CTF Feedback / Suggestions

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Dog7000, Aug 1, 2019.


Which suggestion do you like?

Poll closed Aug 9, 2019.
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  1. Dog7000

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Heyo, after playing a few games of CTF I have a couple of ideas that crossed my mind.

    Suggestion #1 - I strongly believe pvp would be a lot more interesting if we were able to purchase armor upgrades / weapon upgrades. The way it would work is, when you kill someone or get an assist on someone you are rewarded with points that you can use at an NPC located at your spawn point. This NPC would include all melee weapons (iron & diamond). It'd also include a place to upgrade your armor to chain mail, iron, diamond. It'd also be nice to purchase regular golden apples to regenerate health and able to increase enchant on your bow to a max of power 2 and purchase infinity. The reason for being able to purchase infinity from the store instead of now where you automatically get it is to reduce the amount of bow spam that occurs on it and it really takes away that fast pace when a majority of people are just bow spamming all the time. Right now, pvp is boring because all it is same sword and bow every single game. There's nothing to work towards while you're playing. I feel as though adding a shop to purchase upgrades would make the game less stale and attract new players.

    Suggestion #2: - Rotation of new maps. I've been seeing some good map submissions and I think some of the older maps should be replaced to keep things fresh and looks good on the server.

    I've been told by numerous people that CTF doesn't doesn't get any love and that providing feedback for the gamemode would be pointless, however, I think with this new website isn't just a fresh site but it symbolizes the new direction that MCCentral is taking. Alex has been posting changelogs every few days to keep us in the loop of updates and I've seen the administration team very responsive to feedback so I think we could expect some big updates to gamemodes

    Edit: When you die, there's a timer where you're in spectator mode and you have to right-click a paper in your inventory to respawn. That way, it's easier to RaR (record & report).

    Let me know what you guys think about these ideas!
    #1 Dog7000, Aug 1, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2019
    PrimeExamples and Tiberius like this.
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hey dog!

    i like your first suggestion. however, i can see a slight issue with it. having ‘armor’ upgrades from kills n’ such would encourage kill farming even further in the game and people would just farm kills before capturing the flag just so they could have better armor which isn’t 100% what ctf is about. i forgot when they removed it, but at one point clash valley had an enchantment table that you could use and enchantments would reset everytime you died; however, i believe it was removed due to some/lots players being too op compared to other players.

    as for your second idea.. personally, i kinda like the old maps like castle warfare and land of bones. although i do agree new maps in general are much overdue for ctf. problem with getting new maps is that owners n’ such are usually busy and have to review the maps that are submitted by players n’ all that.. (i think idk idk)...

    overall, your ideas aren’t bad, but i don’t really see them implemented. sorry, but this is gonna be a +0 from me

    have a nice day
  3. Dog7000

    Jul 24, 2019
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    By kill farming I assume you mean the other team spawn killing or are you talking about one person from one team boosting another player for kills? If you're talking about kill boosting then that should be a rule that is punishable. If you were referring to spawn killing, a simple solution is to make a barrier where the other team can't pass to avoid spawn killing.

    Fair enough, however, years after playing on the same maps isn't very exciting in my opinion. I think maybe later on the old maps could get revamped and implemented in the future. I appreciate your feedback!
  4. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    by “kill farming” i’m kinda referring to teams that tend to camp and farm off of kills and don’t capture the flag and win solely because the timer ran out and they had the most kills
    i’ve seen stuff about this matter be talked about; however, i think that mostly it’s not gonna be something that’s removed or altered and it’s just gonna be how the game goes.

    and then i don’t really like your about having a barrier for spawn. mostly because most maps have it to where you need to pass the spawn area to capture the flag, like Seclusion and Sandy Fortress (i might have names wrong, but they’re something like that). also, i’ve noticed spam killing isn’t as common as it used to be. like, every other game or so i’s remember people would just sit at spawn areas waiting for the kill n’ all that, and i’ve noticed that most people try to avoid killing becuase it slows them down and can get them killed and potentially lose their spot... if that makes sense.
  5. Dog7000

    Jul 24, 2019
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    So regardless if my pvp changes were implemented, it'd still happen either way. Also, we can't confuse defending your flag with camping because the game isn't just about attacking all the time.

    A simple solution to this is just to move the spawn point further back.
  6. Chronobiology

    Jul 25, 2019
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    Good suggestions! +1
  7. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    i wouldn’t really call it a “simple solution” as moving the spawns furtherback would result in altering/changing some of the maps that have been around for about 5+ years.
  8. Dog7000

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Well, maps that have been around that long should be rotated out anyways in all honesty. We need new maps to keep things fresh. You don't need to move the spawn point a long distance, just behind the flag.
  9. alexalang23

    Aug 2, 2019
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    I agree with the rotation idea, I'm tired of the same maps being played multiple times in a row. I also like the upgrade ideas as long as it would be lost on death or maybe even spawn in with a certain sword by purchasing it with gems? idk but your ideas are amazing!
    Dog7000 likes this.
  10. Yoloswsg247

    Jul 26, 2019
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    Dude I totally agree cause this would make it so much intresting
    Dog7000 likes this.
  11. ltself

    Jul 27, 2019
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    I like and understand where you are coming from with your idea, but in my opinion I'd like combat to stay as it is and I strongly agree with your idea about map rotations.
    puposaurus likes this.
  12. Dog7000

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Thanks for the feedback!

    Appreciate the feedback! Out of curiosity, why would you want the pvp to be the same? It's very stale and boring in my opinion.
  13. ltself

    Jul 27, 2019
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    I'd want it to be the same so everyone has the same chance of killing another and with the current combat you can see the different levels of skills in players.
    puposaurus likes this.
  14. Dog7000

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Skill? Majority of it is bow spam lol
  15. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    although the pvp year is just leather armor and a stone sword and an op bow, i really like the way it is. i don’t find it stale and/or boring in anyway. i think one of the reasons it should stay the same is just so it’s more fair to everyone. as i mentioned before, people could just farm kills just to get better armor before capturing the flag which can lead to a possibility of both teams just camping at their base and a race to who can get the most kills before your teammates and your opponents.

    although this is true, there are rare times where you get to almost fairly fight with swords.
  16. PrimeExamples

    Aug 3, 2019
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    All these suggestions could be a very interesting addition to the CTF mini game, although I don't think it should be an in-game purchase per player but rather a team upgrade that applies to everyone. Say both teams got so much currency per round to which they would use to either upgrade chest-plate/bow/sword etc. Making this a player upgrade would cause the problems such as spawn killing as mentioned before.

    Another idea would be to make this a vote at the beginning of the game;
    ~ Classic: Normal
    ~ Insane: Diamond gear
    ~ Magician: Potions

    I dont know just an idea :D

    -Prime (Matt)
  17. Dog7000

    Jul 24, 2019
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    That's why kills shouldn't determine whether a team wins or loses, it should be time based (15 or 20 mins max). If neither team reaches the objective in team then it's tied which doesn't as a win or loss.

    Interesting idea about team upgrades, I think team upgrades could very well be possible alongside the individual upgrades. Team upgrades could include perks like Speed I for instance. Spawn killing would happen regardless if my ideas were implemented or not, spawn killing can easily just as happen in its current state.

    * Edited OG post regarding in regards to an idea for hackers.
  18. ImConcerned

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I agree with your second suggestion but I doubt the first one will ever be added as there is many problems, farm killing, hackers becoming overpowered etc.all stated above in other replies.
    puposaurus likes this.
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