Hackers and the Toxic Energy that Follows

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CatBoyFable, Mar 5, 2020.


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  1. CatBoyFable

    Dec 28, 2019
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    Hello! I'm fableking and within this post I will be explaining how hackers--or rulebreakers-- bring out the worst in us by using philosophical examples. Thank u for reading!

    In this post, I shall argue how online hackers can bring out the worst of us by using the philosophical thinking of Zombies. In philosophy, zombies mean "imaginary creatures designed to illuminate problems about consciousness and its relation to the physical world." (plato.stanford.edu).

    As you may know, we consider zombie a monster, obviously. In "The Self's Clean and Proper Body" by Margrit Shildrick, she explains how we categorize
    Otherness- one who is monstrous. Monstrous is what we reflect our bad emotions to, if that makes sense. If we portray emotions onto another person, in a negative way, then that is our monstrous self. For example, road-rage. For drivers, and sometimes passengers, we witness other drivers who may be acting ridiculous on the road. Perhaps they cut you off or almost hit you-- that's when the monstrous comes out. We project our bad emotions upon this vehicle- not necessarily the person because we have no idea of who the person is!

    With that comparison in mind, let's talk about hackers. You're in a game of skywars and suddenly, you look across the map to see someone flying then killing someone using ka. Your initial reaction: "oh heck". The emotions felt can vary from anxiety to anger. Depending on maturity levels and defensiveness, one may respond with a simple "lol ur bad u use hacks" then it can get a lot more wordy from that point. This act of defensiveness is ultimately feeding the fire and thus portraying the monstrous of both sides. This cycle started out as a circle then quickly progresses in one of those hand-drawn tornadoes (google it if u don't know what i mean). Suddenly, both parties are in trouble. Of course, hacking isn't the only rule upon this server that may bring out the worse of someone.

    I was in a Capture The Flag game a few days ago and witnessed a singular player spamming disrespectful comments and bypassing the filter. This player was of course chatreported and staff members were notified; however, it did take a while for this player to get muted. During that time, players of the game became vocally annoyed and started pushing their aggravation towards this player, myself included. The situation wasn't being solved, though, by the players of the game becoming vocal. Thus, the cycle continued further. Of course, players during these games did not know the rulebreaker personally. We were just becoming aggravated at the username typing and the minecraft "body". Our monstrous self was being portrayed onto the "zombie" (player).

    In conclusion, we must keep our monstrous selves to ourselves- or at least try. As I've previously mentioned, it doesn't make that much of a difference to just argue with someone not willing to change their actions. They've succumb to the zombie within and that's on them.
    Thank you for reading this once again! It may be a bit confusing to read considering I rushed through it. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please leave it below!

    ItsDavld likes this.
  2. FalseReports

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I do agree that hackers can bring the worse side of us out very easy but we should just ignore them. If the player got reported to staff either in #support on MCC Discord , chatreport , and player ticket then you should just ignore them since they will get punished. It just makes it worse if you fuel the fire is what I like to say, just report and ignore!
    Bob50 and CatBoyFable like this.
  3. mxbel

    Jul 30, 2019
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    I love how you took something from a game, or as some people would call it, “just a block game”, and related it to real life topics and examples. It’s a new and interesting approach to forums, and I’d love to see more of these! +1

    On a side note of what you said, I agree to a certain extent with everything. Additionally, I would like to add that peer pressure and desire to say the “right” thing to a person in chat does play a part with players’ actions and words.

    Have a good day ❤️
    CatBoyFable likes this.
  4. Satou Kazuma

    Mar 5, 2020
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    Nice way of putting things. Hope to see more like this.
    CatBoyFable likes this.

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