Season 8 Suggestions (Help Us Out)

Discussion in 'KitPvP General Discussion' started by AlexMarkey, Mar 18, 2020.

  1. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    Hey Everyone,

    What are some suggestions that you all would like to see on KitPvP next season?
    We are looking towards the community to suggest as many ideas as possible: Feel free to go crazy with ideas, no matter how big or small we are interested.

    I understand there is some obvious things (such as "Fix All" etc) which is fine, please list them, however we are also wanting bigger content ideas to assist in pushing the subserver forward with actual new content alongside these smaller fixes.

    No this does not mean we are resetting KitPvP right now, however we are wanting to start building up a handful of suggestions from the community ASAP so we can get a clear vision on what we will be working on when the time comes.
  2. JustBeChill

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hello Mr. Markey!
    My suggestions are when KOTH (King of the Hill) begins, it should fall right to the ground from the sky because in some places we like to 1v1, it kind of blocks the area which makes it difficult to 1v1 because of the pillars. My second suggestion is to have rewards for every 50 levels. [50] = $25 [100] = $50 etc, or make the prices higher than which I have stated. My third and final suggestion is to remove thorns, and punch 3. The reason why I say this is because it makes PvP unfair. Lets say I am 1v1ing someone with P5, I am unable to combo him due to his thorns so he has an advantage in combos. Punch 2 is already overpowered itself, why add punch 3. It just makes the player go even farther and sometimes makes it unstable. What I mean by unstable is that when a player is chasing after another player, it could sometimes go past the player by like 20-25 blocks. Also, if the player with punch 3 is being chased, they could easily escape while the player with punch 2 can die because their bow doesn't withstand the other player.
    Here are some random suggestions. Instead of rank legend and above get god apples, I say you should add bedrock and above because bedrock used to be the highest rank so I think it is a bit unfair. Another random suggestion is something similar to Factions. Adding a kit battle paper only coming from mythical keys. This kit battle paper can be accessed from every 15 minutes instead of 5 minutes because it will have protection 4, sharpness 5, and 15 regular golden apples or as KitPvP players call them "crapples". Other people have mentioned that there should be another event for a chance to win an event key which is a KitPvP tournement. Whoever wins gets an event key. Again, these are random suggestions I thought that it should be pointed out.
    Thank you and have a great day/night!
    #2 JustBeChill, Mar 18, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2020
  3. MasterChheda

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Personally I don't see how thorns makes it unfair. Sure, it's difficult to combo, but it's been a part of KitPvP since season 1 and no one has proposed a valid reason behind removing it. You can still combo people, and it helps with pushing people off of you if you want to run. Everyone can get thorns as well, so you can equally combat this "unfair advantage".

    Again I don't see a reason behind adding this. There is space all around the map where players can fight. Some people even intentionally fight in the KOTH area while a KOTH hasn't started so that they can get people into the corners. It's a strategical 1v1 spot. The idea of KOTH dropping seems cool, but I don't see a real reasoning behind it.

    I don't see a reason behind adding this. For a while, Kit has had Gapples in Legend and Immortal Kits with no complaints of adding it to Bedrock Kit. If anything, it makes it much easier to gain Gapples, which makes it more p2w if you have a higher rank.

    Highly disagree with this idea. It makes sense that a pvp-based sub-server should have something like this, but in my mind it would disrupt the economy. Since the beginning of KitPvP, people have made tons of cash from enchanting, combining, and selling protection 4 and sharpness 5. Where the downfall lies is when you create a kit based around these contents with such a low cool-down time that said person will profit much more compared to other players. It takes away the ability for lower-ranked players to profit when people with this kit get it quickly and can afford to sell the items for much cheaper. I also think this ties into the p2w aspect that Mr. Markey and many Kit players want to stay away from since a Mythical Key reward guarantees you unlimited protection 4.

    I know these are your ideas, but I just wanted to give my take on them. I don't mean any disrespect.

    I think this is a fantastic idea. Many staff have tried to host KitPvP tournaments, but it's difficult without the assistance of the Admins and Owners to set up the whole system. If a tournament-based event was added to a pvp-based sub-server, I think the entire community would love this. It could be set up similarly to how other servers have tournaments where every X hours a PvP tournament pops up that you can queue into. It could give you a kit like LMS does, which would be designed around KitPvP (so protection 3 maybe, crapples, some HPs maybe?), and you'd fight up the ladder to win and get an event key. Just a thought on how it could look, but I'm open to seeing anything as long as a tournament event like this is added.
    I know people will say that Kit has Mob Madness and KOTH already, but a pvp-based sub-server requires more events to keep people entertained. If you're pvping all day, you want to see more unique and fun events. Hopefully something like this gets added.

    A bit of a controversial idea, but if fix all prices will be staying, what if the 25% shop discount perk applied to fixing as well, which reduces the price even more and would make some members happier?

    Obvious idea that I'm sure many people will reply with: removing fix all cost for bedrock+ donators. The point brought up is that many older players paid specifically for this free fix all feature that was stripped away. Granted adjustments were made to make it more fair (reduced price and hell forge), I think people would be more satisfied if fix all were to be free for Bedrock+. To please lower-ranked players, the current price system could be applied for them. Two ways it could go: Coal-Diamond pay $25 for fix all and $2.5 for fix hand, and Rookies pay $50 for fix all and $5 for fix hand OR Rookie-Diamond pay $25 for fix all and $2.5 for fix hand. The prices could always be adjusted. Thoughts?

    An iffy idea so I understand if this is rejected, but what about replacing the current custom enchanter price of 45 levels with something else? That other item/currency I'm not sure of, maybe cash or something new added next season. Here's my reasoning: sub-servers like Skyblock and Prison have tokens that you get from farming. Tokens equate to custom enchants. Seems reasonable. KitPvP you can only buy EXP from /shop or vote unless you are Immortal in which you receive EXP when you kill players. This doesn't seem reasonable in my eyes since you're practically buying custom enchant rolls with in-game cash rather than using another method to farm for EXP that is similar to farming for tokens on other sub-servers. This current system in my eyes only seems to benefit Immortal players or 25% shop discount players since they can farm EXP or buy EXP for cheaper, and all lower ranks are left in the dust. Let me know what you think!
  4. Karl Bendik Meldahl

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I would love to see vote keys getting more stuff. due to rookies not really having any chance against ranked people.

    Also i would like to have a command. that lists people in protection 5 - 4 and their names.
    AcceWorld likes this.
  5. Karl Bendik Meldahl

    Jul 28, 2019
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    The thing that i would love the most to be added. is a map with parkour and traps. to get to some areas and it looking pretty natural :)
  6. JustBeChill

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Again, my suggestions are meant to be pointed out. I am not expecting this to be added. Don't get me wrong as I will take your ideas to mind Chheda. I like your idea for the fix all and fix hand for different ranks. This will encourage people to get ranks for MCC.

    This is definitely a +1 for me. I would love to see more items added to the vote chest. This will help MCC get more voters.
    Nice suggestion! Have a great day/night!
    Gard likes this.
  7. PainfulStrafes_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This. This is what is needed. It will bring back everyone who quit and will make it way easier for people below bedrock rank to get good stuff in kit. You removed free fix all because it make people too powerful but in doing that you also made people have a reason to farm rookies in gold killing the rookie player count on the server. You need to understand that having free fix all doesn't make you invincible, it's the crazy amount of god apples in the eco, they should be removed from ancient crates, and nerfed in myth and event crates. By making fix all something needed to pay with and needing to pay a lot of money, people have just been standing in the drop off farming rookies non-stop for hours. This is the reason why there are so many people at high levels this season compared to last season. People were farming crazy amounts of rookies to get money to fix all infinitely. Nerfing the gapple amount in the eco will make gap fighting way less of an issue since they are worth more and also adding the killing feature that also exists in skyblock pvp at the moment in which if you kill someone more then once in a row, you wont get any money for killing them.

    As for events, I also agree with Chheda. Kitpvp is purely based on pvp and as that should be said there should be more events on kitpvp to keep the playerbase competitive. There should be events every 2 hours. An idea I got is like a pvp ladder tournament where people are in p4, sharp 5, they have 15 regs (Regular gold apples) and and 2 rows of heal 1 pots to simulate the unique 1v1ing experience that kitpvp has and to bring new competitive players. Another event should that could be added should be last man standing. People are in prot 3, sharp 4 and have 5 regs and 1 row of pots. Last one standing wins a key.

    Understanding what the playerbase actually want and adding new features that will welcome new players will keep kitpvp alive and well. This season has failed and killed a lot of the playerbase built upon the previous seasons. Please Alex, listen to us and think about these ideas.
    AcceStrafer_, Gard, Noobathan and 2 others like this.
  8. nonRacist

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I got some ideas that i don't think would be too hard to implement and would make it better, if you think
    otherwise, or have a better ideas, please let us know.

    Lockable hotbar, you could lock your hotbar so you cannot drop items by pressing the drop button default Q
    it would say that your hotbar is locked if you tried and not let it drop.

    You could get titles depending on how many koth caps you have, like from 1, 5, 10, 20, 30 and so on you get a new title before your name
    or so, simple and cosmetic for the players, would give people more of a reason to grind for wins in that event.

    I would also say most players would be happy for all the 2 tall flowers and grass being removed from the maps
    i don't think i have met anyone who likes them.

    That's all from right off my mind, might add more later, might not.

    Thanks for Readin'.

  9. PainfulStrafes_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    The titles idea is actually cool, +1
  10. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    The number one issue that would single handedlay fix kitpvp is to remove gaps from the kit you spawn in when u first join and stop pay for fix for high ranks. This would stop rookie farming, which would boost player counts. I think that “Kill keys” should be added. Many servesers have them and they are usually smalls rewards (a little better than vote keys) and about a 3% chance to get them on kill. They should also add level up keys

    rewards for green levels
    A vote key
    A kill key
    20 xp
    A gap
    16 capples

    orange lvls
    3 vote keys
    5 gaps
    2 stack of cripples
    750 xp
    Sharp 5 fire 2 sword
    Grinder 2 book
    Fire res book
    Speed book
    Strength book
    10 gaps
    Ancient key (epic)
    increased auction paper (epic)

    Blue lvls 150-1000$, 15 vote keys, 12 kill keys, 16-20 gaps, 5 stacks of crapples, 45 xp lvls, kit money perk paper, all custom enchanted x2 (not hf), hf1 x1, ancient key (epic) myth key (epic)

    purple lvls- 300$-1350$, 20 vote keys, 15 kill keys, 32 gaps, 45 dp lvls, hf2, hf1, all other custom ehnchants x2, ancient key (epic) myth key (epic) event key (epic) all perk papers (rarer than epic) p4 ub3 set and s5, punch 2 x2,

    Red lvls
    P5 piece, hf2 p5 pices (epic) s6 grinder 2, myth key (epic) ancient key (legendary) 2000-2500$, 48 gaps, hf2 book x2 (epic) event key x2, vote key x 50, kill key x 35, 135 Xp levels, coal rank paper, iron rank paper (epic), gold rank paper, (epic)
    Kit money plus paper (epic, kit gives 200 a day.) kit gaps paper ( epic, kit gives 10 gaps per day)
    DrBrando likes this.
  11. Jcson

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This is a very minor feature.

    So basically, /stats (user) shows the person's koth wins. Since mob madness exists, maybe the "koth wins" in /stats be changed into "event wins" because why not. So when a user wins mob madness, it could count up towards the event wins.
    Noobathan, Gard and PainfulStrafes_ like this.
  12. PainfulStrafes_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Rewards for getting level milestones doesn't seem like a good idea because people will just farm rookies crazy for these rewards and hurt the player count even more than what little it already is atm
    Noobathan and Gard like this.
  13. nonRacist

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Well, the thing is. Anyone to see your koth wins needs to do that /stats [ign] thing
    and to be able to see it right away instead of needing to do a command to see it, it's a minor thing
    but would make a bigger difference than you would think at first, it's a title, basically a unique thing on mcc
    (for my own knowledge)
    That alone would make quite a few people grind for it, if for nothing else just for the bragging rights.

    Changes that Help people stay and play longer on the server and inspire more players to start playing don't need
    to be Grand and game changing, they can be something more mild and it still helps.

    I'm not sure about the koth and mm being combined into one as mm is a lot easier to win and can easily be cheated
    with low chance of getting caught. on koth there will be quite a lot of people trying to win, aka make you lose.
    (mm cheesin' it being your friend killin' mobs as well, and then letting you kill them just before event ending
    for you to gain large amounts of points and take the #1 spot)

    Thanks for the feedback though x

  14. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    similar to prison in season1, a spectator area so people can watch fights. since sometimes people want to watch certain 1v1s which can turn into other fights. i noticed a lot this season compared to other seasons when i played a little more, there's more 2v1s n such.. thought i could point it out. :flushed:
    babynoots, Noobathan and Gard like this.
  15. Jcson

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I already mentioned that it was a minor thing, and it doesn't make a difference at all. You may not notice it but a lot of people cheat during koth especially during the beginning so it's not just mob madness.
    Departition_ and Idekbruv like this.
  16. PDR


    Aug 19, 2019
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    -ADD AN ANTI-CHEAT PLEASE! (This will improve quality of life so much!)

    -For sure remove thorns, it's super annoying and OP, not needed at all
    -If you make fix all free, your basically giving hf 2 to everyone. Think about that.
    - Remove Punch 3
    - Include mob madness wins on /stats, This means have a line for koth and a line for mm.
    - Add the above stats to team stats, have a separate clan rank for this as well
    - Decrease event interval/add new events. Their should be atleast one event every two hours
    - Add both /koth schedule and /mm schedule (alias, /mobmadness schedule) respectively

    Ill add more later but this is what I got.
    Noobathan and Idekbruv like this.
  17. PainfulStrafes_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Making fix all free will not be hellforge for everyone, you will still need to type out the command to fix and many people who dont have the convinience of hellforge forget and their gear pops, also players below bedrock rank will still depend on hellforge.

    With the anti-cheat, everyone agrees that we need a new one that will preferably autoban blatant cheats like kill aura and bhopping to make the staff and players have a much better experience. However the anticheat will probably not come with the reset as it is rumored to be released with the Minigames Overhaul this summer so we will have to wait for that.

    There is already a /koth and /mm that show when the next koth and mob madness will start so this is pretty useless.

    Thorns is not OP whatsoever since literatly anyone can get it, the enchanting table at spawn is allowed to be used by anyone and it comes with the downside of armor breaking much faster so it is balanced.

    Otherwise I agree with the other things you have suggested though
  18. PDR


    Aug 19, 2019
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    In regards to the /koth schedule and mm schedule I'm referring to a command that shows the actual scheduled times the events take place everyday for those who don't know, it would also include the timezone.
    AcceStrafer_ and Noobathan like this.
  19. Curbin

    Feb 7, 2020
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    So i got a sugestion
    Wouldn’t it be better if u make it so u can be ftop 1 by winning koths and not make it by kills this will help the eco and will give us a larger playersbase since people are not gonna focus on killing gold people that much since they wont be battling for f top
    Thx for reading
  20. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    This post is about KitPvP not Factions
    Gard likes this.

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