Ideas? kinda? Maybe?

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by abbs, Jul 30, 2019.

  1. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Just a thought but it would be cool to see /kit shovel and /warp (sand/gravel/dirt) added next season. I think it would definitely result in more people grinding resources and provide a way to be more efficient and would also be another place to mine for tokens.
    Also adding a Custom /duel kit that players could use (You'd most likely pick from a selection of items from the other kits)
    This would give a chance to come up with some new fun possibility for example kit dizzy with only a bow as a weapon.

    And a custom enchant Version of silk touch would be a great addition to the game.

    Please feel free to add your ideas or criticism in response to this post!

  2. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I think that /kit shovel is a nice idea as people who mine their own plot need shovels and usually they don't have them
    I don't see why /warp sand/gravel/dirt as nobody uses them. I mean if you want glass you can buy it off /shop as its not too expensive.
    Have a nice day
  3. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    yo. I like the idea of "/kit shovel"; however i don't see it being used on the regular like kit pickaxe & kit axe. people would use it once to mine the top bit of their plot, then most likely never use it agian. Prison is mostly about making money n' such. having access to a plot and building on it is just a bonus. shovels aren't a big need in prison since most players usually mine in the warps with pickaxe or fight in the pvp warp. Also, not everyone mines the top part of their plot; some leave it there and just mine the stone parts. If this suggestion was made in season1 or season2 when the plots were only dirt, i'd 100% agree, but they're not and for the reasons i stated above, i don't think this is a good idea.
    Same idea goes for "/warp sand/gravel/dirt" sand, dirt, and gravel is only a lil' over 5k/stack in the shop, as mentioned by ItsGuih. I don't see a purpose in this warp since all of those items are cheap and aren't blocks that would make a lot of money if you were to resale them.
    I think if one of these (or both) was added to prison, it could result in prison feeling like survival [just w/o a fb] in a sense that you can get a full set of tools, and there's warps that you can collect resources from. Overall, i don't see any of these ideas being implemented into prison ever in the future mostly because they just wouldn't get used.

    Have a great day!
  4. OverHash

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Hello there!

    /kit shovel
    Your first idea is an excellent idea! A kit for shovel could be very useful, but firstly allow me to respond to @purposaurus

    I disagree with this, the entire point of a kit is to have a starter leg up. People barely use /kit pickaxe because it's a starter kit. for /kit axe is arguably different, however, it's still considered to be starter.

    I like this idea, because it can be annoying when you have the amount of power up your sleeve of mining many blocks in a matter of seconds, but fall victim to a few blocks of dirt.

    /warp [sand, gravel, dirt]
    I don't like this. You can purchase it from the shop easily, and it's not quite necessary.
    /duel [kit]
    /duel [kit], there is already this option? You can initiate a duel request by using the command /duel [playerName], and select a kit once they accept.
    Silk touch
    Honestly, it'd be great to have this, but as it's a regular enchantment I don't see this happening.
  5. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    heyo folks! ig i didn’t see your “/kit duel” idea when i first read. to reply to both of y’all, this kinda thing already exists in ArenaPvP and i don’t see a use for this to come to prison. Wager duels are mostly about dueling someone specifically to bet some money/make a deal or just for fun. queuing up for kits and fighting someone you don’t really intend on fighting is, as i said, in arenapvp. and to correct something/clear something up, OverHash you do “/duel <name> and you pick the kit then, not after the other player accepts it.

    yes. i agree that kids are mostly used for a leg up. however, i view kits more as a perk. being able to access them n’ such. i still disagree with the “/kit shovel” idea, but i would like to believe you comment about kit pickaze is wrong. i am a legend donator and i find myself using /kit pickaxe almost all the time not to mine but if im in pvp mine and i get stuck and/or if i’m at plots and get stuck whatever the case may be.
    so.. if that kinda ‘ll makes sense.
  6. Darenn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I 100% agree with the idea of kit shovel, no doubt and let's not hide it, making shovels can get annoying sometimes. But with a matter a fact, warp dirt,sand,gravel could be usefull for players that are starting off or it's an easy way to get free materials without having to do much.

    Really looking foward to this in the next reset!
    Thanks for sharing :)

  7. Twizz

    Jul 26, 2019
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    I approve with the idea of /kit shovel since ive been playing this server for quite a while and most of my time here is involved in prisons and back in the day your whole plot was made out of dirt and you basically had to make tons and tons of shovels because they kept breaking all the time. And ofc /kit shovel would simply remove the hassle of making them and wasting resources that you might need in the future.

    Thinking that the cooldown for /kit pickaxe,axe, (shovel) also should be reduced to 8-10 minutes
  8. FourNut

    Jul 22, 2019
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    They have a /kit axe, and a /kit pickaxe! Most people need shovels as well, and adding this could help with saving economy for a good shovel, and an Overall easy to make Spawner Grinder. Doing so could help a lot of players out, and it would be really balance with the /kits. I hope they add this!

    If you have any questions for me, just message me on discord at 4Nut#2232, or on my profile page!

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