MCCentral Staff and handling of bans

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Naice1, Jul 31, 2019.

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  1. Naice1

    Jul 28, 2019
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    In this post i will comment on the handling of my ban and appeal by the mccentral staff and how their system makes it extremely hard to appeal successfully.

    I have never used any sort of hack or hacked client on minecraft and will maintain my innocence.
    Twelve days ago I was banned from mccentral for what was described as Kill Aura, now unbanned I would like to comment on the poor service of the staff. I will not name any of the staff members, this is not what this is about. Following my ban I immediately appealed and within 24 hours my appeal was processed, the result was a reduced ban to 10 days. I further again appealed, this time asking for the evidence or me cheating, to which I received in reply that appealing again would do nothing. An issue with this is the lack of discourse between the staff member and I, I had no reply on whether or not he/she could send me the proof and had to find out myself that they do not have to provide proof.

    Following this i contacted a admin on the mccental discord server, he/she was initially very helpful saying "ok so i see it. and i wanna talk to someone when they wake up about it". This was progress for me. Two days passed with no word back from the admin so I inquired about what was going on to the reply of "person never got back to me... ill re ask when they wak up". Following this over a day passed and at this point i was getting very frustrated so again i inquired, though this time i got no response, leaving me at a dead end.

    This in my opinion is very poor service and not up to par from what i would expect from the mccentral staff. All I had to go off to defend myself was that the proof was some recording. There was very minimal to zero communication from staff, leaving me feeling helpless in the situation.

    The staff member that banned me was only 15 years of age and have seen on the forums quite a bit of criticism regarding his/her process of bans and appeals. I didn't want to bring this up, though I feel as though it is a factor towards the ignorance and poor service. The problem with having such young people in this position is that they are ignorant and arrogant, maybe not knowingly though nevertheless are, i certainly was when i was that young. Having children handling these issues and making big decisions in the server as I'm sure he/she is can potentially prove a big problem. Imagine paying $100+ just to get banned for nothing just because some child is ignorant. The admin I dealt with through discord was again young though a bit older.

    Onto the appeal process and how hard it is to defend yourself, staff members are required to provide no proof of evidence in cases, i understand there are two sided as the person could be harassed but on the other hand not being able to see the proof and defend yourself you are left out to dry. I do not record my games as I'm sure most don't, though even if i did i would have no idea what particular game it was, again making it extremely difficult for the defender. Also what troubled me more was the fact that some staff don't need any proof at all to ban someone. This to me is completely and utterly absurd as it make any sort of appeal completely useless and I'm sure people have been incorrectly banned by this with no was to defend themselves. The lack of communication did astonish me though and is like the staff do not care at all.

    If any staff member sees this, if they wouldn't mind contacting me to talk about some issues I've faced i would be very appreciative.

    Thank you for reading!
    0ctagon and heatchh like this.
  2. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    False bans happen, and they are an unfortunate result of an imperfect system. Complaining about this here isn't going help you much at all; if you would like, you are always able to submit a staff report ticket on this matter. When you appealed, and the ban was shortened to 10 days; this is usually standard practice following a client modification appeal. Because this was a ban punishment, handed out by a Moderator, they are not required t show any evidence of their case. Moderators take frequent reviews, so their hack detection skills stay up-to-date.

    Admins are very busy people, and bugging them about a 10-day ban isn't something we'd recommend doing. Like I said, the best way to go about this is to submit a staff report ticket, and not make a show. The staff team has lives and we would like to live them separate from MCC; we need our downtime, too.

    The staff member's age should not affect their abilities. The reason our requirements are fairly low (minimum age to apply is 14), is because the game's target demographic is already not too high. We have multiple staff members who are 18+, but this doesn't matter, either. Staff members are promoted based on their maturity and ability to handle situations that may arise in higher ranks. I can assure you, promotions are not easy and you must work hard to climb the ladder.

    It is not hard to appeal a punishment. If you did nothing wrong, and you do not record your games, what is evidence going to do to help you? You most likely won't have your own video of the same game, and thus, it's kind of useless. I hope you see where I'm coming from.
    puposaurus likes this.
  3. Swinger

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I see how your experience might be annoying. I'm false banned fairly often, and there's a few things I think you should do differently in these situations.

    I understand that bans where you were reported, not witnessed, are harder to appeal because of the need to protect the reporter. It's frustrating, but actually beneficial considering the malicious intent of a lot of actual hackers (a group which is by far the majority of people who get reported). I also understand why you're concerned about moderators and above banning without evidence. Staff are required to take reviews to test their client detection, even as helpers, and this is why MCC trusts them so heavily with their decisions. I wouldn't worry as much about witnessed bans if you weren't hacking though; staff members are encouraged to record any cases where the player isn't obviously cheating (e.g. they look suspicious but not blatant), and they CAN provide you with that footage when appealing. The problem lies more in falsely accepted reports, something you're unfortunately dealing with and can only really resolve through discord communication.

    Your discord frustrations are understandable, but often going through another staff middleman when dealing with staff is going to result in you not being able to reach them. Your best course of action here is to contact them directly, so that you know that they're getting your message. I understand if you want a higher-ranked staff member backing you up, but it's better to message both the higher up and the person you're trying to reach so there's no miscommunication. If you still feel the staff member(s) in question did something wrong, you can report them at

    Appealing the actual reported ban with no evidence is hard, and the fact you got it reduced via appeal means you were fairly successful initially. When taking it further on discord, ask the staff members what it was about the video which made them believe you were hacking. My knockback is very glitchy as an Australian player, and I've had situations where that's what I've been reported for and I've been able to clear it up once hearing the reasons on discord.

    Unfortunately, apart from this there's not much that can be done. Understand that staff are human and do make mistakes, and when someone does, try and deal with the punishment logically/take the best steps in getting yourself unbanned. Also remember that the staff member's age doesn't reflect their ability; there have been 15 year olds who are considered some of the better staff members MCC has had over the years. You got banned on one mistake, so don't let it define how both the individual and the rest of the staff punish people.
    Dog7000 likes this.
  4. Naice1

    Jul 28, 2019
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    First off I'll say you have grossly misread the context of my post while stating some points I can only disagree with providing information available.

    Firstly this system yes is imperfect though I feel through design. the fact that certain staff members do not need proof to ban is completely outrageous no matter what you say or how much staff go through whatever review you talk about.

    Secondly your categorization of my post being a complaint, quote "Complaining about this here isn't going help you much at all" is a gross misread of what I am trying to say. In the start of my post I state I will not name the staff members as that is not what it is about. I could of easily named and ranted about my situation though instead I decided to explain and give criticism. You as a staff member having replied to this post in the way you have confirms to me that this server has a real problem with accepting what goes on but would instead not bat and eye, though try to justify certain members actions or the state of the servers. This is something I see in almost every post criticizing the server or a member of staff in the forums.

    Thirdly to my second point you could say staff report them, if you think for a second I believe from the replies of frankly ignorance I and others get from staff members that staff reports will be taken seriously you will have a very hard time of convincing me otherwise. Your point of "staff members age should not affect their abilities" is another point of ignorance, you yourself are very young and undoubtedly come from a bias point of view. If you think for a second that a for lack of better word, child is competent enough for a role with such weight as i described in my original post then I'm sorry that proves my point.

    You state "I can assure you, promotions are not easy and you must work hard to climb the ladder". Though the staff member handling my ban was hired as helper only seven months before they were promoted to Senior Moderator, to me this renders your statement null and void. You state based on maturity, though nothing I saw from the way my case was handled was mature or up to standard from what i expect.

    Regarding your last statement you disprove your own point. You state "It is not hard to appeal a punishment" but then progress to say "what is evidence going to do to help you" "You most likely won't have your own video of the same game, and thus, it's kind of useless" You prove my point exactly that IT IS extremely hard to defend yourself when you have no context and according to you even if you did have proof, it would be useless.

    Please to not categorize this as a complain like you did with my other post.

    Thank you for reading have a good day.
    0ctagon likes this.
  5. SatanStar

    Jul 26, 2019
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    Chill down bruh, -stay in the line, don't make a scene- is just a game, a game for we, we THE KIDDDS bruh, like Fortnite the hackers are 12 YO, also players and staff chill out bro, damn
  6. SatanStar

    Jul 26, 2019
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    I always thought that the staff were people without life and without soul, if the staff are people too busy, why they apply? to be more busy, bruh, thats crazy
  7. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Fact of the matter is, you are expecting far too much. I have spent several years on this server, and I was falsely banned once. I can't speak for your exact situation, but in my case, it took less than 15 minutes of communicating with the staff member who banned me to resolve the entire issue.

    Belittling staff members simple because they are younger won't get you anywhere. Will they be the most mature, unbiased people to deal with? Absolutely not. But when the target demographic of this game is between 8-14 years old you can't expect the staff members to live up to your exact expectations.

    If I'm reading this right, your ban was reduced to a 10 day ban. At that point arguing against it was and still is doing nothing to help your case. It's entirely possible that they could have handled the situation better, but to expect them to put their lives and other issues completely on hold for someone who had a reduced ban is ridiculous.

    ETA: 7 months is quite a long time to move up the ranks on this game. If they (unsure of who does promotions) thought the staff member was competent enough to become a senior moderator than clearly they showed the skills and maturity needed for the role.

    * I will say I have never dealt with and have never seen the staff member who banned you in-game before so I have no personal opinion on this matter*
    puposaurus likes this.
  8. SatanStar

    Jul 26, 2019
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    It's not too ridiculous to show off everywhere, they're staff.
  9. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I'm not sure I understand what you mean tbh
  10. Naice1

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I fell here you are contradicting yourself, you say I am expecting too much though state two sentences later that your case took 15 minutes of communication with a staff member to resolve the issue. I feel 15 minutes is not very much to ask for at all.

    You mention regarding the age of staff and how the target demographic is young so it is completely normal to expect young staff members. Firstly you have massively misjudged the age demographic, independent reviews and research shows only 20% of players on minecraft are under the age of 15. Secondly what matters here is the scope of the job they do, you no not have young teens being teachers in schools nor do you have them running government, just imagine, my point is I am not belittling them I am making the point they are by nature ignorant and arrogant and in my case proves it.

    Lastly your statement regarding me arguing won't do anything to help, if you maybe go over my original post you will see it was never about sorting the situation, it was about how they handle bans and the lack of communication from them results in almost certain denial of appeal whether innocent or otherwise. 30 days, 10 days, there is still a ban on my record. You state "but to expect them to put their lives and other issues completely on hold for someone who has a reduced ban is ridiculous" again you contradict yourself, refer to the first words of this reply.

    Thank you for reading!
  11. Serene

    Aug 1, 2019
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    I completely agree with this. I was playing skywars normally, and I killed a staff called "GoodBanter". I enderpearled to mid where he was at and strafed him off of the void. Right after his death, I was instantly banned, accused of using "kill aura". This is the first time I've ever been falsely banned and the ban lasts for 2 months. This is literally outrageous and mistreatment to players who are innocent. This staff didn't even take the time to check over and see whether I used "kill aura" against the other players who were still alive and record. I did not use hacks at all and I am going to say this, it is an abuse of power.
    Naice1 likes this.
  12. Yogi

    Jul 31, 2019
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    I'm not one to really judge the staff on here, since from my experience, they seemed like pretty helpful individuals. They're people that have taken the time out of their day to make the server a better place and the experience more enriching. That being said, I do think staff members make mistakes. It's just plain and simple. People in general -- make mistakes. Some people own up to it and some people don't. The situation that happened to you is very unfortunate and like @Zonafer said, it's the result of an imperfect system. The specific staff member should definitely undergo some training, as most large servers do but aside from this, there's really nothing much to be done.

    The only real way to prevent a lot of these mishaps from happening is to record your own perspective of the game. I personally do this to catch hackers, advertisers and the like but also to prevent myself from falling into a difficult situation like this one. I hope you don't have to interact with the staff in this way often, since in most instances they're pretty chill people! ^-^
  13. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    All systems are imperfect by design. No matter how much you plan ahead and account for everything, you are always going to have a case that slips through the cracks. No one is perfect, and that cannot be changed. I personally like the idea of no proof required after a certain point, because it takes us time to collect, process and upload evidence, which is more time we let a hacker, scammer or other rule-breaker roam free. Keep in mind that a lot of higher-up staff members still do collect evidence, but they are not required to share it with you, either.

    The dictionary definition of 'complaint' is "a statement that a situation is unsatisfactory or unacceptable." By that definition, is this not a complaint? Are you not stating that your situation and the manner in which it was handled is unsatisfactory or unacceptable? We don't tend to sympathize with the complaints and negative notions as staff because we talk with each other a lot. We get to know one another, and we also get to see both points of view. When that happens, it usually seems to us that the other party (in this case, you) is overreacting in their response.

    Like I said, if you have a problem, feel free to report the staff member in question here. Writing a complaint like this on the forums is not going to help matters, and it really just draws public attention to a private problem. Staff reports are handled very seriously, and I know this firsthand. Again, age does not matter. The minimum age to apply for the staff team is 14, and I think that it's already a little high. There are lots of reasons why the minimum age for a government position is 18, but think about it for a second; we are comparing a Minecraft server to a government that is in charge of millions of people. Of course there are going to be vast differences. I believe that my age does not affect the work I do; I will help out much like the other staff, I will complete my requirements, and I will strive to do my best all the time.

    I still stand by my old statement. It is not hard to appeal a punishment, and it has already shown in your case. However, your punishment has already been shortened, and our policy is that we do not remove punishments from a player's record unless there is evidence to proof that the punishment was false or issued by mistake. Even if the Senior Moderator in question was to provide you the evidence, you said you do not record your games. You would not have any evidence of your own to back your case up, and there would be no point in providing evidence.

    Can you please quote these independent reviews and research? Your case does not prove anything in the way of the staff team's maturity or ability to handle a situation; it just shows that every system has mistakes and that we can always improve. Who said anyone under the age of 18 is "by nature ignorant and arrogant"? Is there really any proof on this matter? Greta Thunberg, a 16-year old Swedish climate activist, is giving speeches to government leaders about climate change. Is that ignorant and arrogant?

    Andria is completely correct. It should be your job to initiate a conversation in regards to a ban/mute punishment. Staff are very busy, and we cannot go through and ask everyone their thoughts about the punishments we have issued. Every staff member is required to have Discord, so why don't you DM one of us and ask about your punishment? There is no contradiction here; Andria did the right thing, and privately messaged the staff member who punished her. Because of this, after a short exchange, she was unbanned. The thing is, by making it such a public ordeal filled with drama, the staff team doesn't want to help you. You are spitting on our name and completely disregarding our avenues to attain help; why should we go out of our way to help someone so unruly? I encourage you to think about these questions before your next reply. :)
    InsaneIsMyName likes this.
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