Whats poppin Hello everyone! I've come to ask for challenges to complete on minigames. (Example: pacifist- Win a skywars game without hitting any players) Please comment below with challenge ideas, I might make a video trying to complete them!
Here are some great challenge ideas -Stop uploading videos challenge -No one cares challenge Hope these help!
Survival Games: Make it to death match without hitting another player Capture The Flag: Capture the flag without getting hit once along the way Skywars: Win and Don’t take anything from your starter chest (bridge with grass on floor, fight with axe or pickaxe perk and get stuff from other chests) Skywars: Win a game without placing any blocks apart from tnt and only travel by only tnt jumping Speedy Walls: .... Try and get into a game (VERY HARD CHALLENGE) Goodluck :)
I'd like to suggest some simple, yet fun challenges. 1. Win a game of Skywars without Armour 2. Defeat 2 cheaters in a game of skywars. 3. Get an 11 kill game in Skywars (extremely hard) 4. Kill 30 people in a CTF game 5. Take out every cake in a game of Cake Wars I wish you good luck Jake, enjoy the ideas! Hopefully this satisfies your hunger for challenges in minigames! - Fox
Hey JakeOnPC! A few challenges would be: 1. Win a game of Skyward using only 2 pieces of armor your choice 2. Win a game of Skywars while Skybasing 3. Win as Murderer while having the sword out the entire game 3. Only snowballing/rodding players off (SW or TSW) 4. Bridging using only dirt 5. Win a game of TSW by yourself on a team 6. Win a game of CTF just by only bow spamming I think these would be fun to do during your free time and would be funny to see you try to complete! -httpmeme
Win a game using no ranged weapons (bow, rod, eggs, snowballs) Win a game with no armor Win a game except you can't use swords to melee Win a game but you can't open any chests
Hey man I got some ideas 1. Win a game of CTF using only the bow 2. Win a game of Skywars using the Pickaxe only 3. Get an Infinity power V bow in skywars 4. Win a game of Skywars using fists only (blocks don’t count) Good luck!
1. Win an SG game with a wooden axe and leather armor (or no armor for even more of a challenge) 2. Go an entire SG (or SW) game without eating a piece of food (golden apples included) 3. Craft diamond boots in an SG game
1. Win a game of skywars with no armor and no sword. 2. Ctf capture 5 flags in a row someones best record is around 14 3. mm win a game as murd kill people off by first tab to bottom 4. skywars win a game only using tnt jumping to get to other islands no pearls or bridging 5. win a one chest challenge in survival games 6. craft a wooden sword in skywars and try to win also no enchanting armor or the wooden sword.
1) Make a bridge from one end of the map to the other. 2) Win a match without dealing any direct damage (Bows/Punches...). 3) Unbind your S and W keys so you can only move sideways. 4) Win a match with your screen upside down Good luck! :)