Cr suggestion

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by HH_Captain, Feb 17, 2020.

  1. HH_Captain

    Dec 6, 2019
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    I’ve been discussing with some people in my mentee group a while ago about a new idea for chatreports. When your chatreport get denied, you do not know which staff member has done it so that if you think it has been unfairly declined you can discuss it with this certain staff member and figure out why it was denied. I hope you take some time to think of the importance of this addition and I hope you have a good day/night.
    Thank you for reading
    BabyJuice likes this.
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hello hello! abar made a similar post regarding this topic not too long ago which can be found here. you’re not the only one who thinks this, or thinks this should be added. I, personally, would like to see this implemented becuase i get denied crs every now n then, but most times it’s due to time stamps and/or accidental deny which is unrelated to this post.
    anwyays, staff can’t change a denied cr to an accepted cr.. really it’s all about if the player gets fairly punished which i understand is probably why you had decided to compose this thread.
    i think pining a staff in support or asking a staff-friend who denied a player cr, works fine and then you can go to dm that staff in private on discord.
    in abar’s post, xbenz had commented that this once was a thing, but was removed so people wouldn’t target staff or whatever :/.

    overall, it’s not a bad idea, i think it’d be soemthing nice to have, but i understand why it was removed. not everyone is a “spd mentee” and having this feature could annoy staff.
    i’m -1 on this mostly since i can see staff getting annoyed with either mentees or regular players targeting, saying mean or disrespectful things, n’ other sorts.

    have a great day
    Abar likes this.
  3. HH_Captain

    Dec 6, 2019
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    Thank you for the reply, I have read abars post already and was just continuing on from what he had said, I am sorry I mention the fact about mentees but I thought it would be necessary to state where the idea originated from. I will take your advice and what you have said on board but I don’t see the aspect where I was either aggressive or rude towards the staff team?
  4. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    that part was not directed at you or really anyone specifically, it's just that it could be a possibility that could happen with, say, purposeful staff trollers or something like that.
  5. Abar

    Aug 15, 2019
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    Now that I’m staff I can see where this could be an issue LOL. Before when I was grinding CRs and what not I thought I’d want to know who denied it but now I’d rather not have to deal with people coming to me constantly about my reports that I deny. So I now see where XBenz is coming from and I do agree with the fact that it’s a good thing the feature was taken out. Thanks and have a wonderful day!
    puposaurus and kuieren like this.

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