. Everyone knows MCC is not perfect. However we do have to realize something "why am I here right now?" I personally am here because of the community. I find myself drawn here more than any other server online. Of course there will be servers with better anticheats, better minigames, better builds. There is always something that is better. However, you are still drawn here am I wrong? We have to take this into account that MCCentral is a server that has many pros, and cons, but at the end of the day, it's just simply a place for you to go. If you dislike it, head elsewhere. However I am hoping it's understandable that there is nothing the owners can do that will please absolutely everyone. The time will come when an anticheat returns, old players return, ect.
    Zonafer and SheaD3E like this.
  9. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I'm here because I spent 9 months away from the server, and I came back to see if they've finally fixed their shit yet. And lo and behold, the answer is no. I used to be here for the minigames community. But when it gets so bad that people can literally use FLY/SPEED HACKS, I just can't bring myself to stay any longer. Which is unfortunate, especially for someone who's been here since the release of the server.
    You don't seem to understand the concept of "competition". Hypixel is so popular because they are always updating, always adding. If MCC can't keep up, then it's going to get left in the dust. And by that I mean close down, which is where it's gonna head soon if they can't take the initiative to fix all these long-standing issues. The second the Factions playerbase quits I can guarantee you the server will shut down, as that's like 70-80% of their revenue.
    Two words; Update Anticheat. Will please 90% of players. After that, maybe some new maps. Honestly after waiting literal years my expectations are pretty low at this point. I'd be surprised if they didn't just remove minigames instead of updating it.
    Hopefully, but at this point I seriously doubt it. Even with this new minigames anticheat update that allowed speed/fly hacking, I thought this would be patched/reverted in less than a few hours. That was on the June 27, 2019. Has it been fixed? Why don't you go play a game of skywars and find out.
  10. DrBrando

    Mar 19, 2020
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    I feel you, man. Hackers suck and I think that just about every person on this server had fallen victim to them at one time or another. I can tell you that legend has it that we will be getting a minigames anti-cheat with the upcoming minigames revamp. I would imagine it will behave pretty similar to subserver anti-cheat which is really good against movement hackers but not amazing with reach/aura. For now, what we can do is report the cheaters and have them get banned. As for the server, I actually think that it has been looking pretty up recently. We have a lot more players rn and it is a lot of fun.

    Hang in there, boss. You can make it =)
    iZyro likes this.
  11. fouffy

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Everything sofia said summed it up for me. Posting and complaining doesn't help anything, especially when she stated that there's nothing that will please 100% of the community. The players posting on here are here due to them still liking the server. If they disliked, they wouldn't be here right now.
  12. Idekbruv

    Nov 22, 2019
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    What is really funny, is that these so called “staff” have been working on an anti cheat for 5 years. They keep announcing that it’s in place and it will be done soon but it never has been.

    You are right, mcc is pathetic at this point of time. There are so many complaints. The actual owner is trying hard, but they are doing way to many other things wrong. They don’t ban bhoppers. They false ban people that are good on kitpvp. Yesterday, a b hopper was on me and I said pus and the staff mutes me and the hacker is banned 15 minutes later. These actions are pathetic. We need more mods on. get that anti cheat up now. And actually start caring about a server that used to be as good as hypixel
    Departition_ likes this.
  13. Informing

    Feb 21, 2020
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    They need a better anti-cheat which they have been working on for so called "years" and still havent realised any new type of anti-cheat, if you go on kitpvp thiers hackers on daily killing peaple with items that they have paid irl money to cop those items and loose it from hackers, n which focused most ppl to the idea of quiting and ddossing is another problem and mostly how active staff are staff are rlly inactive, staff should be assigned a certain sub server so thiers always staff on exampe.



    Like dat it would make staff on sub servers more active.

    Protest to unban Mulaw Fasley, Very depressing :{

    -Mulaw <3
    Departition_ likes this.
  14. Imkind

    Sep 4, 2019
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    I don't agree at all. MCC got better than past.
    I love minigames, prisons and all the sttaff members.
    Have a good day.
  15. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    So uhh, it's come to this.

    The new anticheat has been confirmed to be a part of the upcoming Minigames revamp, so hopefully all our concerns will be addressed and things will start looking up for MCC.

    You don't need armour obtained from keys to actually play or be good at KitPvP. That is solely based on skill, and while better armour and weaponry can give you an advantage, there are still other factors at play.

    If you want to report a player for hacking (which is the best way to approach the issue, instead of complaining), you can make a report ticket here, or inform a staff member in-game or on the MCC Discord server.

    Quitting is not a very big problem. Players come and go. Some choose to play other gamemodes, others will switch servers and others will stop playing Minecraft entirely. This applies regardless of how good a server or gamemode is, because people get bored and want to try other things.

    DDoSing is also not a big problem on MCC. The penalty for initiating a DoS/DDoS attack or swat is a full blacklist, which means you are blocked from all MCC services and cannot appeal your punishment. Leaking private information is also a permanent mute. To reiterate, this a non-concern.

    Staff members are active all around the server. They have minutes to fulfill each month, and if they fail to do so, they may be punished or demoted. Staff activity is also influenced by timezones, because 4pm for me may be 4am for you. There are not many EU/AU staff members, which further adds to the problem.

    Sub-specific staff is an idea, but a pretty controversial and unfair one. If a player decides to apply for staff, they are applying to help the server, and this means all around the server. By forcing staff members to only play and be active on one subserver, you ruin the game for them and make matters worse for the community, because grouchy people don't like to keep doing what makes them upset. Factions staff only exists because Factions is a complex gamemode with its own mechanics and additional rules to adhere to. Factions staff members do the majority of their minutes on Factions, but still know the server rules and can punish as everyone else does.

    You must appeal a ban for it to be lifted before the expiry date. To do so, head here.

    For starters, don't break the rules. If you decide to break a rule in order to call out a rule breaker, you are still liable for the punishment you will face as a result. Yes, there's a hacker. No, you don't need to make a scene and break the chat rules because of it.
    I see no point in flaming the server when a lot of the community doesn't want to help fix the problem(s). Of course, the owners do have a part to play in these issues, but we need to take at least some responsibility when it comes to fixing them. Player reports, bug reports and community suggestions are excellent ways to help the server, and I can guarantee your opinions will be heard. :)
    10Controls and puposaurus like this.
  16. DeathFromAbov3

    Dec 13, 2019
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    I've played MCC for roughly 5+ years now, reached level 215 (after a year and a half of being inactive from quitting minecraft) and I will say I liked the old MCC better (along with the old staff team, yes this staff team is nice and as I don't know any of them yet like I did with the old team, I feel someday I will be able to get closer to them). The old MCC was all around more fun to play and just a lot more active. Now when going into something like survival games I get roughly the same people I was in the last 2 matches with before it pairs me up with some other people due to them dying early as my game ends or vise versa. I know the server will never be like it used to be, but atleast it is still here for all of us to enjoy. This is my home and always will be my home server. Also as for the old staff team that I miss the most, it would definitely be either Glissando or I_Hate_Cows23, those two always knew how to cheer a lad up when he's down.
  17. Idekbruv

    Nov 22, 2019
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    Zonafer what you have said was a good practised speech, but it does not change the fact that mcc is unprepared for many events and nothing has changed for a long time. Sg skyward and all those mini games have had nothing different for years. Subserrvers uave been similar until they somehow stuff kitpvp up. They are undeveloped. And almost impossible to play without an anti cheat in many situations. You say breaking the rules is a bad thing when I’m pretty pissed off cos I almost died to a hacker in p5. Ddis threats are a huge problem. 5 times I have been dosed in this server. And they were when I was younger. Even if you report the player and they get banned. What’s to say they won’t follow up on their threat? I think instead of defending the dead community that was once something on this server. Maybe you should make suggestions
  18. HH_Captain

    Dec 6, 2019
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    Hello sir,

    I might be wrong but I feel u come across as angry and I would just like to exclaim that at the moment there are a lot of hackers in the minigames but this is absolutely not something to blame to the staff team for. Although the staff team, sometimes unfairly punishes someone, they are working very hard to clear the server of hackers and to blame it on the people who are helping you is insane. I suggest you, for instance, play another server or a different minigame on mcc because not all minigames will have hackers and in the sub-servers, it is extremely rare to find hackers, except for kitpvp. But the fact that this post is aimed at mcc because of something that has made you angry ingame does not make it pathetic as the production team are constantly adding new stuff to each sub-server to make it more enjoyable for everyone and also to incorporate new objectives and goals within the server. But please remember, the number of hackers in skywars and all around the server has nothing to do with the moderators who are almost certainly hard-working.
  19. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    He is angry, and he has every right to be. Nothing has changed in years. Minigames are still neglected, anticheat still sucks on subservers, and is entirely non-existent on minigames. If you were someone who has been here for a long time and watched the server fall from all the bad choices the owners made, you'd be pissed too.

    You're right, the staff team is not to blame. The problem is with how the owners choose to manage things. They have all their priorities mixed up. We've been needing an anticheat for years, yet every day they still just keep pushing out more factions updates/optimizations, while completely ignoring the complaints of the players. You can't expect me to take them seriously when this is the level of communication between the players and owners.

    Alright, go to Hypixel. Tell me how many fly hackers you find. None? Surprising, they must have a good anticheat.

    The reason MCC has a surplus of hackers is because they DON'T have a good anticheat, so pretty much any and all hackers come here to play.

    I have no idea what you mean by production team as I've never heard of that, so I'll just assume you mean the development team. And as I mentioned, it was disbanded by the owners which, in my opinion, was one of the stupidest decisions they ever made. Now they're trying to manage the entire server themselves, and it's very clear that they're failing miserably.
    EssentialsPlus and Idekbruv like this.
  20. TheKingOfTurtlez

    Nov 30, 2019
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    The staff team tries there hardest to ban all of these players, it is the growing popularity of the MCC community that is attracting these hackers, they hack, and then they ruin the game. So if you really are frustrated about this, you can report them in the #support channel of discord, or use a recording software such as the WIN+G and OBS recording softwares, and report these players after uploading your footage to youtube. The staff members have more to do than sit inside of skywars and ban everyone who is hacking, most staff members are trying to either get minutes on subservers, or calming down angry chats. They have a lot to attend to, so they can't just play mini-games all the time. The Server also doesnt have an anti-cheat for hackers, so it is difficult to get all of these players banned. If you really do hate the server, you can go play somewhere else, but the current staff team is trying there hardest to be as active as possible and keep the hackers banned, it is difficult, because we get hundreds if not thousands of hackers connecting to our server daily. Thank you for your concerns, and have a Great rest of your day!

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