Hey! KitPvP is not a Potion PvP sub-server which means that there is no way to accurately measure how good anyone on the server is a PotPvP as you probably have not 1v1ed everyone on the server on Pot. Even if you were to use ./duel this is still bound to be inaccurate because players are always going to have different ping. I'm from the AU/ASIA region which moves my ping to a four bar 180-201ms range. This makes it quite hard to win against someone with 30ms.
Of course a lot of people are just getting salty that they weren’t in this list even though people like 523 could 10 pot them on MMC or Lunar.
It’s definitely pot based especially if you have to get a whole inventory of potions to stay alive gaps and grapples are near to useless if you don’t have pots
This is so false. SeriousCirclesx and Nigracity aren't even good at potpvp, CrazyBlackShadow is a lot better then u, Bypaths is alot a lot better then u, and Twizz isn't even up there it he can easily be top 3.
Yes watch one of my videos 90% of them have the reach display mod and half of my vids are on 1.8 so misplace doesn’t work. You’re just extremely comboable bye
Wrong again isn’t that funny I get 45MS on the server so my hits connect almost instantaneously which allows me to combo you before you are able to hit me because your hits are delayed.
doesnt prove anything, theirs clients that can be injected from a phone, I think drip uses this and you can still autoclick too just hide it in a new desktop
I’m not even going to argue with you anymore lmao if u think I cheat then you think I cheat I have enough vids that has maximized as much as possible that proves I don’t cheat so idk what to tell ya ♂️