Update the blacklist

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zguy2000, Jul 22, 2019.

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  1. Zguy2000

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi guys!

    So I've noticed that the blacklist is a little... Compact, I guess, for lack of a better word. Certain profane words are strictly prohibited and due for an instant mute, while others are completely free to throw out there. I understand that some aren't a blacklisted word because they can be used in different contexts (Such as an f-bomb) but this is still an E-rated game with a LARGE amount of kids on the server. Maybe I'm the only one that thinks a few more words should be added to the blacklist, but after some of the messages I've seen that can be even inappropriate for adults, I'll stand by my belief that blacklist should probably get some adjustments.
  2. MasterChheda

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey zguy!

    Thank you first of all for making this thread. Many people, including myself, can see why more words should be blacklisted. I understand this is an E rated game, but the server allows profanity as long as you aren't breaking rules such as excessive inappropriate language, disrespect, explicit conversation, filter bypass, etc. There are a large amount of children, but some swear as well. We allow modifications on the server such as Safe Chat, Chat filters in LabyMod, etc. to block any words a player deems inappropriate for themselves. If you think a word is very inappropriate or disrespectful like current blacklisted words, you can always bring it up so that it can be discussed and possibly blacklisted. For now, though, the server won't be blacklisting all swear words as many people before you have made threads like these and the rules haven't changed.
    Invader, TheTNTPotato and puposaurus like this.
  3. sadbaby

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey there!

    I think that the major part of the ''bad words'' are blacklisted at the moment, but you can always PM a higher up staff member (like an administrator) about this and explain the situation. I'm pretty sure that they're aware but you could always try to explain why these words should be blacklisted too.

    I think that the reason why they're not blacklisting this words is mostly because they don't want to be that strict, and if someone still tries to bypass this in some way they'll just get muted.
  4. Zguy2000

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Thanks for letting me know! Before I say my next comment, I don't want to get reported for rule breaking on forums, so I'm going to try to tread lightly as possibly to get the point across while staying within the boundaries. Intercourse is not a blacklisted word, but its 3-letter counterpart IS a blacklisted word. Sometimes. people can just use a synonym for the word and get away with it. Saying "Who wants to fuck" and "Who wants to have sex" mean the exact same thing, but one will get you muted and one will be overlooked. However, I'm not staff so correct me if I'm wrong on that.
  5. MasterChheda

    Jul 22, 2019
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    In this situation, both sentences are punishable. They are both explicit conversations with the second phrase bypassing the filter. Some words aren't blacklisted, like you mentioned an example, but certain use of it still leads to punishments that are even more severe than filter bypass would be.
    Invader and TheTNTPotato like this.
  6. Cxrtr

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey there,

    I think that some words should be added, but I also like the idea that players can still swear and have a somewhat toxic personality without getting punished for it. Allowing mild toxicity makes the server more enjoyable (for me, at least), and lets players get more competitive, without it going too far.

    As Chheda said though, all of the examples you provided break another rule. Most of the words on the blacklist are to prevent people from taking rules like Explicit Convo, Disrespect, and Racial Slurs too far, as they can offend people easily, and that isn't the goal. If you see anybody breaking those rules, you can /chatreport them ingame to get them punished.
  7. Ewhz

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This thread is very important, especially given that Minecraft is typically played by a range of younger people (11-17 is usually what I find). But at the same time, it'll cause the server to be less enjoyed if EVERY swear/curse is blacklisted. This makes the game more fun, especially when they're saying things out of anger to you, it's enjoyable to know you caused someone to rage that badly.

    However, if it is being used in a disrespectful manner or inappropriately then yes I can see where you're coming from.
  8. fouffy

    Jul 22, 2019
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    If you are talking about the forums blacklist to where you can't say any cuss word, I can believe that, and it is a bit frustrating. Even as an ex senior mod, I have always thought that the ingame blacklisted words and filter bypass was always too strict. I believe that every word on the blacklist list should be removed in my opinion. I would say only keep the very very bad words left on the filter such as the N word, other racial remarks, and other offensive words. However there are a ton of words that are on the blacklist that really shouldn't be there, and mcc was known for giving you the ability to use your vocabulary as long as it wasn't "too much". The rules in general are pretty strict to begin with, so without a filter I don't think it will have much of a difference because substitute words can still get you muted, or even the slightest bit of disrespect.
    MasterChheda likes this.
  9. astrophysic

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I think the amount of words blacklisted right now seems about right. Swearing is allowed on the server as long as you don't try to bypass any blacklisted words. If you firmly believe someone says something inappropriate or bypasses the filter, you should /chatreport the user if you wanna help out the server.
  10. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    As mentioned, there is a multitude of mods and the such that players can use to filter the chat on their own if they so choose. Swearing is a completely natural part of life, it happens just about anywhere. We shouldn't all have our language restricted just because some people are too sensitive to explicit language, yet too lazy to get a mod to filter it out themselves. This is a Minecraft Server, not a College safe space.
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