Teleport Macro’s(binds) should NOT be bannable.

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by Bushhy, Feb 15, 2020.

  1. Bushhy

    Feb 15, 2020
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    Now, I understand that /sell macro’s, and /fix and such is an abusable feature when paired with macro’s, however teleport macro’s should not be bannable.

    What I mean by this, is that my mouse has a feature to put text macro’s on side buttons. Mice like Logitech, Razer, Corsair, ect all support this function.

    So when I would press Mouse5, it would type /p h, and when I pressed Mouse4, it would type /warp X.

    For someone like myself, with physical hand disabilities, this is a life saver. Typing out commands to TP over and over causes me excruciating pain.

    I talked with many of the higher ranked players on the server, and many of them did not even think that this was a bannable offense.

    Please allow teleport binds/macro’s. Specifically one button, one teleport limitation.
    OwenCW and ItsDrakonz72 like this.
  2. MasterChheda

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I don't see a reason to make teleportation macros specifically allowed.
    The main concern I have with accepting this as a rule is that players can macro teleport out of PvP. It takes literal seconds to type teleportation commands out such as /p h, but a fraction of a second can make a difference between being able to log or not. This may not seem big to non-PvPers, but it is a huge deal for PvPers and would affect the PvP atmosphere on Prison.
    I understand players may have issues with their hands such as you pointed out for yourself, but you can always spend a couple seconds typing out a command. It isn't brutal, and if you want to repeat a command, simply hit "/" and then the up-arrow to select past commands you've used.
    Command Macros has been a rule for a long time without any exceptions, so I don't see a need to suddenly change it up now when it's been functioning properly for years. This is my opinion, but again I don't see a purpose in allowing an exception to the rule when your support is based around being a tad bit lazy to type out a command for a few more seconds at max.
    OwenCW, AZXG and kuieren like this.
  3. Bushhy

    Feb 15, 2020
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    When you are in combat, then you are blocked from teleporting.

    And as I said, it’s not a lazy thing for me. Last year I had all the bones in my hand crushed, so I am still recovering.
    OwenCW and ItsDrakonz72 like this.
  4. Bushhy

    Feb 15, 2020
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    Could possibly raising the combat block timer, and allowing tp binds be a good middle ground?
  5. kuieren

    Sep 26, 2019
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    The problem is that'd allow people to instantly tp out of the combat area when their combat timer ends.

    The problem is not the combat timer itself but what happens after it ends

  6. Jointer

    Aug 22, 2019
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    Although macros seem innocent and don’t immediately pose as an advantage in game they really are.
    As a pvper I find it infuriating when you are beating someone fair and square in a 1vs1 and they run away and then disappear in less than a second because of a macro. Especially if had they had stopped and typed out /p h you would have caught up and tagged them.
    OwenCW and ItsDrakonz72 like this.
  7. ItsDrakonz72

    Feb 17, 2020
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    Everything about this situation sucks for all. I can understand why macros are banned, because regular people don't need them. (Sorry if that sounded a bit bad, I mean it all with sympathy. I just cant seem to piece words together right now.) However, you do need them because of a disability. I can understand why this is frustrating for you, because it is a basic function that people are punishing you for using. However, I can also understand why they ban for it. Im sure if you explain the situation, you will be unbanned in short time. I don't think it would be right to unban it entirely, because then it would be exploited by many. But if you appeal to the ban and the staff unbans you, they will realize that you need the macros, and eventually you will be able to use them and they will understand.
    mxbel likes this.

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