/Plot Rate Command

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by ItzCRCuber, Apr 10, 2020.


Can all players have the /Plot Rate command?

  1. Yes, All players should.

  2. No, Nobody should.

  1. ItzCRCuber

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I think that all players should get the /plot rate command because it would be nice for the players to be able to rate peoples plots. It wouldn't hurt anybody by being able to rate a players plot. It would also let people know what people think about their plots and how the community likes it.

    Aug 10, 2019
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    this seems like a really good idea on paper, but i think it could easily backfire pretty quickly.

    this could become toxic really quickly & hurt people's feeling, and i don't think that "plot rating" should be necessary, nor does it affect the gameplay enough to be added. it's a cool idea - but i don't think it's necessary, and there are other things that could be added or changed that would have more of a difference on the gameplay.

    also, i understand why this would be suggested for the creative subserver, but on prison and survival, i just don't see this as being essential or beneficial in any way - especially since prison and survival are not "building subservers" specifically.

    -1 for me. good idea though, have a good day!
    puposaurus likes this.
  3. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hi there,
    Personally, I can't see players having the need for this ability, as half of the players most likely wouldn't feel the need to use it. As Marbellaa said, on sub servers which are fairly toxic, prison mostly, people would be using it as a hateful thing, and try to make people upset. On the other hand, it could be useful for players if they are going to a plot on prison and they can check the rating to see if it's a scam or not, but again that would only be useful for really gullible players who easily get tricked.

    Mixed feelings on this, but I agree it could be added to creative, but anywhere else would just be an excuse to make people upset. Overall I think not enough players would use it for it to need to be added, so it will unlikely be changed.
    GLOCKPRINCESS likes this.

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