I have been fully aware this entire season the dangers of dropping my upgradable pickaxe. However, I recently had a very questionable moment. I have had my drop key set to f12 for the majority of this season, and have never dropped my pickaxe in the mines. But today, as I was afk after mining, I hovered above the mine in warp x. I was watching my screen when all of a sudden my pickaxe just dropped right before my eyes. Right after the pickaxe dropped from my inventory (keep in mind I'm frantic, my hands were on neither my keyboard nor mouse), the mine reset. I immediately did /kit pickaxe and went digging, but it was reached first by User 'PantySmeller.' I then had to negotiate to get my pickaxe back, losing significantly valuable items to get my fortune 10 blast 9 pick back. The fact that my pickaxe just randomly dropped saddened me, because either it means that somehow someone with a hacked client forced me to drop it, or it means that the mine reset somehow triggered my f12 key to press. If any staff can help in recovering my items, I would dearly appreciate it.
Hey there! I significantly doubt that the mine resetting made you drop your pick, the more likely reason could be that you accidentally hit your key when it did. However, if you’re quite sure that you did not, you can always make a bug report => https://www.mccentral.org/community/forums/bugs, if you luckily captured the event. In the more likely case where you did not, I recommend simply unbinding your drop key to prevent future occasions like this. Simply press esc when asked to choose a key bind for your drop key. Have a good day :)